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NO DRAMA: Why the FRICK are Foids Wearing $200 shitkickers all of a sudden

I went on a FRICKING ski trip to New Mexico recently and spent a LONG butt time at Denver Intl (LIBERAL :marse#yclintongarrison: SHITHOLE) because United is a fricking GARBAGE airline. :marseym#anysuchcases:

Anyway, as I slowly died a soul death while charging my phone at the gate after getting plastered at the New Belgium brewing restaurant/bar I LOOKED UP and EVERY SINGLE FOID :marseywomanmoment: was wearing :marseyblackcock: $200 blundstone chelsea boots - literally sposed to be :marseylolcow::marseytexan: farm :marseysneed: shitkicker boots. Also why the FRICK are they :ma#rseybux: TWO HUNDRED PLUS :ma#rseybux: dollars. (I want a pair).

HOW do all :marseytrad: FOIDS :marseytrad: suddenly transition to a NEW footwear FAD in like a SINGLE day? Is there a signal chat or something for updates?




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This :marseysharksoup: reminds me of when all the hipsters started wearing Carhartt gear :marseypunished: and my friends :marseymeangirls: in the trades would b-word :marseychonkerbutch: about the price increase.


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i think this may be part of that general trend :chudsey: FOIDS ruining MENSWEAR :marseydarkfoid#retard:


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justice for my dad, who had to stop making chud jokes to other guys dressed like him after it became a hipster thing

jk he still does it and then calls me to laugh about how upset they all get :marseyxd: thankfully a tiny little cute twink in a carhartt that's never seen a day of real work isn't actually a threat to anyone. duck and caterpillar brand jacket owners are still based

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The last one of these fashion changes I remember that felt so fast it had to be a software update pushed to all foids simultaneously was those butt-ugly 3" thick sole white filas

I woke up one morning and 80% of the women I encountered that day were wearing them

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i think i know the shoes youre talking about, did not like them :marseyno:


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These fricking things

Gross imho, I still don't get how they became THE #1 THING TO OWN back in whatever year that was (2018? 2019?) overnight


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it's like someone took the paper stuffing they put into new sneakers and made it into a shoe

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Because foids are literally a hive mind :marseybee:

Trans lives matter

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i havent seen a train in blundstone chelsea boots :marseyhmm: then again i havent seen any trains recently


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That's cuz they pass so well

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People shit on chelsea boots but they’re so comfy


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@duck is a basic b-word pass it on.

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yeah and the blundstone ones looks nice as FRICK but not $200 nice, i hate overpriced brand shit even if its good and i can afford it, it feels like getting cheated :mar#seyrage:


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especially since blunnies are no longer made in Australia and the quality has kind of gone down the shitter. Redbacks are a good replacement since they are just as comfortable and cheaper. Unfortunately they are less fashionable lol.

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:#marseynotes: i dont give a FRICK if theyre from australia but thats good to know about blundies, may end up getting a pair anyway cus i only buy shoes i can try on and i doubt they sell redbacks boots where i am


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lol i have a pair of $1k+ botegga veneta shoes frick me i'm in flip flops most of the time lmao :marseygunshotsuicide:

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most tasteful chinese


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The middle aged rolled up t-shirt midriff is very funny.

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the wealthy chinese tourists at Denver airport, clearly on their cool US Western outdoorsy excursion vacations, were all wearing like $3000 of perfectly clean, right out of the box Salomon and Arc Teryx shit from their socks to their frocks. :fancywithwine: Like walkin around an airport in SUPER TITANIUM GORE TEX ATMOSPHERE ELITE giga neutron micro-bot smart fabric parkas :marseycosmopolitan:


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we really all are women huh

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it was a far better look than whatever the frick rich international students wear daily. Outdoorsy, much like athleisure, is both comfy and a good look frick the haters


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Beijing bikini :marseyxd:

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youre chinese youre like genetically predisposed to buying ugly absurdly expensive shit clothes :marseyjiangshi: at least based on observation of chinese international students


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Breaking news: woman be shopping

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In Tennessee I have always seen foids in expensive boots that’s not new. Though they’re usually Ariats

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god i hatw big shoes on people,especially those ugly balenciaga slippers. i think they wear ugly big shoes to make their legs appear thinner/longer in contrast with big shoes. also sign of having money

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>big shoes are a sign of having money

idk why i find this funny


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Idk how to explain but if you spend money on expensive brands then people will usually assume that you are rich. it doesnt mean that is true though, kids do this and they are useless

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big as in big size, not big price


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then i guess it's just the contrast thing. legs appear thinner/longer? i saw my skinny peers at school doing this also women into lolitashit do this (fortunately we dont have them)

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Larp as people who work with their hands

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The have been in style in isreal for like 5 years already.

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>HOW do all :marseytrad: FOIDS :marseytrad: suddenly transition to a NEW footwear FAD in like a SINGLE day?

You know how when you turn on your computer and it does automatic updates? Foids are like that except less useful

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Nice post, bro! I posted it to twitter.

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They've been wearing them on the left coast for 3 or so years at this point.

They dress like longshoreman.

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nobody cares about the worst coast :marseysmug3:


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Wow, that place is awful! Found them quoting and tagging you there. Also, looks like you responded but they deleted your comments? Seriously, ignore that place. It looks like they just enjoy dumping on things that people enjoy, which is all manner of sad...

Honestly I had no idea that sub existed, apparently neither did she. Then they tagged her over there and... lolcow? Is a thing. It's a person they "milk for lols"; don't ask...

It is way, way, way more toxic than her edit. I think she just edited her post to address her own confusion as to why a group of emotionally stunted folks would do that... but, hey, it's the internet. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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