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Why do ugly women :taylorlorenzcrying: annoy men :chadnordic:?!?!




I hate to say this, but a lot of men don't actually like women. They like what they can get from them. They don't want anything from “ugly” women, therefore they're worthless to them.

I really recommend the book The Tragedy of Heterosexuality by Jane Ward (I haven't read it, just heard her talk about it on a podcast). It's about how heterosexual men are, for the most part not committed to women. They are only interested in them as long as they serve their needs. They are committed to a woman but are not committed to the plight of women (plural) more generally. They like one woman, but they don't actually like women™️. The author says that in contrast, lesbian women are fully committed to women in them succeeding in every way in their lives, and if you want to have s*x with a woman you have to be committed to this woman in every capacity not just frick her, which is how it is for a lot of men.

That explains a lot, I could never understand why my DH didn't seem to care much about women's issues despite having daughters

What does DH mean?

Dear husband

They type so much butt abreviate that?! :marseypregunta:

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I really recommend the book The Tragedy of Heterosexuality by Jane Ward (I haven't read it,

Woman moment.


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So we pretending all the scrotes that tell me to read Infinite Jest actually read it?

!bookworms what's the etiquette on suggesting shit you never tried yourself? For example, I know there are some people who really should be on meth, because they just seem the type. Similarly, there's a bunch of dudes who I can tell would love Cormac McCarthy even though I never read any of his books.

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95% of book discussion is between people who don't read. By mentioning that you haven't read it, you're already being far more polite.

U gotta be like "I think you may like this book I've heard about " :chadwomannordic:

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It's like how 99% of the time someone writes "Marx says that..." they haven't read one word of Marx.

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I've argued with r-slurs about Heinlein's Starship troopers so many times, and in 95% of the cases it's obvious that the other person hasn't read it, and his only info about it comes from the movie and r-slurs on reddit calling it fascist.

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So we pretending all the scrotes that tell me to read Infinite Jest actually read it?

Doesn't count. Nobody actually read Infinite Jest.

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Nobody actually read Infinite Jest.

I have multiple times :marseybigbrain#:

https://i.rdrama.net/images/17187151446911044.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/1735584487Pd3ql1pai5_mfA.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17177781034384797.webp

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I stopped when it got to the girl with no real problems who wanted to kill herself


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My Dad did. He said it was mid :marseygiggle:

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i refuse to believe anyone has read infinite jest all the way through

same with godel, escher, bach

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I read GEB all the way through, with a pen and paper, and solved all the exercises given.

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Whataboutism is beneath u bb

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you have no idea the depths I'll sink to

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the depths I'll sink to

If u lose weight u won't sink

Have u tried a Pilates class?

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idk I wouldn't myself because I don't know whether it's shit and there are a lot of 'good books' out there that are actually awful

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I find it extremely funny how reading Cormac McCarthy has become this symbol of masculinity. It makes no sense because literature is inherently feminine. Real men can't read. :marseyretardchad:

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So true king

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I only suggest things I never read so that nobody shits up my faves with bad takes

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Don't suggest shit you haven't read. That seems pretty :marseyglam: easy.

The only books :marseysexylibrarian: I am legally allowed to recommend are wheel of time, Harry :marseyhermione: Potter :marseyhermione: and green :marseywatermelon: eggs and ham.

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Whenever I read a book I find myself disliking, I always make sure to read it all the way through so I can speak with authority when I tell people it's shit.

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Take a look at https://www.amazon.com/Talk-About-Books-Havent-Read/dp/1596915439. "How to Talk About Books You Haven't Read" is an incredible, well-written book that elucidates the semiotics of talking about and recommending books you haven't read, and the author is a brilliant, witty writer. It's one of the best things you'll ever read.

Disclaimer: I've not read this book, or even a blurb about it. I have no idea what it's even about aside from the title.

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I hear about books from reasonable people, skim through some, remember their topics, and recommend on that basis.


For example, for you I'd recommend How To Stop Being an Annoying Whore.


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I just try to be clear with my level of expertise when I am going mostly on critique or reviews.

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I would never recommend a book I hadn't read myself. Why would you do this? AND ADMIT TO IT?


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If Heterosexuality is tragedy for women, homosexuality is absolutely catastrophic for them. Lesbians have higher divorce rates, dead bedroom rates, and rates of domestic violence compared to heterosexual women.

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I hate to say this, but a lot of men don't actually like women.

bros they're starting to catch on :marseyveryworried:

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Maybe if they worked on their personality and hobbies

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Most of the offense people take to ugly women seems to be when they act like a beauty queen that's owed the world.

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Yeah, and most of the perceived annoyance is just indifference relative to the positive attention their more appealing peers get. Never mind that they frequently want to get away with being fat.

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It's wild to me that most women I know don't actually have hobbies apart from TV :marseywomanmoment:

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It came to a head in a club where I was trying to politely tell these weirdos that my friend wasn't interested

lol its the myth of consensual s*x meme with the fat girlfriend

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Are they seriously going to pretend they aren't guilty of the exact same thing to a greater degree?

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They just apply foid logic to the judgement of ugly people.

:marseytrad: “It's not that he's ugly, he's just giving off creeper vibes.”

“By just sitting there staring at his phone?”

:marseywomanmoment: “Yes”

They legit treat their disgust of ugly people as a sixth sense that detects that the ugly people are actually terrible and dangerous.

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ugly people are actually terrible and dangerous.

theyre not?!



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I completely respect and agree with foids who are consistent in the belief that terrible people look terrible, but most of them instantly abandon it when it comes to their fellow foids.

It is really fun to reverse it on them though, after they concede that gut feelings and random vibes are completely valid they get really flustered when you say one of their friends gives you bad vibes and you don't like being around them.

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Women are super nice and responsive to unattractive men in non-sexually/non-flirtatious situations. The more unattractive a man is, the more likely the man will be treated like a human being by the women he encounters.

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Yeah that thread is projecting like an imax. So many of my girlfriends have talked about short and unattractive men in a way that made it really clear that they were offended by their very existence. Especially if they dare approach them.

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I think with makeup and being skinny I'd have a pretty decent face - this isn't a self-hatred thing - but I feel more comfortable being a bit chubbier


Every time

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but I feel more comfortable being a bit chubbier

the thing she's most comfortable with happens to require doing nothing all day

just like Nick Mullen said about womens diseases, they just happen to have a disease that requires laying in bed all day

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>The author says that in contrast, lesbian women are fully committed to women in them succeeding in every way in their lives


If anything lesbians and men understand each others best because we both have to endure those nagging, whiny b-words

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Lesbians commit the most domestic violence lmao

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I've always loved lesbians.

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but I feel more comfortable being a bit chubbier and not wearing makeup due to some annoying mental health stuff.

lol is that annoying mental health stuff called being very lazy

It came to a head in a club where I was trying to politely tell these weirdos that my friend wasn't interested in their sexual comments

>behave in an argumentative and annoying way
>it must be because of my looks that people don't like me

No, the thing I'm noticing is anger. Men see me and their brows furrow, their eyes narrow, they peepee their heads

It sounds like just the default straightforwardness how dudes treat other dudes. A lot of women don't realise that being very nice and soft and gentle actually isn't a guy's default state.

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lesbian women are fully committed to women

Their rights and lefts


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They are committed to a woman but are not committed to the plight of women (plural) more generally.

Caring about your friends and family a truckload more then the average random person is weird indeed :marseyhmm:

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What is the plight of women :marseydarkfoidretard: :#monicat: ?

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These b-words hate men so much it's honestly funny. Imagine meeting a foid irl who posts there

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Petition to automatically addend "she typed, fatly." to any quotes in this hole :marseychonkerfoidtyping:

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One of the only things he does that irritates me, arguably actually the only thing, is spending upwards of 45-60 minutes in the bathroom, especially when we're about to do time sensitive things like leave the house or go to sleep, compared to the ~5 minutes I take. When pressed, he said something along the lines of "for a break", or "for peace and quiet", and then looked really discomfited and said he knew that sounded bad but he couldn't explain it.

Imagine being so annoying your scrote locks himself in the bathroom for hours at a time to get away from you :marseyxd:

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All women annoy men.

just imagine a very average attractiveness white woman and then a few rungs below that for the sake of this point

Dude, gross.

trump for prison

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They like one woman, but they don't actually like women™️.

do even women like women™️?

lesbian women are fully committed to women in them succeeding

imho lesbians don't care about women™️ either, they just hate men™️.

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men don't actually like women. They like what they can get from them. They don't want anything from “ugly” women, therefore they're worthless to them.

100% spot on

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Except dudes frick uglies all the time

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I'll also eat brussel sprouts when I'm close to starvation. Doesn't mean I like them

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For the same reason ugly men annoy women? People don't like ugly people

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More importantly, how do we get them to stop annoying men?

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They don't want anything from “ugly” women, therefore they're worthless to them

It's a real shame that uggos are uggos; they tend to develop better personalities since they don't have their looks to fall back on.

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Now flip the genders....

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Jarvis pull up the lesbian domestic violence stats :#marseynoooticer:

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