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"I'm so sick of people who say women have a low pain tolerance" :marseychonkernoticeme: :soyegirl: says woman who goes online to cry and moan about how much pain she feels.




It's a known issue that medical professionals and physicians often ignore women's pain and dismiss it as hysteria.

We aren't treated the same way men are, in that a man can go to the ER and has a much better chance that people listen him.

We live in a world where men get Vicodin for vasectomies and women get whatever OTC meds for childbirth, even if their is tearing or in some cases when she actually has a C-section.

So how are you gonna tell me that culturally, the gender that is taught to both ignore and deal with pain solo is some how worse at dealing with it then the gender that get legit narcotics for a simple out patient procedure? Maybe they feel less pain because of all of those prescription narcotics their given?

As a researcher, I try to be unbiased but there is a long history regarding medical bias against women and how are pain is ignore

So how am I supposed to believe studies that come from that same biased community about how we as women have both a lower tolerance to pain but also experience higher levels of it for the same things?

Maybe those doctors need to interview some tattoo artists or something, because they seem like the only group of people who understand that when you put both a man and a women under the same stimuli, one group is more likely to fall asleep and the other can't seem to sit still because they claim it hurts so much.

Maybe it's that as a women, pain is life. It starts when we're in our early teens and continues for the rest of it. Which we know pain is both subjective and exposure and range both breeds tolerance. So if it the fact that we experience more pain that make people think we are some how are less tolerant of it? Is that the logic?

Make that make sense.

I have suffered from chronic pain several times in my life, I had endometriosis that took ten years to treat because no one believed me. Maybe they just lacked the references for what nerve damage due to unchecked tissue growth does to a person?

My partner was hit by a car and it permanently fricked up his spine, causing mass nerve pain. While it's been surgically repaired, to this day, he seems to be the only guy I've ever met that gets my pain, understands it and recognizes it's severity. While other people I've been with have described kidney stones or tooth aches as ‘the worst pain imaginable', I wish that was the case for me.

Pain touches so many spaces for us in ways that men will never experience it. Seriously, thank about it. A man would never power through painful s*x, if men got pregnant, abortion would be free, if men had periods Vicodin would like be a standard treatment for cramps.

Do men just not have a frame of reference?

It just seems to be that this whole stance of women being less tolerant to pain isn't even about pain but about people acting like we are weak without proof or a reference what it actually feels like to live in a female body.

What are they trying to prove aside for finding more ways to ignore our experiences?

It's just one more dig at us, when some days that all life seems to be, more attacks and more micro aggressions without any empathy or understanding.

It's just really hard not to feel exhausted by all of it.

If this wimp was tolerating her pain, I would not know she was in pain.

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>women get whatever OTC meds for childbirth

are epidurals not a thing anymore? honest question

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They are 100 percent on a cocktail of strong non OTC drugs when they give birth, which just makes that post even funnier.

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so they're just full of shit, then :marseymanysuchcases:

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I could be wrong though. I'm sure there are plenty of doctors on rDrama who will be willing to fact check me thankfully.

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We just give women placebos when they give birth.

Got to save the real drugs for the bros.

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Epidurals are hard to administer if the mom is obese as the needle is usually only 4-5 in long

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As a researcher, I try to be unbiased but there is a long history regarding medical bias against women and how are pain is ignore

how are pain is ignore

:marseytunaktunak: or just incredibly r-slurred?

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Maybe they feel less pain because of all of those prescription narcotics their given?

Researcher btw. I'd lean towards r-slurred unless redeemed otherwise.

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Yeah I tried finding out what kind of 'researcher' she is, but its just endless twox and adhd posts, couldnt find her mention what she researches.

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Reads papers that are shared on reddit

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