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He's shown you some important things: 1. Your greatest value to him is s*x.

do foids not just know this by default?

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Of course they do

But foids live in a world where the noises that come out of your mouth and the words you put onto a screen don't exist to communicate things that are true

They exist to metagame other people

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Everyone is awful at empathising really, foids too despite the bragging. The real reason is something like 's*x is mandatory though not the most important thing' but viewed by their own sexuality it turns into something like 'he secretly hates me and uses me'

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Women :marseysuffragette: commodified their inability to coom. :marseyxd:

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Wdym do you mean? Everypony except incels knows that foids are incredibly fun and interesting too hang out with in and of themselves, without the prospect of s*x.

Trans lives matter more than legacy foids'.

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That's on moids. There's nice and interesting foids who are fun to hang out with and have a good heart and personality. It's just that moids will try to bang anything and see personality as secondary :marseyshrug:

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Know, many don't know they suck

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For context we have gone out maybe six times (that's generous i'm bad at math, but we talk every day).

this b-word cant count to six lmao

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'I think' about easy stuff like that usually really means 'I don't wanna tell you' for some reason

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It's an anonymous internet post, why not just straight out lie about the number? Why make it a double layer lie? Do they think someone is going to fact check them?

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They might change their opinion if the number is too much or too little or whatever the fact is that the person is trying to hide.

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Because they're lying to themselves too.

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It's the typical foid smokescreen for things like this, it's just funny when it's only six lmao

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Bipoc calls counting to six math.

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Biggest W ever for this dude. You dont want to date a foid who randomly has to cancel plans because "mental health issues". Unless her grandma died, shes a fricking psycho.

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That's absolutely

>I'm too lazy to do it today, what excuse can I make hmmm

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Women :marseyhearnoevil: are genuinely mentally :marseymeds: stunted

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We were supposed to go on a date yesterday, but I was having some mental health problems

NEXT her homie. Any chick that says that aint worth it

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This fella probably spent $600 on this foid just to get stood up - can you imagine the gooncave he could've built instead for $600? :marseymindblown:

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Spending money on foids? Just split the bill jfc :marseydisagreesuperspeed:

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sorry but you sound poor. a date is, what, $200? that doesn't even make my balls tingle

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I can afford it but I don't see a reason to. Like spending 10€ on a kebab. That's too much

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Do what I do and go on coffee dates. $10 a pop and if you really click then you can go on a real date later.

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if you want a woman like from your p-dofile threads you obviously can't split the bill or go on coffee date. the rest of these losers are looking for some neurodivergent g*mer girl that will watch pokenon with them, not arm candy

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Moid coomer cant deal with playground level insults

Many such cases !moidmoment

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Bitchmade low-T behavior :marseycringe2:

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The fact your comments cut so deep makes u one of my fav posters

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Listen up pleb, i own an espresso machine, if she cannot into good coffee were not gonna make it. Nothing kills my boner faster than a b-word that orders an americano

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b-word that orders an ameriKKKano


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:marseyredflag2: Horny brain is a mental health issue. He respects her mental health issue but she won't respect his

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jfc reddit


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Am I overreacting by feeling used and ending things? I feel like if he really liked me for me and not just my body he would want to see me even without s*x.

What's the point of getting in touching distance if you're not gonna touch. There have been a few foids get mad at me for that reason too

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Those "why didnt you try to frick me" texts when you're at a few blocks from your house, after returning from her place. You begin the calculus of pulling over and trying to mend things to get some gussy that night, but you can see your place around the corner with it's warm bed, no women, a comfy vidya beckoning you

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Ugh, stupid men. Why can't they just monkey-dance and serve as a court-jester for me with nothing in return? :marseyindignantwoman:

But then I did cancel on him yesterday so maybe I'm just judgemental and sad bc hormones.

I still feel sad and like the trust is damaged.

Aww oh no the foid feels sad 😕

Foids are such children :marseyxd:

Trans lives matter more than legacy foids'.

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Foids, no one actually likes talking to you, and if it wasn't for gussy, scrotes would hunt you for sport.

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Foids, no one

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the moid after the 9th date and no bobs/vagene

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