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I'm asexual, s*x averse, and polyamorous. Should I ever meet guys like this I think I'll just lie and say I've slept with 50 guys instead of the truth, which is more like 3 people, zero if we are only counting PIV.




Oh boy, another thread about body count :marseydeadhorse:

Just don't mislead him if he asks just be truthful.

He's never asked but I've told him that it's a lot more than his

Is he aware of the threesomes?



Check your misogyny omg. He doesn't owe him details on her sexual past wtf, apart from STI status everything else is irrelevant


You truly found a unicorn, you better hold on to him and treat him good because 90% of guys would have an issue with that.

In my experience 90% is way overshooting. I'd say more 20% of guys would have an issue and the rest won't care. You have to realize that the real world isn't Reddit or the comment section of a Fresh & Fit video. Most people have more important things they care about in a relationship and in life.


the western world. Almost anywhere else, it's a big deal

Right now, yeah. But the whole world is becoming more modern as we speak.

least delusional foid :#marseyfoidretard:

Never in my real life has this come up, but it the idea that people care about this sort of thing seems to live on Reddit


I guess he's not insecure because he knows he's good

Not every guy is Adam 22. Don't think it can be chalked up to being secure/ insecure. If a man has a problem with how much you slept around it's probably because you're more or less a ho. And not some “small peepee energy” of being insecure

this exchange caused someone to post it on /r/NotHowGirlsWork


Just unsubbed. Why is it I've never actually met any of these supposed men who hold body count in such esteem? Perhaps I'm just mad because if she's a 'ho' for 20 people (her pure chaste Chad knight has only slept with 2 including her) then I'm a whoreasaurus rex lol

>if she's a 'ho' for 20 people then I'm a whoreasaurus rex lol

what an unbelievable twist :#marseymindblown:

I almost wish I was looking to date again so I could ask a guy his "body count" and then act repulsed when it's above 10 or so 🤣

In the name of a friend being "slut shamed", I went on a date with the man who shamed her. He said he "picked me because I was more chase". I worked "So what's your number" into the conversation. He started to brag about experience, how his number is huge because he likes to "teach girls". I made a big dramatic scene out of dry heaving and saying "that's so disgusting!". He was absolutely stunned in shock.

I turned to a table with some older women and said "He said he slept with so many girls and most of them were virgins!" The oldest lady called him a "Babylon whore", lectured him on being away from God and shaming his family with his promiscuity and low morals. He looked like he was having an out of body experience from shock and disbelief.

For once it wasn't a woman. Sweet justice.😄

:#marseylaugh: funny, but i doubt it actually happened

My husband has never asked for an exact number because he doesn't care. He knows it's “a lot” and he knows that it doesn't affect a. the size of my vag and/or labia, b. my ability to be faithful, or c. my DNA.

Bingo! Majority of us don't care and know it doesn't really affect anything.

woah, ladies one at a time :#marseypolyamory:

Of course OOP's comment relating to not being misogynistic on a thread in a mainstream subreddit gets downmarseyd

because why wouldn't it

>not the hecking reddit karma


I've met some of them and trust me, you don't want them.

I'm in my late 30s and polyamorous but sexually inexperienced when it comes to number of partners. And sometimes that comes up with some dude I'm talking to and some of them... Their interest increases so much it's disgusting. Like, they see me as having higher "value" and they see their own chance to potentially "lower" that "value" by a lot since there is still "so much left".

Absolutely vomit inducing. Sadly, though, I might not ever have noticed if I hadn't given them reason to drool like that, because they sure as heck wouldn't have turned me down no matter that pointless number. They just wouldn't respect me, in either case, because men like that don't respect women or even see us as fully human.

stopped reading at polyamorous

I'm asexual, s*x averse, and polyamorous. Should I ever meet guys like this I think I'll just lie and say I've slept with 50 guys instead of the truth, which is more like 3 people, zero if we are only counting PIV.

>I'm asexual, s*x averse, and polyamorous

:#marseyconfused2genocide: :#marseyconfused2genocide: :#marseyconfused2genocide:


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on further research it turns out the "asexual, s*x averse, and polyamorous" is a :marseytrain:




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Such a pretty smile :marseyexciteddance:

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@JohnnyButt @Garry_Chess @Y !nooticers nothing to see here folx :marseyclueless:

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Abolish white men. !nonchuds

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Uhm actually those are Jews

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Even Jews bow to the BLVCK master race chuddie.

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Idk man the 4th one from left has a certain nosy attribute

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Lol Pot was right, kill everyone with glasses

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>Lol Pot


!nooticers :#marseynooticeglow:

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Pol pot looks like meme version of Elon Musk

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Why must we be sooooo curious :marseycuriouslook:

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take the physiognomy pill

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What is it with trains and not knowing how to properly take a photo that doesn't make them look like a s*x offender?

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They're s*x offenders, so...

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That's terrible how could you…

not come up with “gender offenders”.

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https://i.rdrama.net/images/16925456713162003.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/16925456714293022.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/1692545671580309.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/1692545671783195.webp

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It's uncanny.

Like his face.

lmbo :marseysmug2:

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This man is ready :marseyexcited: to offend

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He didn't check before posting


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Well, the zero PIV gets a lot easier to believe

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Reported by:

So basically an neurodivergent :marseyslm: who can't find anyone willing :marseywould: to indulge in his cringiness fulltime.

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Got that Jim Carrey smile!


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Neurodivergent encompasses all four of those traits, they should just cut to the the chase and say that

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at least he doesn't have too many x chromosomes :#marseywholesometrans:

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I would :marseymid: very s*x averse too if I had to see that freak :marseypedoglow: every day

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chopping your peepee off would obviously render you asexual.

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I lett hems suck my toes before Q. Tarrentino

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My ex had slept with more than fifty people and it never bothered me until she began talking about them frequently.

least promiscuous modern foid

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Another cuck W. "Yea baby, tell me all about them :marseycoomer2:"

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I'm a sick frick I like that quick :marseyagreewarpspeed: frick

I'm innapropriate

I like Dat hoe shit

Tell me some mo shit you trifling hoe biiiiiitch

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all this water on my neck looks like I fell when I went fishing


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All these diamonds on my buss down ooo frick what's the time

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I have slept with one person and I simply don't understand the logistics of the double digit / dasha level body counts.

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Only having one sexual partner is pretty much incel status, sorry hon

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In my experience 90% is way overshooting. I'd say more 20% of guys would have an issue and the rest won't care. You have to realize that the real world isn't Reddit

Imagine having such terminal brainrot that you think the real world is actually MORE progressive than re🅱️🅱️it

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Reddit is a right-wing hellscape, CHUD

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Basically any opinion reddit :marseydownvotemad: holds dear, just know the opposite is true for the general :marseysalutenovorossiya: public.

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I'd argue 20% of men globally might honor-kill her to save her family the effort.

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These are the same kind of people who have stories like this


In the name of a friend being "slut shamed", I went on a date with the man who shamed her. He said he "picked me because I was more chase". I worked "So what's your number" into the conversation. He started to brag about experience, how his number is huge because he likes to "teach girls". I made a big dramatic scene out of dry heaving and saying "that's so disgusting!". He was absolutely stunned in shock.

I turned to a table with some older women and said "He said he slept with so many girls and most of them were virgins!" The oldest lady called him a "Babylon whore", lectured him on being away from God and shaming his family with his promiscuity and low morals. He looked like he was having an out of body experience from shock and disbelief.

For once it wasn't a woman. Sweet justice.

and think that people don't dislike high bodycount men too

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That is the stupidest story :marseyslime: I ever read. The fact that someone made this up and thought :marseymindblown: it sounded clever, or realistic :marseystamp3: just makes me never :marseyitsover: believe :marseyparappa: anything :marseycoleporter: I read on reddit...more so anyway.

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God redditors are such embarrassing r-slurs


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>body count

As an expirenced man, I would never use such a vulgar term for the100 women I've bedded. How dare you disrespect ICE-T you MF'n Nenner

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This r-slur doesn't even understand how quotes work.

:marseywomanmoment2:: YOU CALLED MY FRIEND A SLUT

:fancywithwine:: I picked me because I was more chase

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If they can convince reddit their worn out tunnel still has value, surely the world will agree.

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i bet if you polled /r/asexual at least half of them have herpes

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clicked link for the lulz, first post I see: "You SHOULD have s*x with your partner"

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"sexual attraction but no desire to have s*x"

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Asexual is codeword cope for incel (male) or hambeast (female)

trans lives matter

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I always thought it was code for inappropriate dosages of antidepressants.

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that is literally me, but @Bookers don't consider myself asexual

trans lives matter

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I'm curious :marseyconfuseddead: as to how the lack of desire to frick ever because a sexual orientation. Orientation is attraction, not if you actually :marseyakshually: end up fricking.

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It became a sexuality as soon as people realized it'd make an easy, hard to disprove way to count as “queer” for promotion purposes.

That and a way to avoid critically examining the effect lifestyle choices and meds might be having on your s*x drive.

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It's totally normal to be an :quote:asexual:quote: fetish fiend with a youtube channel concerning , , , , etc. Totes ! :marseywink:

edit: wait these were supposed to be text links not embeds wtf :pepereeeeee:

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Incredible thumbnails.

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I think my favorite is the guy with a knife to her throat. Great header image for an article on X number of ways to spice up your s*x life.

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I can (not) fix her

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Hmmm...good points

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I'm asexual, s*x averse, and polyamorous


If it's over ten I'm not interested in a woman. I get jealous easy, it is what it is.


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I don't particularly care although I don't like want to have a serious relationship with someone who just seeks validation through s*x.

I have a higher number myself for a dramatard (2, 3 if you count holding hands) so it would be somewhat hypocritical for me to judge.

Realtalk, I don't tend to date crazy skanks so weirdly enough the number has never been a problem. My last girlfriend had a grand total of one other person she had been with.

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I have a higher number myself for a dramatard (2, 3 if you count holding hands) so it would be somewhat hypocritical for me to judge.


What a cutie!


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I know, it's pretty promiscuous. I've come to terms with it and started respecting myself more!

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I don't know how these chicks can have so many different dudes in them and yet can't find one who stays :marseyhmm:

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high body count is an omen for lack of pair bonding

chicken or egg, it doesn't matter if it's the cause or just a symptom

it doesnt matter wheter your pp insecure moid psyche cares or not

it's just a losing bet to put a ring on a hoe

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Same. Body counts are like mistresses, don't tell and don't allow them to be told

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I didn't care about body count until I started dating my current fiancée, she was a virgin when we met and it changed my outlook. There's something about being the first and the only that adds a lot more than I expected to s*x, this is mine and only mine, I'm the only one lucky and privileged enough for her.

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It's really :marseythinkorino2: funny :marseybruh: that reddit :marseybongosnoo: foids :marseyblops2chadcel2: don't see why men have valued the sexual purity of women :marseyhearnoevil: throughout all fricking :marseytom: time. What man wants to wife up what 75 other men have used as a spit roast?

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if body count comes up in conversation more than exactly once I'm out /s /s s t a n d s f o r s e r i o u s

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Every day, I wake up and thank God for blessing me with homosexuality. :marseyhomosupremacist:

:#praiseallah: :#praiseallah: :#praiseallah: :#praiseallah: :#praiseallah: :#praiseallah: :#praiseallah: :#praiseallah: :#praiseallah: :#praiseallah: :#praiseallah: :#praiseallah: :#praiseallah: :#praiseallah: :#praiseallah: :#praiseallah: :#praiseallah: :#praiseallah: :#praiseallah: :#praiseallah: :#praiseallah:

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You were a good man in the previous life so God allowed you to reincarnate into his most beloved creation. Have pity upon strags lest you be reincarnated as one next as punishment

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Don't most gay dudes have 4 digit body counts? What's the logistics on that?

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Gay dudes generally dont even ask about body counts. It'd be very weird if i was dating someone and they asked. Huge red flag for insecurity to ask.

Maybe sometimes we'll mention having a high or low body count while out at brunch or something but it's not a question you'd ask your romantic partner.

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Oh hey the sausages are here speaking about sausages though...

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We don't care. Simple as that. :marseysipping:

Gay Guy 1: How many people have you slept with in your life?

Gay Guy 2: I don't know, 1,800? 2,000? Something like that. I'm an absolute whore.

GG 1: Same. Wanna frick?

GG 2: Sure.

This conversation would never happen, because we would never ask each other for "body counts", but you get the idea. Cheating is looked down on (not universally, but by me and the sort of people I associate with, at least), but just general whorishness? Nobody cares. :marseyyawn:

Women, on the other hand, get all in a tizzy about their whoring. "Oh no, I can't be a whore! I'm a woman!" It's exhausting. And they lie so naturally, they end up lying to themselves. Which takes it from exhausting to insufferable. :marseyannoyed:

So I pity you, straggot moids. Truly, you are God's least favored sons. :marseyitsover:

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Meth and orgies.

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Right this was the answer I was looking for. I figured gay dudes don't care about body count or even mention it but how that number is so high is what I'm wondering

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4 digits is rare but I dont think 3 is.

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Are you kidding? Gay men are the most promiscuous set of humans alive.

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Yes, and we're fine with that. It's part of being the master orientation. :marseyhomofascist:

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If you have a high body count it means you

A) don't have self worth, so slept around for validation


B) Don't put importance on monogamous relationships

*C) this one is actually the worst -- You're too darn crazy too hold down a long term relationship

All are massive red flags and don't have anything too do with "being a slut" or "being loose".

It says something about you're values and who you are as a person.

Total slut death tbh

Trans lives matter

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For me it was A and C. I felt rejected by the world so I sought validation in casual s*x. Not many men I knew could get it so easily, so it was my way of showing them despite being poor and dirty and blue collar, I was still worth something as a man.

I was also extremely insane and women only wanted s*x with me, they would never have introduced me to mom and dad.

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im c) that's why im at 65

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self awareness is the first step too self improvement

trans lives matter

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>which is more like 3 people


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As I've grown older, I've realized the purpose of women is generating this kind of :marseycope: :marseyseethe: . Without our beautiful whoreasaurus rexes, there wouldn't be drama. Don't be dramaphobcic, protect our queens :marseynails:

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Whenever a woman asks for help on the internet I purposely give her terrible advice as punishment for being so r-slurred as to think asking the internet was a good idea

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I've met some of them and trust me, you don't want them.

I'm in my late 30s and polyamorous but sexually inexperienced when it comes to number of partners. And sometimes that comes up with some dude I'm talking to and s

words words words


here's what she looks like

>Asked my teenage son if his friends know that his parents are poly.


My teenage son lives with me, his father and my other partner. He's also close with his father's other partner, and spends quite a bit of time with her even though she has her own home.

We've been poly since he was ten. We have always told him the truth (in an age appropriate way, of course) and he has a healthy outlook that different kinds of relationships can be just as valid, and that the important thing is that the people involved are honest with eachother, treat eachother with kindness and respect and find something that works for them.

But one's own attitudes is one thing, and openness to others knowing is a separate thing. One that we had never really discussed. But yesterday I got around to asking him if his friends know, and if not, how he would feel about it if they somehow found out, given that people can sometimes be both judgemental and mean.

He replied that he doesn't know if his friends know but they don't know from him because he sees no reason to talk about it. And fair enough, why would he? They talk about the games they play and what they do in school and things like that, not about their families.

He also said that he's not at all worried about them finding out. "If I had reason to be worried about that, they wouldn't be very good friends, now, would they?" No, that's very true, kiddo. And regarding kids who are not his friends and who might even be looking for things to judge and reasons to make fun of him, he just shrugged and said he couldn't care less about what they think.

He's a good kid, and I'm glad I had that talk with him. I hope he keeps both the attitude and the friends.


and she posts nude photos online


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That kid is so fricked

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She's not an asexual whore. She's just a chick with BPD who can't stop saying dumb shit to get attention.

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>and she posts nude photos online


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Trans lives matter is a warning sign for crazy. Don't stick you're peepee in crazy.

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This smells like bait

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Wow. Are these women aware that they can just not give an accurate number to their r-slur moid victim?

Or is the real issue them seeking heckin validationarino for fricking a bunch of dudes?

Women can't consent so the number for all of them is actually zero

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Maybe I'm projecting but I get the feeling these men who never asked didn't do so not because they didn't care, but because they prefer to enjoy the denial offered by vagueness instead of the cold hard truth.

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They're men with low self esteem who are desperate to be loved.

It's funny when they blame insecurity, because being insecure is what leads you to want someone whose fricked everybody else already. If you are secure and have good self esteem, youd walk away to find someone who actually makes you happy lol

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I can't remember most of them


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Stop posting this fricking garbage you fricking degenerate. I wish the Zionist conspiracy was real so we could fricking shoot your worthless half breed butt into the Sun.



Just don't mislead him if he asks just be truthful.:

You truly found a unicorn, you better hold on to him and treat him good because 90% of guys would have an issue with that.:

I guess he's not insecure because he knows he's good:



I almost wish I was looking to date again so I could ask a guy his "body count" and then act repulsed when it's above 10 or so 🤣:

My husband has never asked for an exact number because he doesn't care. He knows it's “a lot” and he knows that it doesn't affect a. the size of my vag and/or labia, b. my ability to be faithful, or c. my DNA.:

Of course OOP's comment relating to not being misogynistic on a thread in a mainstream subreddit gets downmarseyd

because why wouldn't it

I've met some of them and trust me, you don't want them.

I'm in my late 30s and polyamorous but sexually inexperienced when it comes to number of partners. And sometimes that comes up with some dude I'm talking to and some of them... Their interest increases so much it's disgusting. Like, they see me as having higher "value" and they see their own chance to potentially "lower" that "value" by a lot since there is still "so much left".

Absolutely vomit inducing. Sadly, though, I might not ever have noticed if I hadn't given them reason to drool like that, because they sure as heck wouldn't have turned me down no matter that pointless number. They just wouldn't respect me, in either case, because men like that don't respect women or even see us as fully human.

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I still don't get the asexual cope, it's either a hormone imbalance or autism.

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which is more like 3 people, zero if we are only counting PIV.

Do I want to know what PIV mean?


https://files.catbox.moe/y2zrro.png https://i.rdrama.net/images/172082001273549.webp

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Peepee in vagina, or as we call it in America, "literally r*pe."

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My s*x partner count is in the single :marseywall: digits. Every person :marseypennyboo: I know who had a body count in the double, or even triple digits, had incredibly hard times finding relationships, couldn't keep a relationship, or wasn't interested :marseyschizoexcited: in committing but just fricking :marseytom: whoever was interested. Why these women :marseydarkfoidretard: think :marseynooticeglow: that high counts don't matter, because it 100% says a lot about who you are as a person :marseypennyboo: and what you value.

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