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Hold up. She married that guy, supported him through med school and raised his four children while he was working 24/7. She did a hard 20 years. This is her retirement fund.

Total Foid Death. NOW :#marseyfedpostyes:

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Her retirement fund is the shit she got in the divorce (assuming she gets half their stuff, which is fine), not his ongoing efforts after their marriage has been dissolved by the state. Holy frick I hate alimony

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In Texas, they just give them half your shit and then they frick off. And you are straight up encouraged to shoot someone for trying to steal your car. Such a good state.

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That has its downsides too. My buddy is stuck paying for his bi polar mother cause he's dad was addicted to crazy kitty and fricked off to be a fishing guide in south Texas.

His bi-polar mother took a significant toll on his own marriage that just ended. Luckily he got divorced before having children.

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also like how did his father actually expect to not pay alimony in a state with no-fault divorce lol

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... uh, so I think that yeah male children of a scrote must pay alimony to his ex wife after he dies.

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Some people have said that in that state, retirement is also counted in alimony

so she is literally set for life

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I have no idea why people murder their wives


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They can't give her half of his MD, that's why the revenue stream exists. Dumping your spouse after they pay for your graduate school should not be a no-brainer financial lifehack.

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Does it say she paid for his graduate school?

Dumping your spouse after they pay for your graduate school should not be a no-brainer financial lifehack.

Even if this was a thing it makes no sense to have a constant revenue stream as a result of that. You'd be entitled to the amount paid + extra for time and labor and that's it at most.

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>Even if this was a thing it makes no sense to have a constant revenue stream as a result of that.

Well sure I guess they could also award her a massive lump sum payment but I doubt that's what you're looking for.

Again, the principle is simple: The wealth accumulated in the relationship is not just about financial instruments and physical capital as well. It can include human capital that cannot be equitably liquidated in a divorce (or bankruptcy, which is why student loan debts cannot be discharged), so instead the courts award an amount based on the ongoing proceeds of those assets, eg. income.

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The whole point is that the extra compensation for human capital lost isn't as dramatic as your making it out to be. At most it comes out to be the opportunity cost of giving up whatever job you were qualified for at the time. If you're not working directly with your spouse as part of their profession it doesn't make sense to be entitled to half of it. You know whatever lump sum would not equal the decades of payments seen in this case.

Again, this is basically irrelevant if the party involved didn't pay for the graduate school loans. The whole system made sense in an era where wives didn't have the same opportunities to make money while still being burdened with kids. Today it doesn't make sense to scale the stay-at-home-parent's alimony to whatever their spouses income level is, because the job does not have that wide of a range in value between families.

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She's right though. The scrote would have never been able to pursue that career without her

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I am no longer asking.

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>did all that with HIS money

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idk man I'm not saying she deserves alimony but that's a shitty thing to do to your spouse. She supported him and then he didn't return that loyalty. That's not very keyed.

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I'm a medical spouse; This isn't that unusual for long-term “first wives” who were there during medical school and residency; if the split is amicable they're often provided for voluntarily because they're much more financially trustworthy than the 2nd or 3rd wives (very common to cycle though) who are marrying immediately into your money and status; first wives are like the friends a celebrity had “before they were famous” they're a better emergency contact or executor of your estate vs gold-diggers.

Sad that most moids will only experience bitter divorce :(

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Whenever I see the word ‘alimony' I remember me and my friends in high school making fun of Jerry Springer / Steve Wilkos by saying shit like “I NEEDS TO GIT MUH ALIMOANY” and I just can't take it seriously.

Call it slutbux, cuck-change or anything else that gets rid of the image of a morbidly obese southerner screaming ALIMOOOONY at a skinny r-slurred looking moid.

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slutbux sounds nice

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Doesn't want to get married to new man because if so, old man will have to stop paying her. B-word needs a job. The laws in MA are nuts. She gets health care, alimony and his retirement. Pretty fricked if you ask me.

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Literally enslaved to his ex wife, and completely ignores that the state has dissolved the marriage

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There was a case like this in canada, dude gave his wife a ton of shit in the divorce in exchange for no alimony payments (He literally just gave her the apartment they owned and a large share of the house), few years go by and this silly b-word has been letting her junkie kid live in the apartment, didn't get a job and let the debt from the loan she took out to buy the rest of his share of the house and takes him back to court. The courts being gay agree with her that just because she agreed to no alimony payments doesn't actually mean she get's no alimony payments so her husband fricks off to latin America and stops paying child support on the grounds he had to leave his job when he fled the country

She raised a big stink about it and how the gov was so sexist because they reused to seize the passport of her ex, an EU citizen. She literally wanted the gov to take not just his Canadian passport, but his EU one too lol

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Dave Foley of KITH got divorced while NewsRadio was in it's original run and he had just signed as the lead in The Wrong Guy. Years later when he was a nobody who hadn't worked in a decade his alimony payments were the same as when he was it the height of his career.

The time has come for the Necromaster. The unleashing of the fourth joker's card. The arrival of The Great Milenko

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Jo, @Allende! let me crash on your home when this shits happen to me

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:marseypatriot: ich nix deutsch

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Zur Pinggruppe ¡germs bitte hier entlang: https://rdrama.net/ping_groups

:swankykong: Liste 9

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All are welcome when fleeing from foids.

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Would it be possible for him to just go neetmode and quit to go live with his parents or friends? It'd be better than paying half your money for a woman who left you

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Idk about that. Guys a doc. Probs makes very good money.

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Hopefully her current squeeze asks her for a prenup



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Even if there's a prenup she'll just say she didnt understand it(Like Kevin Costner's soon to be ex is saying), and if that don't work she can say that the prenup was signed under durress because the groom said the marriage was off unless she signed. Prenups, depending on the jurisdiction , are often not worth the paper theyre printed on.

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This is why you place assets in countries that don't have womens rights.

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>she can say that the prenup was signed under durress because the groom said the marriage was off unless she signed.

Isn't that the point of a prenup?

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She would definitely insist on it since she's probably sitting on a nice trove of assets. According to posts in that thread, lifetime alimony kicks in after 20 years and she divorced him at 21. Doubt that's just a happy coincidence.

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I get so buttmad when stay at home moms list what they do. There's a broad in there saying how busy she is scheduling doctor's appointments. B-word are you claiming you spend hours per day scheduling appointments? How many fricking times per week do your kids have to see a doctor? And no breaks? For real? B-word do your kids take naps? Do they fricking go to school? How do these tards think ladies raised kids before washing machines and shit? Must have been a 30 hour per day job. If gays could give birth, there would be a reckoning, I tell ya hwat

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does the dishes

washes the clothes

Played Candy Crush for 1h while the washing machine/dishwasher did its thing.

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According to the annual American time use survey hours spent on housework and childcare haven't gone down that much since appliances became widespread.

However, moms also used to let their little kids just run off for the entire day if they could walk, or literally kangaroo bag them to a chair or make them sit in a bin all day if they weren't old enough, so mom had the free hands to do laundry or whatever

Now it's the same thing but it's browsing Pinterest instead of working on home stuff but they still consider it caretaking

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People realized how important it is to hover around your child 24/7 so they can grow up to be stunted, neurotic little freaks.

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SAHMomery is mostly aimless so the foids that partake in it end up spinning their wheels for hours on end. That's why they think it's the same amount of work as a full-time job (or even harder) despite accomplishing very little.

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I like how when these stories go around it us never pointed out that the woman has a dead end career to begin with.

She never had career mobility, never would have success, and was never going back to college. Even with kids, if you dont have a job, thats plenty of time to learn a marketable skill.

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Just want to add, we cannot move in together either. As the archaic family court laws would see that and assume that my boyfriend and i would be sharing finances or i would be in some supported by my boyfriend by the fact of us moving in together.

Silly archaic laws, getting her situation totally wrong.

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I hate women. Every single comment isn't tearing her a new one the same way they do for any moid, instead calling this parasite NTA or a troll. If you're going to divorce the moid you're leeching off on, atleast get a fricking job. You can't have it both ways!

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The AH here is the American healthcare system.

Every reddit poster deserves death


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If American had actual safety nets, half of South America would be running for the borders.

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Good morning

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I'm really thankful for my gf sometimes. She's educated enough to make six figures on her own, and she is frugal to a fault. There are still some non-brainrotted women out there.

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There are still some non-brainrotted women out there.


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Enjoy paying alimony

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how the frick is being a stay-at-home parent still a thing

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If she earns less than it costs to put the kids in day care, she should quit and take care of the children full time. Day care for one child is over $30k/year.

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why would you marry and have kids with someone that cant clear 30k a year tho

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Because I make enough that she doesn't need to clear anything. Her job should just be a hobby or something to pass the time.

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Enjoy paying alimony

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You know she's getting 2/3rds of his paycheck for 18 years, right?

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At least she has to pretend to like him for now

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I'd rather give a prostitute 18 years of my life than 1 year to a single Redditoid, and I'd even charge the whore for that time.

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Every hooker these days has that coolsculpt hourglass so not a bad choice

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More comments

Men don't want to pursue marriage these days because they are immature. There are zero other reasons for it.

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:marseykneel: NEET Queen

But also if the boyfriend stays he is a mega cuck

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It's so hard to date with good finances, you either have to be really careful and only date people as rich as you or you have to be sure it's actually gonna last. Where I live even if you move in together and don't get married after 3 years they're entitled half your shit. Even prenups are hit or miss, wouldn't risk having one just to have it thrown out when you actually need it, I'd rather just not get married


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Hide your money or hide their body.

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Sounds like you're letting yourself get cucked by the Almighty Dollar.

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Neet chads, can we stop winning?


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None of this madness exists outside the West. The white race will fall, :marseymayo: extinction soon.

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holy frick a broke single mom with 4 kids, how does the moid not hear blaring sirens getting anywhere near that toxic waste lmao :marseylaugh:

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