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  • Grue : At least you admit it. Tell everyone else to kill themselves please

Talk to him. This genuinely might not be about your weight unless :marseyunless: he has said so. This could very well be because YOU seem happier with yourself :marseyropeyourself2: and are more open sexually. Talk to him about how you are feeling.

I will say this - my husband is overweight. When he loses weight I am more attracted to him not because of the weight loss but because he is happier, he has more energy :marseyreactor: and a zest for life. The weight is the catalyst for the other changes because he is less tired. Just a thought.

If this really :marseythinkorino2: is about the weight loss, that is messed up. But I know my husband is happier when I am happier (and vice versa).


This!! When I lost some weight I was way more confident :marseysmug4: and my husband said seeing me happier and confident :marseysmug4: in my own body was a huge turn on for him.

Holy shit they actually :marseyakshually: bought it


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my husband said seeing me happier and confident in my own body was a huge turn on for him.

Give this man a bachelor in foid nonsense he played that perfectly

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Shit it's a turn on for me whenever a foid isn't a fricking downer ravaged by self-doubt and self-hatred and I have to spend 4 hours on the phone assuring her she has worth as a human being and she isn't a failure at work and her colleagues think she's great and skilled at her job.

I mean I'd take it even if we can cut that to 2 hours, I can stay hard for the s*x talk but past 2 hours of self-contempt I'm gonna be noodling it.

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Nabbed this from a post on the old drama:


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>First girl was 21, second girl was 35


:marseywall: foids are pathologically jaded downers. Avoid at all costs once they start to expire.

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it's a turn on for me whenever a foid isn't a fricking downer ravaged by self-doubt and self-hatred and

This is why no women are ever attractive.

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This is doctorate tier foidery. He could be a professional therapist :marseydoctor:

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It's kinda true though, imo it's important to lose weight when you're single (you put on some weight during your relationship you fat frick don't lie to yourself) 25% because you look better and 75% because you become more confident because you look better

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I'm not even a woman, just trying to find one that isn't fat s*gh

Like honestly just lose the fricking weight and men will throw themselves at you, why is it so hard to understand? I have friends I don't want to frick that's not what I'm in the market for reeeeeEeeeeeeEEeEe

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im just trying to find one that isn't fat

story of my life brother, do what I did and prepare to move to where the normal people are: https://www.livescience.com/18886-obese-cities-list-2011.html

I'm going from midwestcel (braphogs galore) to mormoncel (8th thinnest city if I date a religious mormon foid in Provo-Orem) now that the bartender days are coming to a close (and now that my income is practically doubling)

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You need to also consider the gender distributions, I live in Seattle so people aren't even that fat, it's just that the competition for any woman who is remotely attractive is incredibly high because of the gender imbalance so only women on the larger side seem to be single

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45% of young men aged 18-25 have never approached a woman. When you make it up to 40 that drops to about 21%. Gender ratios are an issue at a glance, but the actual competition is low if you have the balls to approach irl

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Where do you live in the country? Might be all in my head but in Seattle people don't like to be approached in public typically (yes everyone is depressed and lonely here it's true)

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Great Plains so real midwest life for me.

people dont like being approached in public here

Do it anyway, you'll find it helps kill the loneliness

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Why when you can put in zero effort :marseymissing: and still get simps?

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