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  • rDramaHistorian : All kinds of reazuns and logix... Occam's razor just say foids be lyin & shit

:marseywallgenocide: For the first time since such statistics started being recorded, almost a quarter of U.S. women under 35 have not had s*x in the past year, and that number is exponentially rising :marseywallgenocide:





However -

The chart only goes to 2021, and the number of people who were self isolating in 2020 and 2021 was quite high. I'm interested to see the numbers from 2022 and 2023 to see if the trend continues or goes back to looking closer to what came before the pandemic.


The pandemic will still lead to some lasting changes that will be integral to daily life from now on. It's possible that women realizing no s*x is better than bad s*x, or how happy we are not being toyed around with or mistreated, is one of them.

yet you get lots of :soyjaktantrumfast: at the mere mention of body count

Hmmm well abortion rights have been restricted, other women's right attacked, the incel Andrew Tate group grows, and young men are turning more conservative…

pendulum is shifting, sweatie :chudsmug:

Don't forget porn sick too


The data is all from before RvW was overturned.

So women are even more Celibate now

reddit foids? absolutely not :#marseyfans:

Yes. I can relate. I'm 23 years old and still a virgin. I never thought I would make it this long without ever having s*x, but hooking up or being used for s*x is not something I'm interested in.

:#marseytrad: :#marseysurejan:

Well, well... if isn't the consequences of men's own actions. You bring nothing to the table, you demand everything on the table, and you make women's lives harder, sadder, and more violent. My husband is thankfully a good man, but if he ever dies I will absolutely not for one second be lonely or desperate enough for peepee to date one of today's men. Not a single one of them is worth the time, effort, or labor.

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>its covid

>its men being low value

>its abortion going away

Id bet it trends with obesity rates since no one but a massive degenerate would want to frick a whale

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Definitely this. Obesity rates have gone way up since COVID. Who would put themselves through the ordeal of fricking a fatty when you could just have a wank instead? Goes for both sides.

As well as that, I feel like both men and women have got significantly worse to deal with having picked up really annoying personality traits such as feminism and male feminism.

Men aren't men anymore and women don't find thst attractive. Women are bratty and entitled and men don't find that attractive.

It's just not worth the effort.

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its not worth the effort

Russiamax and either get a zigger wife or illegally cross a border and get a ukriwife.

Its actually fricked. Census data tells you that of women ages 18-30, excluding the ones who are married, have a kid, and/or are fat/obese leaves you with 15% of the women that age range hitting those standards. Its so fricking over for burgers refusing to mail order bridemaxx

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excluding the ones who are married, have a kid, and/or are fat/obese

Then you also exclude the crazy witch astrology types, those who are outright aggressive on first contact, the utter deadbeat druggies, and so on. So many of them go into dealbreaker territory.

Granted, I'm also messed up in my own ways but if I don't mistreat my body with caloric bombs and drugs, surely I deserve someone who doesn't?

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>then you exclude

The single but in a relationship (i.e. not legally married but not single), the bpd schizos and bipolars, the outright hoes with an onlyfans, the skinny single uggos... still, its fricking crazy that dirt low standards eliminate like 6/7 women in the dating pool. Its utter nonsense.

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uggos are only so due to expectations. Watch a few hours of snuff porn, that aught to beautify the world for you. Also BPD can be okay, IF they're tamed.

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Okay okay you're right, it's still a bad idea to let in tamed BPDs.

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Don't listen to this cute twink there is no taming a BPD foid its like having a pet tiger. Eventually its gonna snap and rip your face off

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Eventually its gonna snap and rip your face off

dude just said he finds that kind of thing hot :marseyxd:

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BPDs self-tame in appropriate conditions.

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Only temporarily, stay woke kings just say no to BPD kitty it only ends one way.

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the skinny single uggos

Just date them. They are ugly through no fault of their own.

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Its not their fault but if I'm not attracted and can't get it up for them it's not going to work.

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Find a tradwife type. Mine is like 90% tradwife which is nice because the 10% not is just enough to keep things fun and interesting. It's worth it. All her friends are absolutely jealous of our relationship and it's funny seeing the low key seething when they get dumped and we meet them at a bar for a drink. Just mentally reassures mine she's got a catch, it's like third party gaslamping. At my core in a dumb lovable idiot but I make sure I take care of my shit and can provide.

Sifted through a lot of shit to find her but it was worth it. Thots today ain't shit and they reap what they sow.

Yes find someone that matches your values and it's worth it.

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Just find a fricking women with a fricking healthy relationship with her father

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You don't need matching sins. Give the druggies a chance, especially if it's just K

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You always import foids. Foids always want to feel like they got the biggest ape with the loudest roar, which you're almost never staying in your area. But the foreign foid will compare you to her own home country, not every other slightly different moidcel next door and get a much better grip on what your actual qualities are. Plus foreign foids are hot :marseychad2:

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I dated a ukranian for 5 years, i cant go back to burgerfoids ever again. The difference in quality is like comparing a kia to a lambo, only this time the lambo is cheaper than the kia!

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I have an on-off Ukrainian FWB, probably the only fricking foid in the fricking city with basic fashion sense

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I like how the twoX spergs will delude themselves that somehow Burger women are higher quality or something than foreign women, which is an r-slured and ethnocentric fear that gets masqueraded as “concern for those poor women”.

Their argument against it seems to be that higher socioeconomic classes shouldn't date lower socioeconomic classes.

“You can't get an American woman”


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all foids default to caste thinking, they rationalize it away by thinking the "lower" women must be getting abused by the rich men.

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The proportion of young women who are fat is the same as the proportion of young men who are fat, right? :marseyclueless: So just weightsmatch.

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Men naturally have a higher bmi and women match men in america so women are actually slightly fatter than men.


I'm not fat, i lost 6/7 women by default and fat women dont want fat men either.

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During the lockdown period, greater proportion of women gained weight compared to men (46.1% vs 40.6%, P < .01). The obesity rate after the lockdown increased among women (40.7%‐41.7, P < .01) but decreased among men (39.6%‐38.6, P < .01) compared to before the lockdown

More than 5% weight gain was associated with 18 to 39 vs ≥60 years of age (OR = 1.45, 95% CI = 1.07, 1.97)


This is for Massachusetts but it's almost certainly close to the demographics of these Reddit people

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but decreased among men

physical fitness is mile marker 1 on the highway to fascism :marseyscared::marseyveryworried::marseyaaatremble:

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:#marseychonkernoticeme: Modern men just plain aren't good enough for all this, motherlover!

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This but unironically.

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Other whales?

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If whales wanted to frick other whales, men wouldnt be facing inceldom like they are now since the femwhales would just frick them

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