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woman falls for the doctorate meme, but her motherly instincts take over




In the last year I've known women who had their first child at 38, 40 (x2) 42, and 44.

:#marseywholesome: all of them are rdrama users.

I say this with kindness, so please take it as such, but I think your problem is that you have anxiety, not that you want kids.

31 is young and there is objectively plenty of time for you to achieve love and family in this decade of your life. Also, if you look around (irl, on Reddit, social media) you'll see myriad women your age in your same position. You'll also see many women who WERE you in the past, and have successfully found love and had kids.

Let that reality encourage you. Objectively, you could give up dating while in your program, finish, move wherever your career then takes you, then start dating, and marry and have a kid, before age 35. That's not even unreasonable. Love doesn't take as long as you think. And, even if all this takes till you're 45, YOU'RE STILL YOUNG AND ALL THIS IS STILL POSSIBLE.

(Also, just one more side note. Don't think of “dating” as this chore that requires apps and “meeting people” and newness. Join a community. Find like minded people with a hobby or interest in common. You will organically find love and it'll be easy).

Take a beat. Watch S*x and the City and see those fabulous women be and have absolutely everything at any age, even through the struggle. You'll be ok, I know it. I hope you come to know it too.

31 isn't that young if you want to date for a while, get engaged/married, then have a baby. OP wants to go slowly - that's fine! She may not have time. Women can go into menopause at any time. She may struggle to conceive. She is right to be thinking about how babies/a serious commitment will or could fit into her life plan

31 is young to be this stressed about her fertility.

31 isn't that young considering she wants to be partnered (which can take some years), wants to take it slow, doesn't know if she has any conceiving issues, and also needs to fit in her grad studies. she can have children later (my mum had me at 39!) but it's not a guarantee. i think OP is smart to be considering what her timeline means for her wish of having children.

:#marseyfoidretard: that's incel speak, sweatie :#marseynails:

The world's on fire, homes are out of reach of most people, people can barely afford to eat, climate change is destroying crops, fascism is growing in the Western world and you want to bring children into this mess because???


I noticed you're in a red pill women's sub. Probably trying to promote the idea that "women who go to school are sad because they're used up, single and want babies but they're too old" so that you or your ilk can then post a screenshot of this post as an example for some stupid red pill fascist YouTube channel as "proof" that what women want is to be subjugated and pregnant.

idk what this redditor's talking about. the op only has posts in twox, trueoffmychest and askwomenover30, which are in no way "red pilled"

realistically this is one of the best times to be alive in human history! The world is obviously full of problems and I respect your opinion, but I am hopeful about life and the future

I don't respect your blind optimism to drag a child into this mess because it's the done thing.

Frankly, I find it irresponsible and hateful towards your potential children that you're putting your head in the sand while they're going to be the ones that have to suffer through what scientists have been warning us about for decades.

You're honestly being incredibly ridiculous and your pessimism is extremely toxic. The only hope we have in the world is collectively our future children.

this one's a prepper :#marseyschizotwitch:

two more weeks until the collapse :#marseysal:

My mother had me at 41.

My grandmother had my father at 50… he did very well in life.

I wouldn't be too concerned unless your family has fertility issues (cysts, early menopause etc).

That being said, I understand your dilemma with finding someone. It seems harder to find compatible partners at an earlier age now. I think online dating has simultaneously made it easier for people to connect and harder for people to find those who may have otherwise waited.

>My mother had me at 41



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realistically this is one of the best times to be alive in human history! The world is obviously full of problems and I respect your opinion, but I am hopeful about life and the future

Are you deluded? Rice is now in shortage in India and Vietnam, Thailand. Fires are raging everywhere, the climate is in free fall, and the middle classes are ceasing to exist. What are you smoking because I want some lol ignorance really is bliss. How anyone would want to bring babies in to a collapsing planet is beyond me. You do realise plastic has been found in human babies, past the blood brain barrier, and even in placentas? Do you even care that microplastics are causing hormonal development disorders and cancer? You want to give birth to a human being that will suffer like this?

Gaybros, Aussie, collapse, crypto bro, depression, g*mer and...


Pizza himself


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Of course rice is in shortage, I bought all of it. Bulking season is soon !fitness bros

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when america finally adopts gymbro fascism, there will always be shortages of rice, chicken, and broccoli


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I befriended a chicken farmer during covid to get some free chicken meat and eggs.

Fricker only gave me slow cooked ribs that he carefully spent 12-16 hours cooking and ice cold beers.


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did you get to rid his tractor

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Just his lawnmower rider. It had a cupholder. I want one except I would tip the sumb-word over and Jeremy Renner myself since my lawn has a steep incline.

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There's about to be a shortage of chicken too...know what I'm saying

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No shortage of seasonings expected however.

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Couldn't be me, single-handedly causing a milk shortage

White extinction is long overdue

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The cognitive dissonance alone to believe the planet is in jeopardy and also be upset about shorter life expectancies and the micoplastics meme is almost too laughable.

If you think humans are too plentiful and are a detriment to the earth, why are you also upset about all these things that are supposedly working to reduce the population lmao

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Historically its more likely that part of India is experiencing a crippling famine than not

Zoomers see normal shit happening and immediately go full doomer because they are dumb and have ADHD and brainrot

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Rice is now in shortage in India and Vietnam, Thailand

Lol sucks to be them, couldn't be me

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Pizza is unironically better looking thatn thia failure of a man.

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Awww, sad li'l pooner trying to make it everyone else's problem.:marseyropeyourself:

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ITT Zoomers give advice on romance, parenthood, education, and careers

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get married at 19, otherwise you're an incel, also you need to be gym-maxxing and jaw-maxxing by age nine otherwise you're NGMI. Skip college because there are cute twinks there and 60%+ of attendees are women. For a job, well you're a software engineer right? We're all software engineers making 100k a year, even my middle school cousin is one

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If you haven't jeqled 3 hours a night since puberty it's over

You gotta earn 7 figures, be 7 feet tall, and have a 7 inch peepee in 2023

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It's called scroteflation and actually it's a good thing :marseythumbsup:

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Gas the childfree “omg you wanna bring a child into this world people???” If you think the world is so awful, just fricking keep yourself safe and stop wasting resources on your miserable life. You live in the literal most prosperous time in human history, your “concerns for the future” were on-the-ground and day-to-day realities for countless generations in the past and they still stuck it out and took their chances so that you can be surrounded with the fruits of their labor.

Part of the misery in the world is simply because good, responsible people in the West have been fricking duped into thinking that raising kids is a selfish act. Probably to justify never leaving their comfy forever-a-kid life.

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Same people would probably be spending all disposable income on vacations to Europe instead of, you know supplies/training/solar panels/other useful things for the collapse of society. There's no actual belief in any of it, just just an excuse to live like "the beautiful ones" in universe 25.

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“omg you wanna bring a child into this world people???” If you think the world is so awful, just fricking keep yourself safe and stop wasting resources on your miserable life.


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You don't need a romantic partner to have kids. You can just do it on your own.

What's up with :marseywall: and trying to have kids alone ON PURPOSE now? Like, why would you do that to your kid? Just putting their lives on hard mode for no reason? Just accept that you're a loser who failed the easiest challenge in the world - finding a moid willing to get you pregnant - and be a spinster. Seriously, this is the femcel equivalent of going on a mass shooting.

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Being a single mom on purpose really sounds like a shitty rdrama bait op

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Eugenics is actually woke now cause it allows lesbos :marseychonkerbutch: and single queens :marseyfoidretard: to reproduce with out stinky patriarchal men :marseychud: :marseystinky:

also gay guys can just pay some third worlder to birth their designer baby :marseyhomofascist:

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No one dies when a women doesn't bear children.

Thanks for putting yourself as a 34 year old virgin

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the west has died because YT women aren't pumping out chudlets


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I've bred every femboy I met but no buttbabies yet :marseyitsover:

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Good for her for being realistic and realizing she needs to take steps now if she wants to have kids.

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>My grandmother had my father at 50… he did very well in life.

What the frick

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>My grandmother had my father at 50

Zxis father:

https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/002/301/393/68f.jpg !r-slurs

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Not unheard of. Women can (incorrectly) assume they're home free and get lax about birth control once they notice signs of menopause, aka ‘the change.' Which is why these end-of-fertility kids used to be referred to as “change babies.” :marseymoreyouknow:

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Well the youngest child gets the largest share of inheritance since they got the least time to learn from their father.:marseyjewish:

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No eggs. Empty egg carton.

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When women suddenly realize they're profiles are now blocked by every man their age and less than than 10 years older. They realize very quickly they fricked up.

Trans lives matter

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testify, brother!

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When women are even close too understanding the plight of men they commit suicide like that tv reporter dike that tried too live as a man for a year. Ladygarden roped. Childless unmarried 32 year old women should be put on Madagascar too stitch handbags

Trans lives matter

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Let me tell you a story. I started a new job doing hair after I was 26 in a brand new state and just delivered my 38 week stillborn child with my then husband. I was bigger than I've ever been but not wanting to tell people my story and sweating my butt off from hormones and, fairly, most of the employees didn't like my attitude... so they gave me the clients the didn't want...


  • hair dresser

  • divorced

  • fat butt

  • coworkers hate her

  • victimized

  • dramatic

In one paragraph full of red flags, she actually manages to overtake a dead baby as the real victim. I didn't even read the rest.


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So much ‘advice' and not the age old chadvice of just relax, wait until a charming moid comes along, make him dinner, baby trap him and then love each other tenderly until death. Within the space of a year.

How are relationships so hard for these supposed foids on Reddit? The only people this obsessed and ineffectual with it IRL are incels.

As a moid the hardest part of dating was finding a (hot) foid that wasn't stuck up and useless and the actual relationship part is EZPZ… I just frick her, feed her, fix shit and provide my core muscles to cry on during her weekly woman moment and I have latitude to do what I want pretty much.

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This is one of the fugliest people I've seen on reddit

it's a gay weeb doomer who posts on twoX

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PIZZAPOONER :#marseysoypoint:


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I can fix him

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lol @ this fricking chinlet sabotaging everyone's chance at breeding

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many such cases

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God I can't imagine someone being 31 and saying they're "young". I'm a zoomie and I feel like I'm old and a failure since I haven't done anything spectacular yet

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It's kinda depressing knowing that there is a clock ticking and any reasonable timer is going off. My parents had me in their early 20s and are empty nesters at 50 and going on vacations and stuff everywhere before they're even retired, and my grandparents were young enough to have active fun with me and my siblings growing up, and are still relatively healthy today

In Gen Beta the average high school kid is gonna have 60 year old parents

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If having bio kids is your priority, you have to treat it as such. Get your fertility checked now to see where you are at and decide if going it alone is something you are interested in

Redditor ends up giving even worse advice

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Rdrama once again on the “hahaha stupid whores, I'm glad I can't frick any of them” train

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Something about sour grapes and whatnot.

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It kinda sad to have child that late in your life, since you would not be young long enough to hang out with your kids. I have relative who had a kid in his 50s, and he cannot keep up with the child at all.

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My mom was 40 and I intend to keep the trend going. Through generations of selectively breeding 40+ year old foids, we can produce the Kwisatz Haderach of autism

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I'll would knock her up and let her make my life even more miserable, please respond

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Drama posting as a whole rots your brain, the sub is easily one of the most transphobic subreddits filled with Enlightened centrists and alt-light trolls, the mod team is a bunch of weirdo nominally left succdems who post on Stupidpol about how they're the bastion of left thought.

One of them made a post about how they used to be a SJW but alienated all their friends and family and now decries idpol, when in reality they're probably just insufferable to be around


In the last year I've known women who had their first child at 38, 40 (x2) 42, and 44.:

I say this with kindness, so please take it as such, but I think your problem is that you have anxiety, not that you want kids.

31 is young and there is objectively plenty of time for you to achieve love and family in this decade of your life. Also, if you look around (irl, on Reddit, social media) you'll see myriad women your age in your same position. You'll also see many women who WERE you in the past, and have successfully found love and had kids.

Let that reality encourage you. Objectively, you could give up dating while in your program, finish, move wherever your career then takes you, then start dating, and marry and have a kid, before age 35. That's not even unreasonable. Love doesn't take as long as you think. And, even if all this takes till you're 45, YOU'RE STILL YOUNG AND ALL THIS IS STILL POSSIBLE.

(Also, just one more side note. Don't think of “dating” as this chore that requires apps and “meeting people” and newness. Join a community. Find like minded people with a hobby or interest in common. You will organically find love and it'll be easy).

Take a beat. Watch S*x and the City and see those fabulous women be and have absolutely everything at any age, even through the struggle. You'll be ok, I know it. I hope you come to know it too.

The world's on fire, homes are out of reach of most people, people can barely afford to eat, climate change is destroying crops, fascism is growing in the Western world and you want to bring children into this mess because???


I noticed you're in a red pill women's sub. Probably trying to promote the idea that "women who go to school are sad because they're used up, single and want babies but they're too old" so that you or your ilk can then post a screenshot of this post as an example for some stupid red pill fascist YouTube channel as "proof" that what women want is to be subjugated and pregnant.

My mother had me at 41.

My grandmother had my father at 50… he did very well in life.

I wouldn't be too concerned unless your family has fertility issues (cysts, early menopause etc).

That being said, I understand your dilemma with finding someone. It seems harder to find compatible partners at an earlier age now. I think online dating has simultaneously made it easier for people to connect and harder for people to find those who may have otherwise waited.

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Lmao I love foids realizing that :marseywall: isn't just a societal construct but a biological reality.

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having healthy babies isnt the main concern its the turbo autism and other long term issues

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