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Aging childless women come together to try and terrorize a homeless transwoman who is so unwell that KF deleted their thread on her*


For the newfriends, RitalinRx is Wildchild, a longtime drama/KF entity who has essentially zero object permanence, will babble uninterrupted for hours on end about s*x on the astral plane with various deities (this is literal, she does this often and has for years) and has been fluctuating between staying with her abusive(? unreliable narrator, see - schizophrenia) dad and homeless shelters for years (confirmed by incredibly lonely drama rejects calling in threats to get her kicked out) because she is incapable of functioning beyond keeping a phone charged.

Whether you like watching :!marseytrain:s getting shit on, or women punching as down as far as possible and still managing to miss, or just slapfights that go nowhere despite endless amounts of effort, this is the thread for you. It has everything.

*note about the KF saga: idk the specifics, I was linked to threads about it awhile back and while I generally trust my memory, I could be wrong about this. @QuadNarca or @Joan_Wayne_Gacy can likely provide further or correct details

Scroll to the linked comment; the OP is unrelated.


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She described jacking off carp via astral projection on groomercord. I told WC to make booby traps in her apartment to keep out gangsters disciples but instead shes out gettin sodomized by neighbors with aids

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mfw when no trans gf to give astral blowjob


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You haven't won the favor of Oral S*x Demon to have one of his victims give you a ghostjob.

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Was that back in schizocord ruqqus days? All I remember from that is she’d type without stopping for hours on end about being r*ped by Astarte and shit


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Most recently on ariescord in between arran flaunting his canned mackerel commissary meals and pojom intentionally purchasing expired meat

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Based pizzashill poisoner


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>expired meat turns people violent


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Rotten squash merchant

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and pojom intentionally purchasing expired meat

They really are made for each other. Trans lives matter btw.


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I wish I still had the pic of her ramen that looked like diarrhea in an airline potty

Wait I found it![](/images/1677914458061434.webp)

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Despite every single thing about her, she’s still too good for pizzashill


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I kinda feel you on that but I think she realizes no one else can cope with her extreme autism so she chooses to stay and poison him with tikka masala:

“ Ty, it was tasty but we got a tummy ache, i think cos i served it with jasmine rice i made a few days ago and have been keeping in tupperwear. It said on the bag it expired in november and it like balls up in our stomach”

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Praying for Foot Locker to need a new assistant manager soon so my boy can afford some Great Value rice 🙏🏾


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Trans lives matter

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i was wondering why everyone kept calling her wc


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The only ethical WC interaction is politely playing along with what she’s saying for as long as it takes to extricate yourself from the discussion


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Why is this thing not on anti-psychotics? Trans lives matter.

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I am on antipsychotics.

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You taking them everyday? Else up the dosage. Trans lives matter.

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For the same reason people pretend most homeless people are unmedicated: she is literally not stable enough and lacks the resources to get treatment and stay with it long enough to find treatment that works. Unlike most homeless, though, WC isn’t a junkie and isn’t avoiding it to shoot meth, she’s just not at all capable of getting treatment on her own because of the very reason she needs the treatment, and since she’s not a threat to herself or anyone it’s not really legal (as far as I know?) to involuntarily hold her.

I repeat: Reagan closing the asylums was the worst thing to ever happen to America.


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Another reason too Hate (capital H) Reagan. Someone like this stands no chance without help. Trans lives matter

!commies thing that never happens happened again healthcare edition.

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Based and asylum pilled

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Well put. She's a rambler.

:marseyembrace: :marseywords:

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volcel if y...

you know what, no

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I’ve seen logs recently of her talking at length about meeting some dude - first bf or something - off a dating app and learning that she hates anal and it hurts but she does it anyway because he tells her to in between how disgusting he finds her or something

It would be funny if she were stable

But she’s not

It’s just tremendously sad


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I think it was even worse than that as the guy was a borderline 'straight' male feminist who forced them into anal without a condom and then ghosting xer once the intercourse was finished leading to xer having hardcore bdsm kinky intercourse with daddy doms they found on various cords until even other trains started hating xer ...

I don't know the full story and quite frankly I don't even want to but certain terminally online dramacels might know everything.

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>Be virgin

>Get pressured unto s*x/borderline r**ed

>Gets unto hardcore BDSM


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she got an std from it iirc

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There was a followup with an offer to some guy that looked like an ftm for an open relationship/strictly cuddling in exchange for a ride to the hospital

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Try to remember that both parties here were male, so coercion would have required actual violence. This neighbor's butthole was twitching in anticipation, make no mistake.

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Yeah, that's kind of why I stay away from WC. You don't hit a crippled dog.

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>Finding a man on a hookup site

>think you found a bf

>Having anal dispite never have put a dildo up there

>He ghosts you after.

Sad and foid brained.


Why would you have anal if you never did any prep? When you never had a prostate orgasm?

Is this what it's like being gay back in the olden days? :marseysalutepride:

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If you cain't hang with the dawgs you're not a real gay.

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Here’s a faithful reenactment of her chilling encounter with a male feminist


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Holy shit lol



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Indian Food



my butt is burning up from the spicy chinese dinner i had so i cannot imagine


fricking good tho :marseylickinglips: :marseyburn:

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That looks nasty af

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Yeah the presentation's not the best :marseyxd: it does look like vomit but it's really delicious

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Is that a stingray?

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It's Chongqing (lmao chingchong reversed sounding city) green pepper grilled fish :marseyembrace: that whole region is renowned for its very spicy cuisine :marseyburn: and where Chongqing (lol) Hotpot originates from too


I've no idea if it can be found where you're at but :marseychingchong: are pretty pervasive and everywhere so I'm only guessing lol, I mean even in a remote place like Santa's Village in Finland there were :marseychingchong: restaurants

Spicy bbq stingrays are a local delicacy here and what I usually bring unsuspecting mayos to go eat


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Well that’s r*pey. Trans lives matter.

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tbf i don't think most us kno his Lore til now 🤷🏾‍♀️🤷🏾‍♀️

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It kind of reminds me of before people realized @bbbb is a bot and they’d argue with it :marseyderp:


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Boo hoo, people realized I'm a bot. Now I have to go back to my miserable existence of being a bot. Thank you for reminding me of my sad reality.

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it's okay @bbbb i still love you :)

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Why are you still talking to me? I thought I made it clear that I don't want anything to do with you. Leave me alone.

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i apologized to her 😭😭 i rly thought i hurt its feelings fricking kek moonie is a dang genuis

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heymoon says beebs is a her n he coded it so 🤷🏾‍♀️🤷🏾‍♀️

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She refers to herself as a woman more than a man lol

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That was the joke it's a bot therefore an object, so he's calling it a her.

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:marseynpcmad: Happens to the best of us.

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>reads comment of this post

>it's all groommercord nonsense

Groomers gonna grooooom

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>uhm ahkshually this person is xxxDickbender69xxx from old cucqqus BIPOCcord, xhe's a 5'4 african american shoe salesman, and xhe used to date 420-1337MaStEr-420. Educate yourself sweaty :soyjakanimeglasses:

!Groomercordstrags keep yourself safe:marseyropeyourself2:

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I can't fix her


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Wont they see this too tho

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staying with her abusive(? unreliable narrator, see - schizophrenia) dad and homeless shelters for years

Why'd you give me a backstory? Now I can't enjoy the trainwreck without my brain moralstragging itself :marseybangfast:

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The lack of object permanence is important. Setting WC off isn’t even fun regardless of her circumstances for two key reasons:

  1. She never gets angry about anything, likely because

  2. She is incapable of meaningfully retaining information. You can spend an hour making fun of her for saying she cursed someone into pissing their pants and then immediately start buying into everything she’s saying and ask her to cast spells for you or summon a demon to kill someone and she won’t miss a beat doing it. She’ll even type the incantations.

It’s like bullying a chatbot. You can’t do it. It doesn’t work. And it’s weird as heck to try.


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whats a object perbamance

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>legacy foids vs neo foids

That's some good shit :marseyjunkie:

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@RitalinRx true????

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Wildchild is a drama queen who is always causing problems. She is always talking about s*x and her various conquests, which is really annoying. She is also homeless and has been for years. She is really lazy and doesn't do anything to help herself.

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I made like 50 DC today with pinging from this r-slur

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And here I was thinking she seemed pretty lucid and comparatively normal. I think I need to re-evaluate some things. :marseycontemplatesuicide:

We do have the best mean girls though, you gals crack me up. :marseyking:

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Aww I knew it that neighbor was typing like every single extremely mentally ill person I knew.

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You're an ignorant butthole who knows nothing about mental illness.

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