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:10inbongland: Drunk businesswoman, 39, who glassed a pub drinker after he wrongly guessed she was 43 is spared jail after female judge says 'one person's banter may be insulting to others' :tayadmire:




A drunk businesswoman who glassed a pub drinker after he wrongly guessed her age has been spared jail after a female judge said 'one person's banter may be insulting to others'.

Mother-of-one Joanne Dodd, 39, flew into a rage and attacked Carl Cooper after he suggested she was 43 in the beer garden of the Unicorn pub in Manchester city centre on September 9 last year.

Mr Cooper fled to the potty in a bid to get away from the heated situation, but when he came out Dodd ran towards him and twice shoved her wine glass in his face.

He was left with a four inch laceration to his face, narrowly missing his eye, and an injury to his thumb.

When quizzed Dodd, who runs a firm which organises children's sleepover parties, said she was suffering from 'low self esteem' at the time and said the banter was 'disobliging' towards her. :marseyxd:




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Asking women "How old are you" is deeply rooted in libertarianism in our culture. It's a male predator stalking out their next prey and making sure he won't end up on the wrong side of the law. The closer the prey is to the cutoff line, the more the thrill. However, when they realise the prey is considerably distant from the line, they resort to mockery instead, Judge Gray said in her closing remarks.

Holy shit, the UK is nuts! It's over for you Bri'ish !male feminists

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It's a male predator stalking out their next prey and making sure he won't end up on the wrong side of the law.

SPALpilled :marseyspal:

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Even better for SPAL: the age of consent there is 16, opening new avenues for finding very dumb women

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Watched 21 Jump Street recently and I remembered this time when a 16 year old girl working at Subway told me I should see it and she was smiling and being really charming. It made me feel something inside and I worried that maybe I'm a dirty old man. Then I realized it's just that I crave approval from black women because you run into them so rarely around here. :marseywholesome:

Also she was pretty smart for a kid, it's a good movie.

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I feel like you missed my big plot twist where it turned out it wasn't a lazy joke about s*x, it was a lazy joke about race. :marseysmughipskorean:

This is the kind of joke that gets you $10 million for an hour of stand up.

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From the indictment, I think Jared's tastes were even more alarming than that.

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He didn't like it foot-long or even 6".

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Ascending to boomerism hurts. You chat with some cute 22 year old at a bar, and there's a certain age you get to where it goes from "young people hanging out" to :#marseyspal: grossly hitting on :#marseytedsimp2:

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It's whenever you get ugly

If you were 90 but still looked like Henry Cavil, literslly noone would care.

(I just realized that all the moid s*x symbols are old: Henry Cavil, 40, Chris Hemsworth 40, Chris Evans 42, Jason Momoa 44)

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milk and wine

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human sexual dimorphism reaches its maximum in the late 30s/early 40s

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If you get to that age and are trying to make friends with young people instead of bragging about how your grandkids are better than them, you are a failure in life.

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Oi, she may look 43 but I reckon she moight be 8 and ripe for me to r*pe... 'spossin I should ask to be certain?



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A more schizo angloid than our hero !jinxthinkers.

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If that's what judge Judy actually said...I can't even. She's in charge and a literal mind reader.

Maybe the pakis are the actual solution, and that is SAD.

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>sends a fellow bong to jail for breathing near octogenarian foid

>r*ped to death by pakis in the middle of the court

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Lmao indirectly accusing the moid of libertarianism. Nice judges you got there, bongs.

This alone should be enough for a retrial in just world, but it would probably only end up with the scrote arrested for insulting her or something.

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He needs to ascend from britcuck :marseybong: scum and go full IRA on her butt :marseyira: :marseypipebomb:

On minecraft of course!

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You were seen to be approaching him, throwing your drink over him and then striking him deliberately in the face with the glass that you had. Your conduct was incomprehensible.

'The only explanation that can really be put forward is that you were under the influence of drink, which does you no credit.

'It was no doubt traumatic for Mr Cooper and it would have had an impact on him. Fortunately he seems to have made a good recovery.

'I have seen the photo where the scar is barely noticeable but to him it will be a constant reminder of your conduct on that night. There was a very unpleasant injury, it is a grave injury, but fortunately there is no permanent disfigurement.'

The judge added: 'There is no mitigation about the circumstances of the offence itself but there is mitigation in relation to you.

'You are a woman with no previous convictions. You have never been in a court of law before and you have positive good character.

'It is accepted that you are a dedicated, hardworking woman, and undoubtedly a loving mother.

'It is right that you were remorseful from the beginning of the events at the police station.

'There is no doubt that this offence is so serious that it crosses the custody threshold. The issue is whether the sentence is immediate or can be suspended.

'There can be no doubt in this case that you are no risk to the public and that this offence was entirely out of character and I suspect that having been so shaken by your own conduct the court will never see you again.

She faced up to three years in jail under sentencing guidelines after she admitted inflicting grievous bodily harm.

However, she was spared jail and handed a suspended sentence after Judge Elizabeth Nicholls said she was a 'dedicated, hardworking woman' who posed no risk to the public.

Dodd was sentenced to 12 months in prison, suspended for 12 months and was ordered to complete 180 hours of unpaid work. She was also ordered to pay £800 in compensation to her victim.

Her barrister Mark Friend said: 'So far as the offence itself was concerned, it may be a case where the less said the better.

'But the events since that time remain very firmly in the mind of Miss Dodd. She deeply regrets this and apologises profusely to the complainant for her actions on that day.

'It may be said that some of what had been termed banter between them was rather disobliging but the defendant does not seek to excuse or explain her actions. There was also an unfortunate coalition of factors that were impacting on the defendant on that occasion.


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£800 for glassing someone in the face. Not bad.

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I want to join the male feminists ping group but Im not a male feminist :marseysweating:

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You're one ethanol soaked rag away from your dreams :marseylaying:

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Nice bait

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Sounds like she's being extremely islamophobic :marseydisagree: :chadjihadi:

Behead her or else the muslim will cry :!chudmuslim:

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