I hate to say this, but a lot of men don't actually like women. They like what they can get from them. They don't want anything from “ugly” women, therefore they're worthless to them.
I really recommend the book The Tragedy of Heterosexuality by Jane Ward (I haven't read it, just heard her talk about it on a podcast). It's about how heterosexual men are, for the most part not committed to women. They are only interested in them as long as they serve their needs. They are committed to a woman but are not committed to the plight of women (plural) more generally. They like one woman, but they don't actually like women™️. The author says that in contrast, lesbian women are fully committed to women in them succeeding in every way in their lives, and if you want to have s*x with a woman you have to be committed to this woman in every capacity not just frick her, which is how it is for a lot of men.
That explains a lot, I could never understand why my DH didn't seem to care much about women's issues despite having daughters
What does DH mean?
Dear husband
They type so much butt abreviate that?!
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lol is that annoying mental health stuff called being very lazy
>it must be because of my looks that people don't like me
It sounds like just the default straightforwardness how dudes treat other dudes. A lot of women don't realise that being very nice and soft and gentle actually isn't a guy's default state.
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