You should try to sleep 8 to 10 hours a day. As per your healthy sleep cycle. Oversleeping constantly can be a sign of health issues.
You should try your best to occupy every waking moment of your life with things that you have to do and things that you want to do in a day. You should also leave space in there for doing nothing through meditation or taking a nap.
Exercising 10-15 minutes every single day is good for you. You don't need to be a bodybuilder. Just somebody who doesn't eat too much and chooses healthy foods.
Nobody can really beat a man who is going through all 16 waking hours of the day. That doesn't mean that you are working all the 16 hours, but it means that you are aware of the 16 hours and fill them accordingly.
Don't waste away a moment of your life on frivolous things. None of the moments will come back. Enjoy yourself, but be sure that the thing brings you worthwhile job that you won't regret.
The internet is a lie. The lives on it are a lie. The only life you can truly compare your own to the one you lived yesterday.
The best way to accomplish your goals is to have a daily routine working towards them every single day.
Eat vegetables and fruits where you can.
You should practice budgeting by figuring out beforehand how much you are going to spend on food and basic necessities every single day. Look at that list long enough and make that list often enough and you will start getting better at cutting out the things that you don't need and making the system more efficient.
Every single major success is the accumulation of 100s of little steps. Don't beat yourself up about it if you don't get something right the very first or even the tenth time. Figure out how long it will actually take someone to learn that skill and get good at it. Knowing how long things are supposed to take to learn is also a skill. You do that and you can stop feeling bad about the times you sometimes get things wrong.
Remember, doctors are trained for a decade or more before they are allowed to perform high risk operations. It takes years for humans to learn how to do something near perfectly every single time. So don't feel too bad if you make mistakes. Mistakes are a part of the life experience. Instead, note your mistakes, and work on them over time.
Avoid friends who make you feel worthless or looked down upon. It might either be a case of bad friends or low self esteem. In both cases, it doesn't help you to stick around until you overcome the issues at hand.
Remember to stay hydrated.
It's okay to be upset or angry or frustrated. The problem comes from how you express it rather than what you feel. You can feel sorry for the outburst without feeling sorry for the reason you had the outburst. Don't let people trick you into throwing away the reasons you are upset just because you couldn't control how upset you got.
Have principles and stand by them. Having principles comes with the territory of missed opportunities, but it also gives you a firm base to stand on, and not to have to worry about being easily manipulated or taken advantage of, because nobody else can move you around freely and convince you to do whatever they want.
It is better to fully stock up the supplies before rebelling than to rebel without resources. It you are going to stand up for yourself, try your best to ensure it is from a position where you can continue to support yourself even if others leave.
It helps to keep a diary to track your day and to note your thoughts down into. Some of you may not have that opportunity because of others living around you but you can still try to have a diary on your computer with a password on it. Just make sure you don't write anything illegal in it.
Enjoying life during hard times is not illegal. If letting yourself be happy or not happy won't change the impact of the problem or what you can do about it, then its okay for you to be happy. Too many people want a proof of guilt of shame even when it solves nothing. You can get home and laugh after a hard day. It's alright. You don't have to make your life a constant uniform theme.
Even in hobbies and entertainment not all are equal. Look for the ones that you can enjoy that are also the most beneficial to you. You get the most benefit when your interests and its future utility align.
No is a complete answer. The world is a better place when we aren't rude to one another, but being rude is better than being a sucker for a scam.
Remember to brush your teeth daily. Don't make bad decisions on the basis of science one day solving the problem by the time it reaches you so its okay. There is no way to know which parts of science would stagnate and when. There is no linear curve. Sometimes decades happen in years and sometimes years happen in decades when it comes to advances in research.
Technology will not save you. Information will not save you. Consumption will not save you. Only the choices that you personally make will save you. For everything given free by the world is given freely to you and everybody else, so you are still on the same page near the bottom at the end of the day if you do nothing for yourself.
Live a good life. Be well.
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