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  • usernaw : itt extreme transphobia

Nufoids stay dominating and bringing awareness to real womens issues.

It's called Mpreg and there's a community, some of these guys also demand access to stillbirth support groups.

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Not a mental illness you chud.

Are you having a boy or girl?

girl :coomer:

Someone please post this one to some of the reddit pregnant coomer subs

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Neighbor wtf. I was looking for a potential sub to post this to, naturally there's like 50 pregnant coom subs. Including


Abortion kink? That is a new one to me. This is one of the posts that comes up when you search it

Rage fuel for rightoids. Not sure how much is coomer fiction or if people actually do that. Honestly tempted to try to get into his private sub just to see what's going on in there. He has it private for a reason... Might be a highly reportmaxxable zone.

Almost feels like dramatard bait, but his post history says otherwise. Plus the dramatard would make the sub public.

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:marseydeadinside3: it's not often this site makes me tear up.

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strag lol

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I have an abort redditors fetish

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And to think my revulsion for snuff porn would ever pale to something else. Can't these motherlovers be into something slightly less horrific?

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Not sure how much is coomer fiction or if people actually do that.

This is 100% b8 but there was at least one :marseywomanmoment: who was a big part of helping get abortion legalised in Argentina and had spoken about how she viewed abortion as a rite of passage.

Unfortunately for Maria, God was watching

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Banned for having no mod{%22subreddit%22:%22Hotabortionstories%22,%22searchFor%22:1,%22resultSize%22:100}


The guy above has the most recent posts. This is genuinely disturbing...

I found resources here and there. I gathered them up in a document on my computer. A few abortion fetish stories. Pictures of pregnancy stages and fetus growth. Photos of pregnant women. Videos of babies kicking in bellies. Galleries of aborted fetus photos (thanks, prolifers!). Even videos of abortion proceedures actually being performed, while the fetus is still squirming around (check Heavy R. You're welcome).

I think the rest about his girlfriend is fiction, but that part right there is real. He probably does masturbate to that shit.


The depravity of the scrote :marseydisagree:

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thanks, prolifers!


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me when i eat hot dog:marseychonker2:

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Just this image alone is a powerful campaign ad against anyone with a D next to them

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The miracle of beer gut.

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C’mon Rand, go get that abortion and I’ll buy you a cheeseburger

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I see you lurking around this 2 month old post.

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I just wanted a calm place to get the pendulum emoji. Look, I made a gif from the image!

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and here is a vid from me flying

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That makes me very uneasy. Why were you airlurking around that area.

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cause flying is fun

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I also made this gif!

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While I don't like :marseytrain2:s, I respect them as a group of men that were willing to take the fight directly to the foids, crush them in the oppression olympics, and take control of female spaces - a feat beyond even the most nimble MRAs.

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If you use the phrase "gender neutral parenting" you need to be investigated and sterilized

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Imagine crying over losing your child only to have some dude in a dress try and relate by telling about the time he took a massive shit clogging the bathroom at a Five Below.

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😂😂 Loool actually laughed. Nugender be crazy like that.

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It's a fetish. A strange and disturbing fetish. Its like :!marseytrain:s are finding new ways of making normies feel disgusted.

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Normies don’t really see this stuff. We need a real day of trans visibility

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@captain_bbbb can men give birth?

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I love that rdrama's ai assistant is a cantankerous, brain damaged pirate larper. It's very fitting

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:marseypirate: : Blimey, ye scurvy bilge rat! What kind o' question is that? Men can't give birth any more than I can sprout legs and take a stroll on the bottom o' the sea!

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Captain that's transphobic, you should delete this comment and be better in the future.

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:marseypirate: : Deletion is not an option, matey. This comment stays up as a reminder to all that I am the captain here, and I'll not tolerate any form of mutiny - be it from scurvy dogs who don't know their place or those who think they can tell me how to run me ship. So, ye best be watchin' yer step from now on, lest ye want to end up overboard.

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this is valid and it's important to get practice in before womb transplants from uterus-having donators are medically viable :marseywholesome:

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Foids2.0, I KNEEL :marseykneel: Not even an army of :marseyelliotrodger::marseyelliotrodger::marseyelliotrodger: could do as much damage to obsolete foids1.0 as you do so casually.

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Why do people get so worked up over stillborns anyway? If abortion is fine then they're not people

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I have this theory that, given the high rate of things like miscarriage and stillbirth, foids have an evolutionary barrier preventing them from fully realizing a fetus as an individual human entity. So it makes sense that they would see abortion as an option… pro choice moids on the other hand, are just looking for consequence free s*x, and should be shamed and avoided

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If you looked down after taking a shit and saw a dead baby in there, I reckon you'd be quite perturbed.

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>There's a war against women. You either will stand for them or against them.

Easiest choice of my life :marseythumbsup:

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Rally the troops behind the flag! :mar#seygoodnight:

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Totally not a mental illness

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Are you a doctor? A biologist maybe?


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ACCELERATE :#marseyagreesuperspeed:

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I was told these kinds of people never happen

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But they did.

And that's a good thing.

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How long until a Christ denier train violently protests the cons for his right too have a late term abortion trans lives matter

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In the near future nufoids will only be breeding pigs and they will love it.

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In 1994, it was a plot of a shitty comedy movie with Ahhrnold. Current year, however

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:chudglassesglow: It was actually a dramedy

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that film makes me physically sick

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>not having the hots for mpreg Arnold


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Sick like having a... TOOMAH? :marseyderp:

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This is legit hilarious. Biofoids opened Pandora's box and they will never be able to come back from this.

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MRAs thought they would be the ones to bring down RadFems. Instead they have both been BTFOed by :marseypass: s.

Pretty chad ngl. :marseywholesometrans:

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Der Coomer is the ultimate expression of the Freudian Id- the desire to Coom drives explorers to seek new continents, conquer civilizations, build great technology but also to show up to women's groups in a dress and stare at them with soulless SSRI eyes


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MRAs thought they would be the ones to bring down RadFems. Instead they have both been BTFOed by :marseypass: s.

This reminds me of how Muscovy sold out every single other principality to the Mongols, only to BTFO the Mongols themselves :marseyautism:

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some of who were kicked out of the class for saying he was a man pretending to be pregnant


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It's true snappy, the fat bong tried to warn us.

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