In the last year I've known women who had their first child at 38, 40 (x2) 42, and 44.
all of them are rdrama users.
31 isn't that young if you want to date for a while, get engaged/married, then have a baby. OP wants to go slowly - that's fine! She may not have time. Women can go into menopause at any time. She may struggle to conceive. She is right to be thinking about how babies/a serious commitment will or could fit into her life plan
31 is young to be this stressed about her fertility.
31 isn't that young considering she wants to be partnered (which can take some years), wants to take it slow, doesn't know if she has any conceiving issues, and also needs to fit in her grad studies. she can have children later (my mum had me at 39!) but it's not a guarantee. i think OP is smart to be considering what her timeline means for her wish of having children.
that's incel speak, sweatie
idk what this redditor's talking about. the op only has posts in twox, trueoffmychest and askwomenover30, which are in no way "red pilled"
realistically this is one of the best times to be alive in human history! The world is obviously full of problems and I respect your opinion, but I am hopeful about life and the future
I don't respect your blind optimism to drag a child into this mess because it's the done thing.
Frankly, I find it irresponsible and hateful towards your potential children that you're putting your head in the sand while they're going to be the ones that have to suffer through what scientists have been warning us about for decades.
You're honestly being incredibly ridiculous and your pessimism is extremely toxic. The only hope we have in the world is collectively our future children.
this one's a prepper
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So much ‘advice' and not the age old chadvice of just relax, wait until a charming moid comes along, make him dinner, baby trap him and then love each other tenderly until death. Within the space of a year.
How are relationships so hard for these supposed foids on Reddit? The only people this obsessed and ineffectual with it IRL are incels.
As a moid the hardest part of dating was finding a (hot) foid that wasn't stuck up and useless and the actual relationship part is EZPZ… I just frick her, feed her, fix shit and provide my core muscles to cry on during her weekly woman moment and I have latitude to do what I want pretty much.
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