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Feminism unironically caused a whole UK city to go bankrupt




Context: In 2010, a bunch of lazy foids decided to sue the Bong city of Birmingham because they'd been paid less for serving kids lunch than men were getting paid for collecting garbage. In all weathers. At 6 in the morning. Somehow, the court sided with the foids, declaring the roles were indeed "equivalent", and Birmingham has been bleeding money ever since.

Today, Birmingham declared itself effectively bankrupt, and naturally the evil MRA-incel-misogynists (which I'm totally not) are arguing the ruling was r-slurred (which it totally was).

!biofoids this is your fault

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Yes, pay should be fair. But is bankrupting the entire city, for everyone... ethical?

Lol yes? If you allow these kinds of lolsuits to fester in the name of social justice or whatever, you deserve to have your shit rocked.

Don't whinge when your own rules are turned back on you.

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What will happen to those payoffs now? Are they done.

If so. I cant wait or article about some foid who didnt get her payoff and is now crying how unjust it is.

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Only halfway through lol

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Such a silly word. "Whine" is better. :marseyagree:

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Oh no not Birmingham :marseysleep:

It gets what it fricking deserves. Although not really because it actually deserves an RT-2PM Topol 1 megaton thermonuclear warhead detonating 300ft above its centre

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No u

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>foids ruin another thing #8481237824576172340896


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Men were the ones that did it aldough

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Imagine calling Labor party cute twinks "men"

Maybe quit crowdsourcing policy on /r/menslib.

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Bongs get what they deserve

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Soon to be San Francisco when they pay their reparations. And the world goes round and round and round.

Krayon sexually assaulted his sister. https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241526738973.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241426254768.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17156480765435808.webp

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Cuck island keeps cucking itself. Britbongs were seething that they were rekt economically by the poorest US state, now even their major city centers are collapsing lmfao

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The funny thing is that Birmingham, AL is the more relevant one.

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I had to write "Bong city" in the title because you r-slurs wouldn't know about the real Birmingham :marseymad:

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Both are known for poverty.

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That's Terf Island, thank you very much.

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On other hand. I hate foids.

On other. They are bongs.

Why cant i have my cake and eat it too.

Bankrupt bong city without those foids getting payout

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They'll burn through the cash and end up with nothing and a bankrupt community

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Hello! I have given you shit awards and now you have negative coins :marsey:

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Ok, lads how much time did it take for your wingckucked current-years swiss cheese smooth brain to understand that bin-men is not about gender. :marseyawardretard:

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One user is brave enough to name the IT menace and all the codecels come out of the woodwork to defend their own incompetency.

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Codecels coping about how hard managing User privileges for Microsoft Office 365 is :marseysob: :marseysmug:


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Birmingham is so ugly, the brummies deserve it.

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much of the West is built on holding poorer nations to similar debts.

I'm suing the nigerian prince for not giving any of my investment money to the nigerian princess. i expect entirety of nigeria's wealth to be mine shortly

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Islam won't save the world but it will save Birmingham

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OI! I said OI! Gov? You got a loi-sense for dat der mis-ogany?

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Yeah, astrology is bullshit. Right. I totally projected being emotionally and mentally abused, gaslit, and physically assulted by my first Taurus bf, projected being r*ped twice by my second Taurus bf, was emotionally, mentally, and physically abused by my Taurus mother so acutely that my therapist called it PSYCHOLOGICAL TORTURE. I must have also "projected" my Taurus MIL being incredibly racist toward me and my family, insulting me constantly for no reason, using any excuse in the book to attack me, and refusing to acknowledge that I married her son. I must have also projected my Taurus co-worker bullying me and other people in the office so often that she was DEMOTED in her position as supervisor. I must have also projected my Leo boyfriend abandoning me while I was miscarrying our CHILD and leaving me to deal with the grief alone, only to call me a month later sobbing about how "guilty" he felt for leaving me.

Please find somewhere else to exist and spew nonsense about people and situations you know nothing about.



Birmingham declared itself effectively bankrupt:

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