
Friend visits from vacation and she becomes deeply upset imagining his lustful eyes


I have a good friend who 98% of the 2 years I've known him has been a complete and total gentleman. He has not flirted, been inappropriate or made me feel uncomfortable... until this week.

He's visiting me from another country and we've had a great time sightseeing and whatnot. Out of nowhere one night he just started getting that look in his eye and I just knew he was feeling horny and I was the closest thing around. We were NOT flirting and I was NOT giving any signals that would encourage anything and as soon as he started acting that way I said good night and went to my room. The next morning he was back to totally normal and respectful.

Then last night, it being his last night, he stated getting emotional about leaving and got really, really close in and I know if I wasn't obviously and visibly uncomfortable or made eye contact with him, he totally would have kissed me. Ugh.

I really don't think he actually has feelings for me, it seems more like he gets emotional and wants to get physical and it just grosses me the frick out. Like, why ruin a friendship like that? Why act like a totally normal friend for 2 years and then just try something right before you're going to leave with no future date to see each other again?

I'm just feeling major ick and wish it wasn't like this EVERY FREAKING TIME. At least this guy is perceptive and empathetic enough to take a hint and not push things.


Her post history details how every man is a s*x pest.

Street corner evangelist was clearly having dirty thoughts


My old friends probably think I'm a crazy man hater


Despite this, she did have an excellent roll in the hay with one of those horrible disgusting scrotes at one point - he asked for consent every couple of minutes.

I had the best first sexual encounter of my life


Unfortunately, he disappeared without a trace shortly after for no fathomable reason. Men are so rude and inconsiderate!

My friend just said people are caught up in their own lives and generally ghosting is not personal. Thoughts?


Filthy scrote found her post history




Original rdrama thread:

The girl who apparently completely made up a story about being violently throw down some stairs at a bar is being sued for $30,000. The lawyers going with the bold strategy of just saying she is right:

Reel did not respond to a request for comment. Almost all of her videos — including ones detailing her experience — have been wiped from her page. Only one TikTok video remains up: a statement from her attorneys posted Saturday alleging that she sustained a concussion and multiple lacerations from bar security.

r/chicago thread

There are a couple of posters reaching for any defense they can conjure up.

Why is this one a cut and dried ‘she lied' real fast when men say/do stuff there's a heck of a lot more comments saying ‘innocent until proven guilty' or ‘I need to see more evidence to believe xyz.' I'm not saying your comment in particular, in society in general it seems the onus for more evidence always seems to be extra on women.

Hubbard Inn admits that they have at least 45 seconds of security video that they don't want to release publicly. That's suspicious, to me, since that short amount of video would exonerate them.

Julia says she has the receipts of a police report and a hospital trip. She hasn't stated the date or time those events offered, which is also fishy, since those events happening before the release of her initial video would prove her innocence.

I'm reserving judgment, but currently it sounds like a drunk entitled young woman got out of line and was manhandled by an inexperienced security guard. Just speculation, but Hubbard Inn appears to have chopped up all of the “good” security footage, and posted it to TikTok since they were hemorrhaging money. They're probably trying to milk this for all it's worth, until the rest of the video comes out, and the public turns on everyone on both sides.

That first part is a lie btw, it was that there were 45 seconds when she wasn't on video.

“Any ‘gap' in the video coverage in Hubbard Inn's post was approximately 45 seconds; but, to be clear, there is no security camera footage that supports Defendant's false claims of assault.”


And let OP believe he was the reason

Cant be fricked to link comments, but alot we dont what the dad did to lead her mom to cheating,she was not really the reason, he chose to maid etc.


After the recent drama :marseypopcorn: I decided to make this wholesome :marseylovegigaorgy: image! Please :marseybeanpleading: follow :marseycursor: me on twt btw🤲🏿🤲🏿🙏💀😹🤯

I am not even a Manlet but these threads always crack me up.



The whole scandal was about non liscenced therapists being on the platform and better help doing no vetting on who's offering services on their platform.

No, that is NOT what their scandals have ever been about.

Your research is laughably bad lol

Also tons and tons of youtube vids you can watch on the topic.

I just read the entire article you linked, nothing in there at all about non licensed therapists being on the platform. Care to quote the relevant section?

I didn't even bother reading it because this is such a widely known controversy I figured I could pick any article. Here's another for you:

The article you linked literally says the opposite of what you claimed. The complaint was that users could not SEE the credentials of the therapist they're seeing, not that the platform is using unlicensed therapists.


Obviously you got a terrible therapist in your anecdote, but how does this connect to criticizing BetterHelp? What do you want them to do, screen providers for their political views or conspiratorial tendencies? How would they even do that? How would something like that even come up when providers sign up to participate in the BetterHelp network?

That's why it's a scam. There's no screening at all. Your personal beliefs should never even come up if you're supposedly a professional.

What do you mean by “screening”? This is never done in the healthcare industry. Do you think BlueCross BlueShield, Aetna, Cigna, or any other traditional health carrier screens their providers? They don't.

What the frick are you talking about. You're telling me that ABSOLUTELY NO ONE in the healthcare industry screens their professionals? This is utter bullshit. You work for BetterHelp don't you?

You don't know what you're talking about. There's no reason for an employer to screen HCP when they're licensed. The screening is done by the regulatory body that does the licensing, and any employer who hires you just has to check to make sure you're licensed and able to practice. Why would they run a full background check or whatever on you? Anything serious that would prevent you from being hired would have resulted in your license being suspended or revoked.

There's plenty reasons for it. But you're so sure about it.


Are therapists predisposed to having mental illnesses?

I've never heard of such a thing. Never heard of any other health carrier screening doctors for mental illness. That seems completely ludicrous.

Therapists for a therapy service not being screened for mental health? I had to fill out a psychological survey to apply at fricking Best Buy.

Doctors don't go through any such screenings when they join provider networks, their qualifications are professional in nature — meaning, that they are accredited providers of the services they perform. This accreditation is not done by any health insurance carriers or provider network administrators. So BetterHelp does not do it in the same way that Blue Cross Blue Shield doesn't do it. Whoever your insurance carrier is, they do not “screen” any doctors that participate in their networks in the matter that you are describing.

You're just saying stuff. Do you have some kind of source on this?

Are you a therapist? What are your credentials? To obtain those credentials you didn't have a psychological screening ever? Wow.



The context is a guy getting hit in the balls by a baseball pitch




I (47 F) found out that my 7+ year relation was over via FB when I saw pictures of my SO (49 M) on vacation with another woman.

We were long distance starting right before COVID, so we hadn't seen each other in a couple of years.

I was still putting in the effort. He was not.

Apparently, he had decided it was over & just figured I would get the hint if he stopped speaking to me. This was AFTER we had several long conversations about our relationship being basically a marriage without the piece of paper. He thought the piece of paper didn't matter. And, although I agreed, apparently I was the only one who took the commitment seriously.

Anyway, when I confronted him about it, he just ignored me. Go figure. So, I contacted her. She didn't know anything about me, so SHE confronted HIM. They had been together just about 6 months & he hadn't told her anything about me. Although, they had talked about moving in together & getting married, things he & I had agreed we were not quite ready for yet. Apparently , that was just for me.

Cut out the rest of the boring 888 :marseylongpost: Foid is very surprised that her LDR relationship with a man she hasn't seen in years is over, finds out the new fangled internet way. :marseylaughpoundfist:

She rightly gets pilloried in the comments, leading to some incredible mental gymnastics:

You say you were basically married to someone you hadn't seen in years. There's no such thing. Either you are married or you are not. And not seeing someone for years means you aren't even in a relationship. He didn't tell you because I think most people would gather that. :marseyautism:

So, you're saying anyone who doesn't see their significant other for a couple of years & still thinks they have a relationship is stupid? :marseyagree: I know a few military families that would beg to differ. Regardless, I gave him repeated opportunities to bow out gracefully, but he assured me everything was fine. Not everyone who has been married before is down for getting married again. I thought that was the agreement. But I guess that was his escape clause. I am upset that he cheated, I won't lie about that. But what really hurt, what made me more sad/angry/betrayed/every other emotion than anything else was being lied to. Being told repeatedly that everything is fine, that there is this future waiting for us, only to find out that the first opportunity he got, he took, and still reassured me that everything was fine.

Mega cope jfc :marseywall:

Still coping as of three hours ago:

Seriously though. Honey, you're young & you have yet to meet all the men who are going to piss you off. Eventually, you'll find the right one who will piss you off about the right things. It will make sense later. Hopefully he's good looking & has a nice butt. Long distance is hella hard. I was a sailor and a Navy wife and just ended a 7 year relationship because we were long distance for a couple of years, thanks COVID, and I found out via FB that he had been cheating. But I digress. Long distance is hard. Even for the strongest of relationships. I don't know how long y'all have been together, but this doesn't bode well for your relationship once you're separated by miles & not just a few hours of work. You're going to be in a new place, experiencing new things, meeting new people. Do you really want to be saddled with a lame boyfriend who chose hiking with the guys over you on your last weekend when you're meeting new "people"? Just remember, be safe, take care of you, wear sunscreen, make him wear a condom :marseyspal: & always have $ for an Uber

This post is basically a figleaf to try out the newfangled redditor harassment tech, so /u/lagx777 please join and elaborate further :bitchplease:


She's nuked all her socials already.

Bar's TikTok:

Reddit discussions:


OP is not only a Leaf hooker, they're a janny for Canadian hooker subs :marseylaugh:

Reported by:

(OP said she thought she was asexual until she discovered that her mother had her fun button removed.)

Selected comments:

I'm asexual, don't have s*x, and I am still a successful person doing a lot with my life so I don't think it's the end of the world

Yeah sis, someone having her clit dug out with a rusty spoon :marseysaladfingers: is totally fine because s*x doesn't matter to you personally :marseychonkernoticeme:

I mean, first of all, an Ace person wouldn't be upset at all about not being able to feel sexual pleasure.

I'd love to not feel anything. I find it to be an inconvenience that comes with my body, rather than a good thing.

The clitlet actually apologized for upsetting this person, lmao

You likely are asexual. A woman's clitoris is much much more than the bump up top, the nerves curl all the way around the vaginal opening down to around the anus.

Reddit psychologists :marseychefkiss:

There's also a few slapfights about circumcision dotted around the thread.


!britbongs @BussyBoy

People were already sus about the photo this morning

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