
By confirmed dead, I mean a car crash has been scheduled in a Paris tunnel.

Twitter foids seem really into this so let's see how gay this website really is.

What was the plan here?


Context: Dr. Charlotte Proudman is a gigafeminist known for her hot takes, including:

Today, she has launched a campaign to change the law so that moids have to prove a foid consented when defending an accusation of r*pe. In her own words:

It would put the onus on defendants to show how she consented, if she wanted to have s*x, if she was asked if she wanted to have s*x, what steps did she take to make sure that she was wanting to have s*x and was enthusiastic about it.

Proudman (who I have personally diagnosed as having Narcissistic Personality Disorder) decided to make herself the face of the campaign, producing this wonderful poster:

The slogan itself has become a point of contention:

Selected comments:

This is obviously r-slurred, but naturally there are some male feminists arguing against their own self-interest :malefeminist:

Why do you think this switches the burden of proof to the accused?

Because that's literally what she said it does? :marseyshrug:

The criminalisation of basic human behaviour continues.

I'm 30, there are only a handful of times the woman actually said ‘let's have s*x'

Which 'basic human behaviour' are you referring to, coercing women into s*x?

:marseysnoo: That Redditor should be arrested for not getting the consent forms signed!

I feel that these sorts of things are proposed in bad faith to make feminists look ridiculous.

:marseygigaretard: Feminists would never say something completely r-slurred unless they were plants.



Finding plump foids attractive is a crime:

Foid moment :marseywomanmoment2:

"I've been thinking about this for a while and there's no other place I can express it, so here it is. Tell me what you think of the following idea:

Men are not capable of romantic love. They pretend to love women to get free labor (s*x/mommy bangmaid)

High value men (hot/rich) will use the promise of love to trick as many women as possible into free s*x, if/when a HVM wants children he will enter an established relationship with an attractive younger woman long enough to convince her to birth his children. If he isn't rich, he will likely stay with her long-term to avoid child support/get free domestic labor/boost his image. If he is rich he will not stay long-term, unless to boost his image. Regardless, HVM will not be loyal, and will cheat if they think they can get away with it.

Low value men (average/ugly and not rich) will use "love", or the potential of it, to trick women into relationships so they can get free s*x/mommy bangmaid they wouldn't be able to get otherwise. They deeply resent the fact that they can't have whatever woman they want like the HVM, and will often take it out on women, especially the women they're in relationships with. They would cheat if given the chance, they just usually aren't. This creates the illusion of love and loyalty."




We had filled out the paperwork not too long prior, but he said he wanted to give it another go. That didn't last long. He changed, got mad when I didn't change with him. I'm not going in to the whole thing again, but man, I am still angry. He wanted the divorce in the first place, he also wanted to "make it work", but he also didn't want to try anything other than me changing.



:marseypuke: :marseywall:

Its 2024 :capy2022: and Whemen still get asked DISGUSTANG :marseydisgust: questions like this :smh:

I wonder what carp would do if he was alive to see this

@A pls pin in memory of carp

!sk8trbois assemble


“A small but mounting body of evidence describes female psychopaths as prone to expressing violence verbally rather than physically, with the violence being of a relational and emotional nature, more subtle and less obvious than that expressed by male psychopaths,” he noted, adding that may include spreading rumours and lies for personal advantage.


daily reminder :marseywomanmoment2:
Why are all scrotes gooners?

In a twist, this is asked by a woman (male) who tried to start an :marseyfans:

Kudos to the nerds that must compulsively stalk anybody on the internet that says something they don't like :marseylongpost:

Another win for :marseyjerkoffsmile: chads. Yanking it is cool after all.


The math teacher asked the class (7th grade) if their parents can still help or if they slowly reach their limits. My son told in class that his father has no problems at all but I start struggling. When he told me that I felt really hurt. My husband stepped in, I thought he would have my back bc first he said that this wasn't true. Then my son clarified that the question was only about maths….then my husband smiled and said „well, then that's fine“ and lightly laughed. I totally lost it. For some background: I hold a university degree in psychology, math is also a part of my education (statistics, probability calculation) but I'm not really interested in maths but really like learning and teaching my son about languages and biology. So I help my son with German, English, French and Latin as well as biology, music and random other school topics. So when it comes to maths and physics I stepp back and my husband takes over. My thoughts are „why should I put effort in a topic I don't really appreciate when my husband - a studied physicist- can do it faster“. They both interpreted this as „she's at her limit, haha“. AITA for reacting very emotionally and starting a fight?

EDIT: some of you asked for more clarification (very much appreciated instead of judging at first glance).

I used some expressions incorrectly , I am not a native speaker. We had a heated discussion for about 5 minutes where I criticized his attitude. I asked for 5 minutes alone time, then we apologized to each other.

Before the discussion with my HUSBAND I very calmly explained to my nearly 14 year old son, that I feel he gave a wrong presentation of me to his teacher in front of the class. I reacted emotionally when my husband laughed at me.Z

I do at least 90% of all school support (that's expected here in our school system, they lack a lot of professional teachers) including maths! When the new topic was introduced my husband showed more interest than before. That's when I took the chance to step back a little.

It‚s not about maths anyway. It was my husband's behavior, the laughing, the attitude. He doesn't like driving the car, no one would assume he is not capable. There have been comments in the past from people, I always stepped in and said I like it more so he lets me. He didn't pay back.


My sister is amazing at math. She has a master's degree and a career in math. But when she was in 8th grade, she had a male math teacher who told her that she shouldn't expect to have a career in math because she is a girl and she is just naturally not as good at math as the boys. There's a lot of sexism in math.

I get why you were upset. As a woman in science, I bet you've had similar experiences. I know I have.

Women have to fight extra pressure to prove they are good at math because of sexism. It would break my heart if I found out my sons thought I couldn't do 7th grade math. I'm sue it broke yours too.

The A's here are your husband for laughing and all the men who tried to teach you that you shouldn't expect to be good at math.


:marseykween: explains her insurance fraud scheme :marseymerchant: :marseytampon:

Meet piink mango

((I know it's a link but I'm not a paypig :marseyraging:))

>I'm always on my period

Have you considered that's because you're :marseyobesescale:

>How do we stop wreckless driving as a whole?


Don't mention abortion bans or pick up 25



Smartest foid in this comments section:


Pink mango explains her plan to stop wreckless drivers, which includes getting rear ended by preferably a Cadillac and then free bleeding all over herself to make the other driver believe she had a miscarriage.


Found this post on reddit and somehow everyone involved has just missed the problem is women being :marseyfoidretard:

:marseywitch2: says EMPLOY FEMALE ENGINEERS

Further to the stream last night, Odysseus has successfully landed on the moon.

The control room was filled with moids, and it turns out us dramanauts weren't the only ones to notice.

NASA is filled with foids. NASA has to outsource everything to companies filled with moids. :marseywrongthonk:


Destroyed with facts and logic.

Wait, is this a leftoid complaining about illegal immigrants taking her jerb? Is it a feminist rightoid? Let's check her profile.

ok what

@HeyMoon I found your Twitter account

Reported by:
Sorry, Popular Kids: The Nerds are the Kinky Ones :marseygossipsmug:

I never knew this was her comic, but she's great! I'm going to only post the watermarked version from here on out.

One of my most popular cartoons (which had the watermark removed by some butthole at some point- not sure who- but luckily my “art” style is bad and distinctive enough that everyone still knows I made it) depicts a phenomenon that I've long believed to be true: the nerds are having better s*x than the cool kids:

I noticed this back when I was on Reddit. Reliably, you can go to /r/s*x for “questions” that are actually thinly-veiled brags by people who, in my estimation, recently realized that they are able to have s*x and are extremely excited about it.

I lost my virginity at fifteen. Not endorsing this, by the way, in hindsight I think it was a bad experience that was psychologically damaging, but anyway…I was very proud of it. I knew that most girls my age had not had s*x, and I felt that being a non-virgin made me special. I mean, I had suddenly entered a club that included both Hillary Clinton and Britney Spears. What could be more exciting? I would regale my virgin friends with pseudo “concerns” like “Hey guys, after having s*x do you ever feel like your legs kind of ache? Oh, just me? Weird!”

/r/S*x is a bit like this. Every day someone will post something like “Is it normal that I LOVE going down on my girlfriend more than I enjoy penetrative s*x?” or “My boyfriend made me c*m 15 times yesterday…is this normal? Should I go to the ER?” At first I found it irritating, but then I realized I don't even subscribe to that subreddit and never did, I was going there specifically to read these posts for whatever reason, and ultimately it was easy to ignore them if I found them tiresome.

But it got me thinking.

Reddit is for nerds (generally.) These nerds are posting about a lot of wacky s*x they're having. It's easy to dismiss these stories as fake (and I'm sure some of them are, I would know a thing or two about fake Reddit posts) but I also think a decent amount of them are real. Because there is nothing about being a nerd that makes you less sexual. Liking dungeons and dragons does not make you impotent. Being an annoying girl who wears cat ears and talks like an anime character doesn't cause vaginal dryness. The nerds are having s*x.

This seems incomprehensible to some because nerds are typically late bloomers. You don't see a lot of nerds losing their virginities before the age of 18, and I would argue many of them don't until college or later. I remember playing a game of “never have I ever” with some nerds in college, wondering why all the prompts were “never have I ever been to Minnesota” or “never have I ever seen a Komodo dragon in person” and it dawning on me that everyone playing the game was a virgin (perhaps even a third base virgin), despite being over the age of twenty...

Read the rest...

And you should subscribe to her substack because she's great.

A very very very online 30-something mom and fashion enthusiast. Former Reddit troll who earned a total IP ban.

@CartoonsHateHer if you're already a poster here, say hello and I'll give you tons of DC and awards.

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