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you can watch as the matrix starts breaking down around you when you collect all 3 books

trans lives matter.

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A book on Amazon was brought to my attention weeks ago. It's called "Why Women Deserve Less" by Myron Gaines.

uhhhhh holy fricking based

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trans lives matter

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lmao, is his name a play on mirin gains?

trans lives matter

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Every single time

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1.) Why is okay to sell damaging content? What kind of process does Amazon put their sellers through to ensure they're not selling something that illicits violence or hate? Do they? 2.) How can anyone trust purchasing a thing from Amazon anymore? 3.) Amazon proved they care more about profit than what they're selling and their user base. 4.) Why isn't there a place to report a concerning item that is for sell on amazon?

1A :#marseylibertyfireworks:

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Amazon proved they care more about profit than what they're selling and their user base.

:soycry: A gigacorporation cares more about profit than people!?!??!!?

This child-brained thinking is absolutely bewildering.

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>Amazon is now participating in the mass violence against women and profiteering off it while stifling the voices of women over this shit book. Jeefy Beezy has his own negative history of being a woman hater as well.

Amazon doesn't vet for shit, they literally sell everything

Bezosmisia is landlord, billionaire and incelmisia

trans lives matter.

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i have literally bought illegal drugs off amazon before, it was more than the statute of limitations ago (5y)

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Wtf kind of drugs did ylu manage to find on Amazon?

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Across state lines r-slur?

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Federal SoL is 5 years, yes

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That's suprisingly reasonable for federal charges

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>A book on Amazon was brought too KongThaConquerer's attention weeks ago. It's called "Why Women Deserve Less" by Myron Gaines.



trans lives matter

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nah post the original image

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the photoshopped version is more famous so i had to go to knowyourmeme to find the real one:marseysick:

here it is for you're viewing pleasure. trans lives matter.


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huh, i've never seen the original

tfw trans lives matter makes it so Dramacel can't have a qt misogynistic black gf


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guarantee this chick will quietly reactivate her Amazon prime within 10 days

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She didn’t cancel it to begin with

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>Why is okay to sell damaging content


https://i.rdrama.net/images/17187151446911044.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/1735584487Pd3ql1pai5_mfA.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17177781034384797.webp

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damaged goods seething at damaging goods

trans lives matter

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>Amazon is now participating in the mass violence against women and profiteering off it while stifling the voices of women over this shit book

Shit, this book is starting a genocide? Darn!

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trans lives matter more than histrionic foid lives

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God I hate low-critical-thinkingcels. :marseyretard3:

There really needs to be a yearly exam:marseyreading: all citizens are required to take that tests your critical thinking - fail it, and you lose various privileges in society for the next year :marseydisintegrate: (and have to wear a star-badge on all your clothes denoting you as an r-slur :marseyspecial:)

Why is okay to sell damaging content?

Because :marseyairquotes: "damaging content" :marseyairquotes: is subjective. If you pass a law to ban "damaging content" that you don't like, then next election cycle your opponents will pass laws banning whatever they deem is "damaging content."

How is it current year+7 and people still don't get this? :tayaaa:

Foid :marseywomanmoment: goes on:

How can anyone trust purchasing a thing from Amazon anymore?

Why are you blindly trusting a company to make decisions for you in the first place? Come to your own conclusions r-slur :marseybrainlet:

Amazon proved they care more about profit than what they're selling and their user base.

Wow, the most profitable company on earth cares about profits. :marseycapitalistmanlet: You did it honey, you've cracked the code.:marseyclapping:

Amazon is now participating in the mass violence against women and profiteering off it

Another terminally-online foid who thinks mean opinions equals mass-violence. It's over :marseyitsover: for the West lads. :marseyflagchina:

We need trans hedgehogs! Trans hedgehogs belong here! We love trans hedgehogs!

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I totally bet this is going to hurt the company of amazon

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It’s not fake she totally bought it at a second hand store.

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Imagine being so brainrotted that you feel entitled to engage in review bombing without obstruction.

Probably the same sort of idiot who gets upset that her comments telling rightoids to kill themselves get deleted by Reddit.

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What is the book actually about?

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@captain_bbbb what do you think we should do with women? What is the best permanent solution to the female problem?

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Nice post, bro! I posted it to twitter.

Woman leaves a fake review on #Amazon Amazon takes it down, woman calls on TwoX to boycott Amazon https://rdrama.net/h/toomanyxchromosomes/post/160583/woman-leaves-a-fake-review-on #women #reddit #foids

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