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:marseywomanmoment: is crying over being denied a month-long vacation to celebrate Christmas, New Year and her birthday. In a bizarre twist, most redditors agree that this is an unreasonably long break




The entire thread is a bunch of !foidmoment s


I can't believe I'm crying over my boss denying my time off for a month to spend time with my family for next Christmas 2024 and my 30th birthday January 2025. She denied it when everyone else is getting their extended leave and one week time off every other month. Her reason was 21 days (three business weeks) is the max. My ideal flight day is on the 23rd of December but it takes a whole day of flying to get to my home country (Philippines) and the 21st day falls on my birthday (January 12). I don't want to be flying on my 30th birthday. That's the first bday I will be celebrating with my friends and family and it's the 3-0. It's a big deal for me.

I just want to spend Christmas and New Year's with my family and also my 30th. I've been celebrating it by myself for 9 years. For once I want to be surrounded by loved ones. I haven't been celebrating the holidays with them since I moved to the US which is 9 years. Part of my sadness too is I'm just so tired of being a good employee to her but she can't give me this. I have covered for my coworkers when they are away for vacation almost every other month. I only asked for a month so I can spend time with my mom who's getting older and older everyday. She requested me to come home on Christmas this year but I can't come unfortunately. She's 67 this year and has been complaining about her health problems. I don't want to be that daughter who will just come back to her country when someone is already dying or dead. knock on wood I asked for Sabbatical leave and she denied it, too.

I'm taking a month because it's hella far. It's not like another state, it's on the other side of the world.

My colleagues have expressed they are willing to sign a petition for approval since my boss' reason is “it would unfair for others” if she approved it.

I just want to cry. I'm so tired. I'm not in a good mental place lately and the time I want to spend with my family is something I have been looking forward to. It's not even this year, it's next year. I can't believe this. It gave me a mental breakdown, a panic attack, and now I'm just angry I'm crying. (Yes, I'm that type of person).

What should I do? I already reached out to HR about Sabbatical Leave. I might reach out to my therapist as well because this is too upsetting for me, all my emotions are in a roller coaster mode.

Sorry, if this is all over. I'm beyond disappointed about my boss' decision and how she shows no compassion to my needs to be with my family.

I don't know a single place with myself or anyone I know who just lets you take a month off.

I had to reread her post - basically, she wanted 4 weeks but the company policy is for 3 weeks, and she thinks it is unfair that her request was denied. I think that's it, and I'm baffled at why she's upset. Seems pretty cut and dry.

OP: I originally asked for a month, then I asked for three weeks and the remaining days will be unpaid time off. Also, under leave of absence.

What is your leave of absence reason? Unless it's medical that can also be denied.

OP: I would look after my mom who's complaining about her health. She's mentioned it a lot lately. And the second one is for my mental health. I have anxiety and maybe depression now because of these fricking comments.
My anxiety is diagnosed, btw. I haven't tested for depression yet but lately I've been feeling it. Hence, the need to be with my family is very important for me.


Just to clarify, you're asking for time off NEXT Christmas, 12/25/2024, not this Christmas 12/25/2023?

OP: Yes. Christmas 2024 to NY 2025. She's already asking for Prime Time requests off for next year.

your manager is seriously unreasonable.
this is plenty of time to plan around this.

She's not unreasonable if the company policy is 3 weeks. It's unreasonable to expect them to re write the policy for her. If she doesn't like the policy of her work place, she has a year to find a new employer.

This pissed off a bunch of r-slurred children.

A month off in the US is out of the norm. Your boss sounds generous giving you 3 weeks off. Can you work remotely from the Philippines for a couple of weeks or something?

OP: No, unfortunately not.
My bro took three months off for his wedding. He got approved without hesitation. He also works in the US. Came back without any problems.
My previous boss/employer approved me for a month off without any questions too. This was back in 2019. It's LOA. Came back happier and more in touch with reality.
I was asking for FMLA, she said it have to be a medical leave. Goodness gracious. I told her I'll do Sabbatical, she said no as well.
Gaddddh I wish I was rich

That is not what FMLA is for lmao. You cant just use it to take a long vacation and go visit family. Honestly, 3 weeks will be fine. You're likely just depressed, overworked, and homesick.

Very stable and sane. These are the kind of foids I want working in healthcare :marseythumbsup:

She's not the one who moved all the way around the globe away from their family they say they NEED to be with. Sorry but that's just how it is.

OP: It wasn't my choice to moved here. Don't even start me with that.
The fuq is wrong with you people??? Corporate America has taken y'all. It's so sad. Also, family sounds like not much a matter to you?? I hope one day, they won't NEED you at all.


There's 1000+ comments of this shitshow somehow https://old.reddit.com/r/work/comments/16gccey/im_so_done_i_asked_my_boss_for_a_month_time_off/?sort=controversial&context=8

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>These Reddit :marseyplace2: people have no concept of Phillipino Culture and the effort :marseymissing: it takes to go 'home'.

Lmao why should :marseynorm: that be our problem? You live and work in America. 3 consecutive weeks :marseysalmaid: off is generous.

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Seems like the asian version of FrozenChosen :#marseyrofl:

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You can tell she's hot from how she writes and how entitled she is even working as probably a project manager

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dang I :marseywould: approve her time off

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Dear diary,

Mother comprain why onry pregnant now?

B-word mom I give you 1 grandchird ok? Be happy.

Anyway why never bother big sister? Oh yea because she take you to casino rith husbando money. B-word.

this why I put viagra in great uncles congee and he embarrass you with ‘mystery boner'

love FaraChun


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>You must not take longer than 3 weeks, and then you must report back to the job factory

Do burgers really?

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Based working class French dabbing on the corpostrags

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Flip OFW's in the middle east get a month off and a round trip plane ticket. but they're lucky to make $400 a month. She's pry comparing herself to a cousin or someshit without relizing she 10X's that salery.

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No it's not her fault she lives here so we have to let her do whatever she wants

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!scandicks come laugh at burgers working their life away without 6 weeks paid vacay

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americucks are fricking proud of living in a fricking third world country lmao

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this thread is the biggest cope I have ever read.

She asked for 4 weeks of vacation a year from now.

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It sounds like she could even take more time off just not all at once lol

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My boss told me i had to take a minimum of three consecutive weeks. Americans stay loosing.

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One of the only benefits of working in finance is that you have to take a minimum consecutive unplugged leave every year so they can audit you for fraud.

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America numba won cuz dey grind constantly. Yuwa country is shithole

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Oh no the foid is crying. Quick, change our entire workplace culture!

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https://i.rdrama.net/images/16945217294853055.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/1694521730035971.webp :#marseywould:

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Lmao amazing how her being hot has changed my whole opinion.

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She shouldnt be working at all when she can stay with me (and breeeeed)

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I'd love for her to get stuck pulling clothes out of the dryer


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Go to the jungle and fetch one yourself

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I knew something was up when she said other guys were willing to sign a petition for her, she is :marseybutt:

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Bad malewhore


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open your eyes bigger sweaty

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looks like maya but less cute and more hot

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X (formerly chiobu) wishes his Filipino maid would look like that. :marseygiggle:

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:#marseyagreesuperspeed: mahal kita

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I deny all vacation time unless the union intervenes. Thankfully most people dont know the union will.

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Don't you work at a shoe store?

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You're way out of date, it's a grocery store where he gets paid $250k to be the late night and weekend stocker and manager :marseysmug2: of the r-slurs that work there

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Kroger, they have a union believe it or not

when I was 14 and got a job there to push carts they tried to recruit me but I chudded on them because they wanted fees and shit and I didn't plan on pushing carts for very long

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I worked with a woman and her :marseychonker2: family who basically kept a Kroger-style grocery store front end running.

Now way she could've made more than $15/hr at the time but she'd work her butt off - super weird setup.

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no u dont

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>me when I'm hounding people about a 10 minute lapse on their time sheets


>me when I'm taking my 3 months of parental leave on random days because I want to go to the beach and day drink


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If the foid in my team came asking for a month off I'd counter with an offer for 2 months off.

Oh no how will we cope without someone who does nothing but leave early for appointments and childcare, arranges birthday cards and office socials, makes porridge, goes for long lunches, asks for repeated demonstrations of how source control works and then goes on maternity leave? It'll sure be difficult but I'm willing to accommodate her.

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Is this a pizzashill alt

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How dare you conflate my legitimate foidism with pizzashill's incel rage.

Having observed and interacted with foids "at work" since 2005 in roles from design agencies, financial services businesses and tech companies, I can accurately and conclusiveky say that they don't do any work, and the work they do manage to deliver, a moid coworker has actually done.

Pizza on the other hand works in retail.

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you just work retail with extra steps

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I have no shelves. I have no one inspecting that I've stacked the shelves neatly. Do not compare me to him.

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design agencies, financial services businesses and tech companies

design agencies


>internal making sure catalogs reflect nicely

financial services

>you fill in the excel cells instead of shelves

>people inspect it for accuracy, like the shelves

tech companies

>you prepare for them a thing, they look at the thing

it's all retail

wake up sheep

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you will never be a real retail. you have no shelves.

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Why would pizzashill use Git he works in a warehouse r-slur

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Maybe he was r-slurred enough to hire an it foid in the adjacent office idfk

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Why would some IT person need help using GIT?

And why would they learn it from pizzashill?

And why is pizzashill involved in hiring decisions?

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Neighbour you're putting too much pressure on an off hand joke. Apparently pizza has hiring and firing powers, but obviously that's if you believe him

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Why would some IT person need help using GIT?

You'd be surprised how many devs have so little shame that they will ask their colleagues for help before googling. Sometimes I feel like it's rarer that they help themselves.


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no just a degenerate bong scrote

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Do burgerfats really sneed when someone wants to take a month off with their vacation days?

It's normal in Australia to take a month or more off if you have accrued holiday leave.

>I'm taking 5 weeks vacation to travel


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Yeah that's literally the one thing I can say living in Europoor gives me as an advantage over working in my native burgerland. I regularly get 3 week vacations throughout the year because of my accrued overtime.

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You also get wages that account for it

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:marseyitsover: for europoors

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Hence why I said it's "one thing" as an advantage. Housing conditions and wages are still absolutely shit compared to USA

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Women make horrible life decisions then experience the consequences and call what it makes them feel clinical anxiety and depression because women can't be held accountable or they will want to die

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And this b-word can still see her family and her poor ailing mother for Christmas over 3 weeks, this meltdown is entirely cos she can't tag her birthday on the end. Like just celebrate your birthday a week early :marseyfoidretard:


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Meanwhile in Europe:

>k I will take my vacation from the 10th of December, see you in 2024 k thx bye

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Meanwhile in America

>oh you're working on thanksgiving and christmas? Here's half a European's yearly salary

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The people who are tardwrangled to work during the holidays are not working white-collar jobs, where the burger salaries are really dwarfing europoor ones.

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Skill issue. Also lmao @ wagies from the thread.

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Being European rules so hard

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Is the American corporate culture too much for her? 3 weeks is not enough PTO?

Than that poor woman should move back to the Philippines where she can make 4k a year. I'm sure their worker rights and PTO is much better than over here.

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It's too much if you're a corporate slave-brained r-slur.

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Burgers posting their Ls...

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Fight for 100

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lmao I just had a month long vacation

nobody even cared, I had the days so that was it


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She could try and apply for FLMA so she could take extended time off, without pay, and not lose her job. I wouldn't expect a redditor to handle things the right way, or else they couldn't complain online.


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I don't know a single place with myself or anyone I know who just lets you take a month off.:

I originally asked for a month, then I asked for three weeks and the remaining days will be unpaid time off. Also, under leave of absence.:

I would look after my mom who's complaining about her health. She's mentioned it a lot lately. And the second one is for my mental health. I have anxiety and maybe depression now because of these fricking comments.
My anxiety is diagnosed, btw. I haven't tested for depression yet but lately I've been feeling it. Hence, the need to be with my family is very important for me.

Just to clarify, you're asking for time off NEXT Christmas, 12/25/2024, not this Christmas 12/25/2023?:

Yes. Christmas 2024 to NY 2025. She's already asking for Prime Time requests off for next year.:

She's not unreasonable if the company policy is 3 weeks. It's unreasonable to expect them to re write the policy for her. If she doesn't like the policy of her work place, she has a year to find a new employer.:

A month off in the US is out of the norm. Your boss sounds generous giving you 3 weeks off. Can you work remotely from the Philippines for a couple of weeks or something?:

No, unfortunately not.
My bro took three months off for his wedding. He got approved without hesitation. He also works in the US. Came back without any problems.
My previous boss/employer approved me for a month off without any questions too. This was back in 2019. It's LOA. Came back happier and more in touch with reality.
I was asking for FMLA, she said it have to be a medical leave. Goodness gracious. I told her I'll do Sabbatical, she said no as well.
Gaddddh I wish I was rich

She's not the one who moved all the way around the globe away from their family they say they NEED to be with. Sorry but that's just how it is.:

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>21 days (three business weeks)

Isn't that 4 business weeks? Guess her boss is r-slurred too.

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no rslur.

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There's only 5 business days in a week so how is 20 days not 4 business weeks?

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A week is a week which is a week. So 21 days is 3 weeks, which is 3 weeks. They cant take more than a week vacation per week.

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A week is a week which is a week

No a week consists of 5 business days, so 21 days taken off is 4 weeks consisting of 5 days per week.

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I think she a saying she has 21 days off which is 3 work weeks. Not 4 weeks of work.

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Lmao @ Americans calling four consecutive weeks (some of which is unpaid) “unreasonable”

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lol some of the replies are "If we just dismantle capitalism, we'll get as much vacation time as we want."


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Why doesn't she just start her time off EOD on the 22nd? She'll just have to fly as early as possible on Friday after finishing work but I've always half-assed my last day before a vacation. That way three weeks will hit through Christmas, New Years, and Jan 12th (her birthday evidently) and then fly back 13-14th be back in office 15th.

She's in Seattle too so I'm guessing she probably has some globo homo tech job that she can just wrap up from the airport terminal on her laptop.

Foids man I swear.

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