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:marseyfoidretard: Woman is violently r*ped when her :marseydunce: BF forgets to mute mic on groomercord after :marseywomanmoment2: she forces herself on him :marseywomanmoment2:

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It's the moid's fault for being with this batshit insane foid

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If :marseyclapping2: she :marseyclapping2: posts :marseyclapping2: on :marseyclapping2: 2x :marseyclapping2: she's :marseyclapping2: r-slurred :marseyclapping2:

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Stay with her and get accused of r*pe or dump her and get accused of r*pe. Hard choice.

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Third position tho If you're going to do the time might as well do the crime

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2X more like three21

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Its really difficult being straight, okay. Finding a sane foid is not as easy as you are making it sound! :marseycry:

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sane foid

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at the time it turned me on but now looking back I feel so violated


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She did consent at the moment but...


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S*x is like a grenade and she can pull the consent accident pin out at any time.

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If I was a foid I'd already be retired from all the post-consentual-s*x hush money I'd blackmail moids for :marseybaphomet:

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Why is this so common :#marseythonk:

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post nut clarity

for men they realize how r-slurred it is but quietly look back in shame

for women they also realize how r-slurred it is, but they blame everyone but themselves

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Foid doesn't want to accept she's an icky r*pe culture enabling degen, blames everyone but herself


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I hate foids so GODDARN MUCH.

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Okay but this one actually makes sense. It was hot when he was doing it to her but it became not hot when it turns out he was doing it to sound "manly" to the boys on groomercord

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I honestly hate when they do this, sexual assault is awful and I truly wouldn't wish it on anyone but when they call things like this sexual assault it belittles and minimizes real sexual assault. Horrible c*nts.

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Especially when it's much more likely he simply forgot. How many times have any of us ever been in a Zoom meeting and simply forgot to mute ourselves? Now imagine that same situation but your girlfriend is pawing at you eagerly to suck your peepee. Under those circumstances, are you going to be making optimal decisions?

Like if he did this deliberately then yeah, it's a shitty move (though not r*pe) but it's amazing that the natural instinct of 2X foids is to assume malice rather than stupidity.

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How many times have any of us ever been in a Zoom meeting and simply forgot to mute ourselves

It consistently amazes me how many people don't use push to talk. You don't have to go as far as me and have a dedicated pedal for it, but even at work I've set it to opt-in rather than opt-out specifically to stop them hearing me cracking open a cold one

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i dont use push to talk, but how easy is it during a fast pace game?

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That's what the pedal is for.

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You mean in a game or groomercord? On groomercord you're probably fricking around on different tabs, not always in the app ready to press a keyboard button

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On groomercord; I use autohotkey so whatever else I'm doing, whenever I hit the dedicated button (or in my case, pedal) it knows that means groomercord PTT.

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I personally am not a complete spastic r-slur so I know how to manually mute and unmute myself without using push to talk like a troglodyte. I cannot imagine accidentally leaving my mic on lmao like pay attention to your surroundings.

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I personally am not a complete spastic r-slur

You're here, aren't you?

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Only trashcans use push to talk.

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I don't know fam this really puts the blame on the woman and everyone knows yt foids can't be held accountable.

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>man forgets to mute his mic

>it's the woman's fault

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she need to pick better partner so yes

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>You were sexually assaulted.

>Filing a police report on him. It is stating that this happened at all and there is a record of it in case it happens to someone else in the future.

Then there is a trail of evidence.

>It is illegal to record or intercept any telephone or electronic communication without the consent of at least one party. This offense is a felony punishable by fine and/or imprisonment, and can also carry civil liability.

>If you purposefully listen in on a private communication with the aid of an electronic device, or if you record the private conversation on a device, then you can be charged with a crime. Penal Code Section 632)

What the actual frick is wrong with Redditors.

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:marseybegging: Please file a police report. I want to hear what they say.

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>the consent of at least one party.

scrotes arent people so there was no consenting party

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>I don't think the truth matters in this case I believe you when you say it seemed intentional and that does sound like sexual assault as he didn't get consent to do what he did...

Holy shit lol


Every single twox poster should be forcibly institutionalized

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Yeah this is insane but it seems perfectly normal there.

Is there any better example of how bubbles form on the internet?

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On that night he “forgot” to turn his mic off and his friends heard us having s*x. I wouldn't have known if I didn't hear his friend jokingly saying something I said, and then looked at me with the “oh shit” look

I don't get it (other than :marseyoctopus4:). They want to have s*x, so he leaves his TV or PC on while in a game in a group chat, and they're all there just to listen to that shit?

Hold on, guys. I need to bang my girlfriend, so give me 10, and we'll go right back to planting the bomb / killing that dragon.

Maybe it's true because they're all redditors, but it smells like bad bait. :marseydisgust:.

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I'd go afk for kitty.

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But you don't leave the chat? Maybe it's a difference in propriety. :marseyangel:

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Auto afk after five minutes. I tell the boys I'll be back later and leave. I've forgotten to quit out of groomercord for s*x before.

But I'm not a open mic degenerate and use push to talk so no one hears me fricking.

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But you don't leave the chat?

There's kitty on offer, I'd've forgotten about the chat

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just to listen to that shit?


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It's obviously not bait but another thing is using your speakers for voice chat. Dont most people use headphones?

She heard them 'repeating' her words

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Once we had our tank in blackrock depths go afk for thirty minutes to frick his gf who had just come home

We waited because it took forever to find a tank in the first place

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I kinda get it, but.... :marseyyikes:.

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A couple weeks ago I was playing golf on the playstation with my boys and it sounded like my DIL was trying to get frisky not knowing we were all playing together, my boy hit the mute button and then 30 secs later he said he had to help DIL bring in groceries lol

Kinda pissed because I was shooting good, but I really want to be a grandpa.

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!g*mers is his son a fake g*mer for leaving halfway through for his "wife"

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I would leave any game, at any time for s*x.

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!g*mers fricking casual

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Fake g*mer, truecel.

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Fricking cute twink. Nothing is more important than fragging.

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what kind of boomer plays golf on playstation?

just go to the golf course

wear a polo, shorts, get drunk, and talk about how much you hate minorities :marseycountryclub:

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I work overseas and I've never liked forced small talk on the phone. Game night was a big thing before they left the nest and we kept that going with video games.

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I'm sorry to inform you Mr boomer but your son is afflicted with straggotry and an insatiable lust for the dreaded gussy :#marseypuke:

Prognosis: death 100%

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Is it gay to listen to your buddy have s*x?

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Yes, it's some cuck adjacent shit

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Gay and depressing.

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at the time it turned me on

This post was written with one hand

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A few nights ago I initiated s*x with my bf while he was on the game.


On that night he “forgot” to turn his mic off and his friends heard us having s*x.

Well, try not to ride his peepee, then.

This story is way too perfect. It has to be bait.

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Foid brain on display:

If you think he knew it was on then that's really bad and a huge breach of trust from him!


Notice she didn't say: if he knew it was on -> that's a huge breach of trust

she said: if you think he knew it was on -> that's a huge breach of trust

So whether or not you can trust your boyfriend is not based on what happened in reality, but what your thoughts are.



Men bond over how much they hate women.

:#marseygigachad:yes:#gigachad2:yes:#capychad3:yes:#chad::#chadyes:yes:#capyautismchad:yes:#chadnordic:yes:#marseychadneuro:yes:#gigachadcapy: yes

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@FrozenChosen why is your species like this?

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Idk seems kinda hot to me. But I'm not ur typical girl…

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Let a playa play

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Regardless if it was an accident or not, what kind of weirdo sticks around in the call to listen in on it?

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Not a single TwoX user noooticed the fact that this was probably a bait constructed to see how well sexual assault experts at twox noootices things they call sexual assault happening to anyone else but them

I maybe overthink shit but what happened with 'no one is owed s*x' or 'did your bf agreed on it or did it purely to make you stop nagging'

Baiting OP in their comments basically openly tells them that 'she' pushed 'her bf' to have s*x and he 'acted weird' during it.

I guarantee that a if the bait story was from a 'g*mergirls' perspective and 'the bf' would act similarly like 'she' did in this one, guess who would be named a male feminist?

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God this is the "r*pe culture" phenomenon of the 2010s, re-packaged to be even bolder and stupider.

"Someone overhearing me having s*x is raype sexual assault "SA"."

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Ideas for bait @feeble-minded-floozy


I ( M27) was playing an intense session of Overwatch 2 yesterday, when my gf (F 24l started asking me to have s*x, now I was not in the mood and generally was physically drenched after a hard day at work, so I refused.

She kept complaining and started a scene, so finally I complied and we had the s*x, even though I felt bad and probably performed awful.

But that's not the worst part of it, while listening to her ranting and trying to get hard I forgot to mute my mic and everyone on my team heard us having mediocre s*x. Some of those people know her and also are jerks, so she found out and made another, even worse scene.

AITAH, for forgetting to mute an online game and letting people hear me and my gf having s*x?

For TWOx

'I think my boyfriend sexually assaulted me'

2 days ago, while resting after a hard day at the office, I was playing an online match of CS Go. My bf came into my room and tried to initiate s*x with me, but I refused. Then, after her threw a tantrum I gradually agreed....the s*x was bad btw, well for me at least. He left the room and I tried to finish my game, but felt ugly and used.....blah blah blah add more stuff about feelings. Then add stuff about noticing that you forgot to mute the mic and later told the boyfriend, who got double mad...

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she knew he was gaming so its honestly her own fault

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I hope that fricking male feminist gets the chair

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Next time open the volume mixer and mute your output while leaving the mic on full blast


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Who cares

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