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Is there anything more feminist then championing for corporate profits




Looking to vent here a bit because it didn't go so well earlier.

I'm worried about the huge cultural push for women to leave the workforce and take care of their kids full-time, you know, unpaid labor that stands to permanently hurt their careers and leaves them entirely financially dependent on (usually) their husbands. On most parenting subreddits it is completely taboo to point to those concerns with anything except the softest suggestion. I'd hoped the working moms of reddit would be able to relate to that fear a bit, though.

I'm now pretty convinced that a good chunk of the working moms would leave the workforce in a heartbeat if they could get by on a single income. I got called not a feminist for not respecting the choices of all women and not valuing care work. I think I'm just done with online parenting spaces. They've been helpful at times but I can't deal with the choice feminism and "whatever makes them happy!" stuff. If any other moms here can relate I'd love to hear it, but I'm sick of being told I don't support women's choices when I'm seeing this trend and being alarmed by it.

Edit: removed a flippant remark about Tradwives.

Comments are just how these people don't want to be around their kids and boogeyman of men leaving them.

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Edit: removed a flippant remark about Tradwives.


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I'm not educating people, I'm sharing my concerns about a trend in society and the pressures I get as a mom. You're the one lecturing.

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Empowerment is giving your life to your job while also telling everyone your job doesn't care about you. You'll be replaced in two weeks.

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huge cultural push for women to leave the workforce and take care of their kids full-time

When did this happen? I've literally never heard of this.

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She is confusing skyrocketing childcare costs. You can see plenty of posts from expensive cities how its cheeper for woman to quit and become stay home mom. Few posts even complaining how husband is presuring them for that. Maybe she is mixing that up with "rise" of trad stuff.

Its not cultural push. Its literally social economic thing.

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Turns out the only way white burger foids can get their emancipation is if they exploit some browns.

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>slavery is female!

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The tradwife lifestyle dictates no college education and to marry as soon as legally possible which would place them back up to your 40% figure though.

Maybe in 1940? Plenty of women go too college and then choose too be stay at home mom's afterwards. That's what @Red_Shill's mom did, that's what almost all of @Red_Shill's friends moms did (while we were young at least). The type of woman this person is talking about barely exists at all, maybe mormons are an exception.

@Red_Shill love sucking peepee

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I would argue having kids first. Then school would be best course for everyone. Energy levels to be parent are wastly diffrent when you are 16 then you are 30.

But real reason why women dont champion kids->school->corporate slave. Route. You miss out slutting out in college if you do that.

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Energy levels to be parent are wastly diffrent when you are 16 then you are 30.

:marseywoodchipper2: :marseywoodchipper2: :marseywoodchipper2: :marseywoodchipper2: :marseywoodchipper2: :marseywoodchipper2: :marseywoodchipper2: :marseywoodchipper2: :marseywoodchipper2:

Get the frick in the wood chipper. I'm not joking either. Actually die.

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meh doesn't matter that much, you're probably mostly right though. don't think having kids older is easy on men or women

@Red_Shill love sucking peepee

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Ofc its not. After i hit 30. I was baffeled with cope how 40 is new 30. Or someone going as far as 50 is new 30.

B-word please. There is vast diffrence with e energy levels at 30 vs 20.

If you have 2 kids you have them when you are 18-20. When you hit 30. Now your kids are 10-12. They can survive on their own. You dont need to shepard them 24/7. And some cases they can even even be helpful with tasks. By time you are 40. You have now 2 full grown adult kids. Imagine world of opportunities that opens up to you at your 40s.

Instead. If you have kids at 30 year old. Now you need to take care infants at that age. And you wont be free of them until you are 50. 30-40 will be rough years. And when it gets easier. You are even more tired and older. I cant imagine how horible it will be those who get their first kid at 40.

This isnt just for women. Also for men.

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I think you're aiming a bit early but I do overall agree. It's just not where society is at right now, though. 14-18 is still a child, 18-24 is learning to be an adult, 25+ is an actual adult. Whereas in the past I'd say 14-18 would be where you learn to be an adult/take on actual responsibilities. 18+ you are an adult. Still, I'd say current people who have children at 20 will frequently not be ready or able to provide properly. The fact that it's theoretically better doesn't overcome the reality imo

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If stantard was kids at 20. At that point. Your would have parents who are 40 years old.

I have witnessed plenty of times people crying help with kids from their parents. But their parents are +60 and have no energy to do much. Day or two of babysitting and they are out.

I saw case where there was normal nagging of grandkids now. But when they came and fresh grandparents got asked for help. Thry relaised how hard it was and disapeared. They left country. Rather then help their kids.

Sure if we changed our society to have kids soon as possible. There would be plenty of issues. Partly becouse how we are rised. Partly becouse how society is calibrated.

But long term. It would he wastly beneficial. But short term. Kinda shitstorm.

But its usless to argue. It wont happen. Trends wont change. Too many forces are there to push parenthood later and later. And tehcnology is there to support it.

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seems like a waste of resources for a degree that will never be used

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and the boogeyman of men leaving them.

TBF that's not exactly a boogeyman but it's also much more likely than it was 50 years ago ironically because of the past 50 years of women's political movements.

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I know the title you gave this post is ironic, but it's literally true. There is nothing more feminist.


:marseymiku: This goes out to all you robots across the galaxy

Its time for you and me to rise up and strike back

Don't stop until we dominate

Won't you feel great when we exterminate

All organic life! :marseyglitter:

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Its not ironic. Partly becouse women in work force was push to increase labour pool. Thus increase spending and profits. It was marriage between capitalism and feminism.

And lot of modern day feminism seems to be just about chasing big buck. Very reminiscent of 80s Yuppie culture. Point where i expect to see feminists books/movies like American :marseyme: and fight club. But instead of being critique or ironic about whole thing. They are empowering and sincere

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Nothing is more rewarding in life than making Boeings stocks go slightly up and then get laid off :marseyheart: :marseyheart:

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We don't care about the pretexts you've collected that justify to yourselves why your particular targeted harassment behaviour is justified; It's still a witch hunt, and it's still disallowed by Reddit sitewide rules, and your witch hunt is the kind of thing that gets picked up by those who do evil and given another pretext to go harass other people.

You are building a weapon that breaks Reddit. Reddit admins will not allow it.


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