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:marseyjudge: CASE DISMISSED

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doesnt acknowledging satan also acknowledge the existence of god? so ur straight up just okay with being wrong?

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Satanists aren't smart people.

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Maybe they're like Gnostics and believe that God is evil and not omnipotent.

Edit: By "God", here I meant the Demiurge.

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Gnostics believe that there is a demiurge who is the greater of the material universe, rejecting him is the final test before one can join God.

Absolutely heretical

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That's actually kind of interesting. Where can I read more about gnostic theology? I'm not super religious myself but I like learning about other religions

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There's probably a 3 hr YouTube essay made by a fallout new Vegas fan.

Gnostics boilerplate view is that the word is bad, you shouldn't reproduce, and can defeat the demiurge with secret knowledge, or the gnosis

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How is that heretical? It's the dominant assumption in the New Testament (except sometimes he's not considered the original creator).

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God saw everything that He had made, and behold, it was very good and He validated it completely.

>Akshually, it was bad! Even my wife's boyfriend isn't good!


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That didn't last long, something I would hope you're familiar with

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It's the dominant assumption in the New Testament

What? Gnosticism contradicts Genesis 1:31, dispenses with "sin" and "repentance" in favor of "gnosis", and effectively adheres to a polytheistic theology.

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And don't forget, almost all of our knowledge about it comes from the church fathers. Would you trust North Korea to give a reliable portrayal of America?

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In more developed times yes, that did happen. But in the early days it wasn't all weird and eccentric like it became later.

Also, "gnosticism" was mostly a derogatory term for any denomination someone didn't like. It basically meant protestant in the church fathers' usage, at least in the old days.

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You said that a demiurge is the dominant assumption in the New Testament, which is not correct. The demiurge and gnosis are not at all congruent with the New Testament, even in the context of the early Church.

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Then why do the devil and demons have absolute power over the world, and the only way to get us out of their grip was with a payment? It doesn't matter that the term "demiurge" isn't used, it's obviously the same concept.

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In Christian belief the devil and demons don't have absolute power over the world and the way to get out of their grip is through prayer and sincere submission to God. Furthermore, Christian belief holds humans to be imperfect, so evil in the world isn't necessarily the work of demonic forces. It can also be the "absence of good" in mankind.

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Definitely not. Witches worship nature, which is the exact opposite theology.

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found the incel

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:marseyletsfuckinggo2: HE SAID "FOUND THE INCEL"

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That's actually a pretty based belief system

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What does that mean


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What test



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This BPD foid is infected by the coomers.

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do i even wanna know what regression is

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she randomly acts like a little girl, maybe an infant

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>it's just acting like a child, not pretending to have gone back in time


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all foids are children

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yeah that's why I can't walk past the toy aise in walmart she freezes and starts calling me "dada" and goes "dada, I wanna dolly O_O pwease please" and I tell her to stop because people are calling us freaks and she sits down in the aisle breaks down crying about how she's a "bad girwl" and "dada is angwry" now and she sniffles and sucks her thumb on the way home until Tay Tay comes on the radio and brings her back to her proper age (31)

fricking women

every time

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all women are children :marseydepressed:

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Posts in /r/ageregression and /r/BPD

I've seen enough

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White extinction is long overdue

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imagine being satan, a few hundred years ago you got fresh goats and prime virgin sacrifices & now you only get stinky kitty from a fat chick

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I'm pretty sure he laughs at the people he was able to fool into thinking "offerings" actually do something.

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i wonder if this persons problems would stop if they refrained from inviting demons into their life?

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No, you get benefits in the present time from submitting to them. If you reject them they'll make sure you suffer for it.

In North Korea, Kim Jong Un and the other elites get to live a life of luxury as long as they do the bidding of their evil puppeteers and communist government, while everyone else suffers. Demons are the same, they are in charge here. But in the long run, their deals don't pay off.

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ngl thats too much text

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what the frick

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>Keep your fluids in your tissues, I'm the Lord of Darkness, not a sperm bank. :marsey666:

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This r-slur need to be slapped around

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She would probably be into that

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This seems like a troll post. I don't know much about Wicca but I don't think they have a satan.

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satan will never triumph here :marseyandjesus:

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This person is gonna have some regrets in the next infinity years, y'all.

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Offer your sacriment to a living vessel. Get immediate returns.

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