OP has quite a post history: she's a 31 year old virgin who was considering IVF to be a "single mother by choice" but must've changed her mind and started posting in childfree
We talk about catcalling, getting hit on at random places, men who can't take no for an answer, unsolicited pictures, etc but we never talk about what it's like to be completely desexualized. Has anyone else dealt with not being seen in a sexual way at all?
sorry you'll never understand how hard it is to be a woman
What I'm not a fan of is ANYONE acting like catcalling is compliment. It's harassment, end of story.
Has anyone else dealt with not being seen in a sexual way at all?
I feel like black cis women have a lot in common with trans women in the way we are treated.
Pretty privilege is a massive blind spot in this sub. So many women and girls clearly don't understand that life isn't just about individual interactions, it's about how being part of a demographic has a broader systemic impact.
uh oh who let this misogynist into 2x
Unfair expectations leading to desexualization aren't purely a male perpetrated thing. For men, we have similar standards imposed on us. Except instead of youth and thinness it's money and height.
Can't have one goddarn thread without some dude chiming in about “bUt MeN tOo WiTh HeIgHt!!!!”
No. It isn't remotely the same thing.
I don't think I'm even that ugly and no one's ever cat called me lol. I definitely feel left out and like something's wrong with me when women act like it's a universal experience.
Personally I think there is a weird flex where some women claim that they can't walk to the mailbox without being hounded for s*x by multiple men, or that every single man they encounter sexualizes them. It's either Main Character Syndrome or they a way of asserting dominance
a reasonable comment on 2X?? Someone better get the to mop it up!
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It's like the Barbie movie when Ken creates a patriarchy in Barbieland and Barbie is upset she's not the center focus of everyone's attention anymore and conives a fricked up plan to exploit men's natural willingness to show women cool things like their favourite movies and play a cool song on a guitar, to draw their attention, and then openly cheat on them so men start fighting each other and caring about getting foids approval again
Basic attention is simultaneously their horror story, their biggest weapon to manipulate men, and something they demand from both men and women in return for very little than just existing in their lives
Shoe is right, Barbie is the most anti-feminist movie if you look at it from the right perspective
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Man I really want to see this movie
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I liked it, Ryan Gosling had the best story arc then they shoehorned some half assed wrap up story for Barbie at the end cuz she had her name on the title
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Same. If a movie actually calls out simps ive got to see it.
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In the movie, women act like catty b-words, the most developed character is a man, and some feminist screed is given 2 mins that seems designed to annoy the audience. Definitely smacks of subtle subversion.
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Does Ken hang dong?
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If Ken created a gay vanguard party then homofascism would have prevailed.
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It sounds like it but no, think about it. You know how onlyfans, umm, exists? I used to be in a bad life situation and I never had to pay for my own booze cos the gas station guy had my back. He even offered me the hard shit for free. Men are r-slurred.
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