Foid with 2 degrees can't get a minimum wage job :marseyfoidretard:

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>go to random places

>ask if they're hiring

>be shocked when told no

Diagnosis: dumb b-word syndrome. :marseynotes:

How about you go on the internet and look up who's hiring in your city instead of walking around like an r-slur.

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>young people follow terrible meme advice from their out of touch boomer relatives

>OMG why come 20 year olds that never had a job aren't expert at getting job!!?

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Did you remember to look the manager in the eye and flash a winning smile?

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Yes, yes I do, I'm so charming they hire me even if they are not firing

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young people follow terrible meme advice from their out of touch boomer relatives

I wish. All of them think they know better than their seniors. Meanwhile zoomers can't even look up "how to increase my chances at getting hired" on Yahoo. :marseyboomer:

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Not one single :marseywall: zoomer :marseytf2scout: knows about hiring websites because if there's one thing zoomers are known for it's listening to the advice of their elders. :marseysurejan:


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I don't -- I'm clicking all around the tiktok app, i don't see a section for who's hiring????

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Check here sweetheart💕: :#mariogoatse:

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You have to click on where it says LOG OFF

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This post is kinda mean tbh. That girl is like 20, and she's out pounding the pavement applying for crap jobs. Being poor and getting rejected for shit jobs sucks.

It sucks for girls and it sucks for boys. I'm not going to laugh at a generic young person trying to get a job.

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She's 26 and got 2 useless degrees

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Communications isn't useless - it should be, but it's not. Marketing and PR flaks make bank.

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She has acting degree and communication degree yet she can't make her self charming.

Also when girls do communication or psychology or management they do it because it's easy degree and not because they want to do this that why even though this degree has fewer men the men succeed more

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young woman do literally anything without :chudrage: challenge (impossible)

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I'm not mad. Her tears make me happy :marseysatisfied:

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Good morning

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The problem with communications is that it's low barrier to entry in terms of training and so she has to compete with a shit-ton of people for shitty jobs, especially in a city like NYC where everyone is living on their parent's dime and trying to live out their fantasies on jobs that could never actually finance them. It is way more about your network, more so than even other jobs.

And also going door to door like a boomer is a complete meme. Fix your resume, pare it down and get rid of all the weird bullshit folks tell you to put on there sometimes, write cover letters and apply, apply, apply. Request coffee chats with folks working in your target industry who went to the same school. Loosen your geographic restrictions and don't apply to jobs that you're obviously overqualified for, because they don't want to waste time training up someone who is just going to leave them at the earliest opportunity.

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Didn't read any of this. Who's the cute chick in the cowboy :marseybountyhunter: hat?

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Darn baby, maybe you should apply for a blowjob from me

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Are you a cute transwoman?

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Leaving aside her useless degrees and language abilities (I speak three :marseydilbert: languages and the only ones that are useful to my job are my native :marseyfrontiersman: one and English :marseyqueen: so why a native :marseyfrontiersman: English :marseybong: speaker :marseymegaphone: would :marseymid: bother learning a foreign language unless they're going :marseysalmaid: to live abroad is beyond :marseynietzscheretard: me), she obviously thinks she's too good to be applying for these jobs and she's clearly overqualified so is it surprising :marseyspit: she's getting rejected?

Yes, apparently it's surprising :marseyspit: to her...

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Overqualified is a meme

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I've thrown away more resumes for being overqualified then under qualified, but that's probably because my company's recruiter sucks

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@WeihnachtenSalvador can understand rejecting those “overqualified” but that's because of their attitude that turn them in very shity workers that ends up being less qualified

@WeihnachtenSalvador stand with Israel

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It's not really attitude that I worry about. It's knowing that they'll leave for a better job asap and ill have wasted time and money training them

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Spanish is huge in America and even occupational Spanish can be an asset.

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In America, in many big cities, Spanish is very much an in demand skill.

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She's holding an NYC subway card; they're not hiring because their minimum wage is like $20 an hour

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But she has to have the hustle :marseynewyorker: and bustle, don't you understand? How can you expect her to move to Ohio or something? Don't you know that those places are full of literal Nazis?

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That's really not a lot of money at this point, especially not in NYC.

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There's no way in heck it's the equilibrium market price for wiping off tables though

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In New York? Yeah it is

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If it were, the NY gov wouldn't need to make it the minimum wage because everyone would already be paying it. Please stop being a communist.

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Have you seen the price of takeout in the big shitty recently? A McDondalds dbl 1/4lb meal is $20

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I figured as much (I'm more familiar with the prices in LLM's domain and they're almost as bad), but I maintain that nobody needs to be legally mandating a price floor for part time table bussing. Turning jobs like that into mandatory "living wage" jobs just inflates everything even more. It sucks but there isn't any real solution to cost of living problems besides building more housing. Really, I just wanted to rant about counterproductive minimum wage laws.

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It's not hard at all to get a 20$ an hour job in nyc, the problem is that's not enough to live off of

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It doesn't sound like she's paying all of her own living expenses. If she were living with no income and no external support up there she'd be homeless.

And $7.25 isn't enough to live off of throughout most of the country, yet is still the minimum wage in the majority of places. It sounds like she'd just like to be making /some/ nonzero amount of money, which would be possible without the artificial price floor.

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better start acting like you're not gonna complain about doing work every five minute lul

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!zoomers !fashion

Why do zoomers dress and style their hair like 90s teens comedy extras?

Either they go full broccoli, Hitler Youth, or Saved By the Bell

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Or whatever this is.

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Degree in acting and and can't act.

One of my side gig is doing translation shit and on of my clients was a Caucasian dude he told me he needs a cv and send it to couple of companies and paid me.

I made him a perfect CV, he is doing mma but I wrote that he is doing snowboarding and ski and other small details I basically made him perfect cool guy and his phone ringed 24/7.

So b-word can't event act like a worker cel that people want to hire

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Skiing :marseysexy: is good for your resume? :marseynotes:

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It indicates you're white and understand delayed gratification (enjoying the ski means waiting on a chair lift)

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Skiing, tennis, and sailing are upper class coded.

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MMA tells the employer that you're getting punched in the head a lot so it's better than that

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I bet sign language and Latin are the languages..

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yt people not getting hired



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Being a cute 20 something girl in nyc must be so degrading. The supply curve is shifted all the way right

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I just hacked your web application.


What does this mean?

I have found a severe vulnerability (CVSS score >= 7. in your live web application.

Why did you do this?

There are several reasons I may search for vulnerabilities in a web application. These include, but are not limited to:

  • Personal interest,

  • Fulfilling a challenge,

  • Monetary incentives.

Am I in danger?

No - not yet. But you should fix the beforementioned vulnerability ASAP. Otherwise I will be forced to issue a security release, which may put your web application in jeopardy.

I don't believe my web application has a vulnerability. Can you prove it?

Sure, mistakes happen. But only in exceedingly rare circumstances will acclaim a false vulnerability. If you would like to issue an appeal, shoot me a private message explaining why I am wrong. I tend to respond to rDrama PMs within several minutes. Do note, however, that over 99.9% of vulnerability appeals are rejected, and yours is likely no exception.

How can I prevent this from happening in the future?

Fix the vulnerability and move on. But learn from this mistake: your mistakes will not be tolerated on rDrama. I will continue to find vulnerabilities until you improve your code. Remember: Safe code is privilege, not a right.


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If you speak 3 languages, why are you not working as a translator or interpreter?

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That field's been decimated by foreign outsourcing.

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