Least entitled zoomer foid

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>all white women

>Planning a corporate retreat

>Talking about "the vibe"

>B roll and background footage

I can safely say that if you fired everyone on this call the company would face zero loss of productivity

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I'd wager a net gain in nearly every kpi to be honest.

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:#marseyraging: :#marseyrage: :#pepereeeeee: :#shadowrage: :#ragemask: :#giggabork: :#curbstomp: :#windowpunch: :#vulgar:

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KPIs are for people who don't make money

POV: it's me still not knowing how to use any reporting cowtools despite glowing performance reviews :#marseyretardchad:

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The fact that that might have been enough justification makes me think that this business doesn't produce very much when they're not fricking up

Also boss handles that pretty badly. You say 'ok I understand, I'll talk to you about it later' and fire her then.

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Slipping in the "your terrible decision" is basically textbook bad management, but I also would have to throw that one out there

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it's a fricking fake video you women hating chuds

are you so neurodivergent you cannot even see this? frick me, no wonder you are so spiteful, you cant even distinguish reality from fiction

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!moidmoment behold!

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Idk if this is a moidmoment. It seems more like a nonchuds moment.

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I like to see moids being r-slurred but :marseycry: I can't join the nonchuds group since I'm transphobic :marseydepressed:

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I can't join the nonchuds group :marseymeangirls: since I'm transphobic

Lmbo just apply. I joined chuds and nonchuds so I always come out on top. It's mostly bwc spamming pride :marseyprideflag: flags :marseymacacosalute: these days

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Oh that's why you are such an butthole

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I don't think a lesbian is even capable of being a chud, fwiw.

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Is this a sketch or smth?

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Not sure but it can't possibly be real

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Yeah I've never ever heard of someone discussing misuse of company funds in a large zoom meeting. Even women led companies inb4 scrotes say that.

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You're spamming this again and again but even without knowing it was fake I called it


The atmosphere is too odd

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fake video

Source? :punchjak:

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Nah frick that this is such an r-slured move it's not even funny. The mgr doesn't want any confusion on the team about how fricking dumb this was. Not every reprimand needs to be handled behind closed doors.

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I mean it's just so obvious, and as the leader of whatever hr dept this is I bet she was yelled at about it. Like, criticize privately and praise publicly is the first rule of management, but this is just so absurd lol

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It wasn't a terrible decision, though. It was just a slight oversight from the stress and pressure of interning as a #WomanIn[X]. She deserves the first-class all-inclusive trip for her mental health, and receive some pampering for once instead of her always performing emotional labor.


Legacy foid and trans lives matter.

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it's a fricking fake video you women hating chuds

are you so neurodivergent you cannot even see this? frick me, no wonder you are so spiteful, you cant even distinguish reality from fiction

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Imagine being upset about people joking around.

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After this call the exact same group of women have another hour long meeting to sit and watch while one of them asks a development team (of men) for updates, or an estates team (of men) for updates, or a design team (of men) for updates and all of those teams will be horrifically overworked and under-resourced and all the foids will be frustrated at the lack of progress and not once will it occur to them they could literally all just relinquish their jobs and get more doers instead and everything would go quicker.

The Eloi and Morlocks HG Wells predicted was an analogy for foids in the workplace this whole time.

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Male invents elaborate scenario in his head to mald at.

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Women are the HR department and liaisons between our business units but I don't know that I've ever been envious of their job.

Folks pointing out that nurses, HR, and teachers are primarily women seem to either omit or miss the fact that those jobs suck and pay shit unless you're the HBIC

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Foid moment. She calls it an invented "elaborate scenario" when it is in fact daily life when you're forced to endure foids.

How many moids will you ask tomorrow for updates and will you ever consider doing some of the work yourself?

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Zero :marseyxd: :marseycopeseethedilate:

I'm a stemcel

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are you a softwaredevcel like all the cool stemcels or one of those "real" engineers?

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I'm getting a CS degree but I'm focusing on Data Science. :marseycrayoneater: <- me

I want to get an MS in stats after I graduate though :marseyfluffy:

Being in classes for hours with software devs is what made me transphobic lol

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Sure you are sweaty I bet all the guys are super glad you got hired and feel you're totes pulling your weight.

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Maybe you keep getting asked for updates since you're slow as frick :marseythonk:

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Accept :marseyokay: my application, I was only pretending to be a moid. I can post hand.

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i heard you were pretending to be me on groomercord :marseythonk:

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I mean, have you ever worked with white collar foids? You'd think they were from the 30s with how aggressively they separate their work and "mens" work

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Women :marseyhearnoevil: were destined to be overseers, its in our genetics

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I rember when i was still in school. School had one of those recruitment days coming up. Where they bring in bunch of high schoolers to show them campus and what they can offer to them.

In one hallway. Outside of few laboratories. There were public computers there. I was doing school stuff there. I worked on it for 3 hours. Whole time. 5-7 people were planing this event. How to have your tabels. What put on them and so on.

1 person could have aet up whole thing up in 15 minutes. And they spend hours on it.

That is when i lost hope on western system. Its just full of people whos jobs dont matter and full of people who dont know how to be productive.

People talk shit about homless or poor. How they are draining resource and are bane of every weatern nations. But reality is. Real issue is usless fricks who are "working" on everywhere. From public to private sector.

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it's a fricking fake video you women hating chuds

are you so neurodivergent you cannot even see this? frick me, no wonder you are so spiteful, you cant even distinguish reality from fiction

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But it only shows the actual link

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security feature, u cant mask links, so ppl dont get tricked into visiting an ip grabber

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!codecels give cve plz

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The bread crumbs are piling up. After some tracking I found your IP:

Out of luck, son (snap)

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I don't care it's funny

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wdym do you mean productivity?

For a young foid, the company just exists too enable her Instathottery and princess complex.

Trans lives matter, unlike legacy foids'.

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ITT: scrotes who pride themselves on their ability to :marseyclock: but who have never spent enough time around white women or white collar offices to clock how fricking stilted and weird and obviously fake this whole clip is.


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I was once on a company call with hundreds of people and one office forgot to mute themselves and started cussing over the CEO and making wise cracks. It went on for over ten minutes and they literally remained oblivious even though they told everyone to mute during that ten minutes like a hundred times. Everyone could literally hear this gaggle of women mocking the "people" who didn't mute but they were all so r-slurred it flew over their heads. Now realize that all the managers in charge of the meeting had zero idea how to manually mute someone or kick them, or the ones that did were too lazy to log on and just had phoned in, as a result the meeting was just abruptly cut short to save face lmao

In conclusion, fake or not this scenario is 100% plausible.

I also wrote this message during a god awful quarterly meeting which is still pointlessly ongoing. Thankfully they finally know how to mute people by default now.

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>The fact I thought it was real says more about them then me

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Why are fricking you in a fricking quarterly meeting. You some kind of fricking C/D suite BIPOC, b-word?

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Nah it was company wide shit

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Disgusting. All hands meetings are fricking such a fricking waste of time and money.

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This site is :marseyautism: central idk what you were expecting

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A fricking lot more :marseytrain2:s, ITcels, ricecels, schizocels and codecels honestly.

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Exactly, a ton of neurodivergents

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We have tons of all of those, wdym?

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Not enough!

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It's not our the emotion flash cards never covered this!

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Lmao. When I was in the gifted program as a kid they made us practice with those. They assumed we were all neurodivergents

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I'm glad I was in that program before those cards were a thing

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You can tell its fake because more than 25% of the fricking cameras are fricking on.

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I take pride in my not spending time around white women tyvm

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We can tell :marseysmug2: :marseyblops2cel:

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Good thing I don't need your kind :marseyhomofascist:

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My buddy works for border control and he told me about a guy they canned cause he flew to his kids middle school in a helicopter…

Never underestimate Wagie levels of not giving a darn

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Definitely a better use of the helicopter than whatever CBP wanted him to do with it.

Open Borders Now!

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I don't know them, but I'd bet middle-aged entitled wannabe military dudes who think they're America's heroes are a lot different mindset from college intern girls desperate to do everything perfect to get an A+++ and maybe possibly earn a crappy job offer at the end.

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college intern girls desperate to do everything perfect to get an A


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Dunno, my company fired a zoomer college intern because she stopped showing up to work for weeks at a time and didn't tell anyone.

There's something really wrong with zoomer work ethic

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That's Chad waste of government resources though

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Cope. I didnt watch the video but it's 100 percent real and you're coping hard

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My first job out of school was in an office. I would sooner die drunk and in the gutter than go back

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I guess I got baited, but im not convinced. seems unlikely to me that foids were this shifty and sublte with their bait. Bravo on the off chance.

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She throws another foid under the bus the first chance she gets lol




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Least duplicitous corpofoid :marseywomanmoment2:

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it's a fricking fake video you women hating chuds

are you so neurodivergent you cannot even see this? frick me, no wonder you are so spiteful, you cant even distinguish reality from fiction

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You really think they'd talk about abuse of corporate funds in a large company meeting?

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Imagine how r-slurred the average person is.

Now remember that half of everyone is dumber than that, often by a lot. You're probably mid to high-IQ and extrapolating your own mental processes as the "average".

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Idk. Seems like some kind of fake tik tok thing. Like how the one video of the person crying because their sibling revealed them skipping zoom class was fake.

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Yeah I haven't even watched the video. Just saying that that level of r-sluration is definitely possible.

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Fair point :marseyagree:

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A girl in my class once openly admitted in front of teachers that her and another had tried to rob a drug dealer, gotten chased down and cornered and pretended to be years younger than they were to escape the beating they so rightly deserved and had no idea why the everyone (esp the girl she outed as a robber) was upset by it.

so yes

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Does nine people count as large?

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Yes. I'd imagine a discussion like that would occur 1-1

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