I know 90% of people irrespective of gender are losers.
However, it feels like women are completely incapable of sympathizing with even the remaining 10% of men, and where they do sympathize, they excuse behaviors in the 10% that they consider unacceptable social evils in all other men? Why do women do this? Why do they discourage the same behaviors in 90% of men that they accept and celebrate in the remaining 10%?
Somebody explain as if You are talking to an neurodivergent who only thinks in black and white literal statements.
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I can sympathize with individual men who are real people to me. I find it hard to sympathize with "men" writ large because as a category, men have everything easier and treat women poorly. I know #NotAllMen or whatever, but just like I'm sure there are some nice billionaires (hi
) I still am not going to sympathize with Rich People because as a group they are constantly fricking me over.
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She's right though, men have easier lives despite worse conditions because of our superior physical prowess, intellect, and mental fortitude.
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There's this very catchy Taylor Swift song that says "if I were a man then I'd be the man", and is supposed to be about how the patriarchy is holding women down etc. Every time I hear it, I think "if you were a man you'd have physical differences that would effect your ability to perform at the highest levels, so I would expect some greater performance to result." The causal effects of Testosterone alone would be significant.
One day I want to see a company go all-in on performance maxxing its employees. Like on-site dining and sleeping quarters, extreme levels of corporate surveillance and micromanagement of your time, some sort of absurd drug/hormone cocktail mix fed via IV, and prostitute budgets. I assume that no amount of that nonsense makes any sense compared to just hiring one other person, but it would be amusing.
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this is why trains in sports will always be funny to me...
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Yeah, yeah, now a billion scrotes are going to shit up this thread about how girls are mean to them or they would have gone pro if only it weren't for those meddling DEI kids or w/e.
I'm not really saying that no men ever have problems, but come the frick on: in your heart of hearts you know you would not pick "woman" if given the chance to re-roll your own character. Straight white man all day, every day. (Due respect for MtF mfs
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That's because dudes are awesome and struggling more than women is worth it for access to the true nature of the world.
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Try not to be so emotional about it
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Don't tell me what to do. I'll emote all over your stupid face if I feel like it.
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Woman doesn't understand why struggle and insight is good, color me shocked
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NGL I think I would unironically take being a woman; I was the kid with the "hot mom" so I guarantee I would have SLAYED
and could have EASILY pulled a winner in college (after fricking around) and just chilled for the rest of my life being a good mom (all assuming I didn't take too big of a sanity hit) 
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Being really hot is just a cheat code for life in general, moid or foid.
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Is it worth seeing the world through a female lens though? 🤢
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The insanity comes with being a coddled woman, so you will most likely be an insane woman. Hence why hotter women are crazier. People put up with them more than uggos.
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I think this translated Islamic Salvation Front chud post pamphlet from the Algerian Civil War will convince you of the error of your ways about wanting women to work
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If I could keep my male intellect and would become attracted to men, I would.
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This is very true, as long as we ignore every statistic in the western world.
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Okay, gimme the /r/mensrights copypasta. Yes, we all agree it's really sad that you keep yourselves safe a lot and you should probably try to do that less. In fact, moids should probably try doing less killing in general.
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Ladies select for aggressive behaviors. It's your fault
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Hey, don't blame me: I like introverted, emotionally-withholding soft bois.
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Nananana booboo
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I get it, part of being an ideologically driven foid is to self lobotimize, we are talking about literally every statistic that you would use to measure well being.
Not being homeless, jobs, not drug addict, not keeping your self safe, college etc into infinity with the small exception of the 0,1%. But ill grant you that ideologically, according to the dumbest ideology that literally has never been right once, men are much more priviliged, 100%.
I guess it just depends how you prefer to look at things, if its observable, quantitative or things you make up in your own head.
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sorry but really smert menz with charts explainsed to my silly gurl brain that the reason all the men get to be rich geniuses in charge of things is because other men have to homeless drug addicts. The smert mens said it was sth about standard deviations but I was confusedly by their big manly math werds.
You should probs talk to the smart profesor mens and he can tell you why you have to be a homeless meth head. Sorry abt that tho.

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No worries, I dont think anyone should expect more.
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It's like you're talking to a child
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A bit childish maybe, but she did make it clear from the start that she only engages the subject as a chat gtp v1,5 "feminist" prompt, I think she managed to go an even more primitive version. Gotta give props where its due.
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I stg sometimes the moids on this site are so stupid I can't even count on my sarcastic jokes landing.
Let's try this another way for the
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Harsh but fair.
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95% of women fricking suck imo… all of them are bat shit crazy and they don't sympathize with men because society tells them it's easy to move on to someone else thus never addressing their deep rooted fricked up behavior because there is always some smuck waiting to give your girl the D
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Females don't understand what it's like to be a man with mental health problems in this society. Sigma males like myself are constantly silenced, mocked, and belittled by so-called "feminists" such as yourself. Bullshit like this literally made me quit my job as a performer and turn to a life of crime.
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I'm so sorry that happened to you.
I've never belittled anyone for his mental health struggles unless it was really funny.
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Thank you for your apology for your female nature...
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Because in general women hate men as much as men hate women.
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I think you'll find this passage enlightening on the simplified turbo foid view on the good man bad man dichotomy and why foids tolerate bad behavior from some man and not others
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This makes a surprisingly good amount of sense.
What is your opinion on the statement you shared?
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Neighbor this shit doesn't make any sense. It's bpd women's r-slurred application of Marxist base/superstructure dynamics to s*x relations instead of economic class. It's premised upon one leap of logic after another. From the beginning it relies upon the idea of a gestalt male consciousness.
The fewer women on this site the better
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Neighbor this whole fricking thread is predicated on the idea that women are supposed to feel sympathy for M.E.N. writ large as some singular collective entity that might conceivably merit sympathy. Do you sympathize with UN delegates? With the Appalachian hill toad? With motorcyclists? With the mentally handicapped?
If there's no male gestalt than the entire question is incoherent. There's no shame in responding to an inquiry stipulating to its premises.
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Fair fair given the thread
I refuse to engage with any feminist writing with intellectual curiosity or honesty because that's for strags.
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This premise is based upon on leap of logic after another. From the beginning it relies upon the idea of a gestalt female consciousness.
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This isn't the argument being made, and I'm not following what you possibly found interesting in that commentary.
Safety being a motivating desire isn't an interesting observation because it's true of most animals on Earth male or female. It's arguing that men collectively and knowingly abuse this desire by both posing as the threat and the solution. It implicates group agency instead of individual action and transfers guilt to all men regardless of their role as threat, protector, or uninvolved. It's typical of feminist rhetoric in that it provides a nonsensical and self-indulgent explanation for a relatively uncontroversial observation.
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Literally this thread asks why I'm not sympathetic to all the men. I swear on Gloria Steinem's life if I had the grip strength to choke you to death for this lazy pseudointellectual jiggery-pokery you are engaging in, I would do it in a second.
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I was replying to
@gigachad_brony, not you, and trying to explain to him why agreeing with feminist takes in any form makes him a gay r-slur. However I do agree the language I used in my reply is overly verbose and straggy
I'm also glad you recognize your inferior grip strength

The whole premise is r-slurred. I don't know why any man would expect women collectively to sympathize with the plight of low value men. I certainly don't care about the daily struggles of fat, ugly women.
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Agree. Wary of all men. Punish only the criminals.
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Just because you don't name it doesn't mean its not a real phenomena
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All moids share a male feminist conciousness, its literally (
) science as you can see.
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An interesting data point that makes me vaguely SIMPathetic to this view is that it this view essentially became law with the Algerian family code of 1984 which was passed by Algerian socialists without any public debate. The law meant that foids couldn't marry without being approved by a moid family member, could be divorced by a moid without receiving any financial compensation while she effectively couldn't divorce the moid for any reason. The house is automatically awarded to the husband and required duty of obedience to her husband. This caused Algerian streets to be flooded with homeless women, often carrying children, while there was an outpouring of Islamist sexual violence against foids during the Algerian civil war.
https://arena.org.au/algerias-sexist-family-code-is-long-overdue-for-reform/ (article is from wingcucks but correct on the facts)
There were also many Algerian revolutionaries which married foids during the independence war in the mountains using the law to divorce their foids to get younger ones according to Both Right and Left Handed: Arab Women Talk About Their Lives by Bouthaina Shaaban though she's of debatable trust and Unbowed: An Algerian Woman Confronts Islamic Fundamentalism by Khalida Messaoudi though she's currently in jail for corruption so maybe
The law was lightened in 2005 though.
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Men are surprisingly disappointing in this aspect.
They shout about honor and dignity 100x louder than the groups ability to follow through if they were given the reins freely.
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Cool write up, but why would I ever care about the rights of Algerian women?
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Ah now I understand why you don't know why women can't sympathize with men: you're r-slurred. And gullible.
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How is what was written incorrect?
It matches for the mindset of part of the strata of lower income unemployed men in 3rd world countries.
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Feminist thought is about applying the financial dynamic between literal pimps and homeless prostitutes to the mentality of average middle class American men without acknowledging any differences, nuance or applying critical thought.
"dole out protection—sometimes temporary, sometimes permanent, often illusory—in exchange for women's service, loyalty, and compliance"
Only sociopaths think that's why they marry/date someone
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I'm pretty sure that
@gigachad_brony is Indian though, thirdies have very different gender dynamics
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Cuck is a western concept.
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But the average man really does behave this way?
You are using the "I like kitten pictures on instagram I am good man." Fallacy.
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I'm starting to think you aren't male
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It's worth debating. While there is a kernel of truth in there, it's not a protection racket. Other men (and nature) can be scary and violent. Men get victimized even more from violent men than women.
The implicit deal is that a man will protect a woman (with his life if need be). This is not a flaw of men: A rational actor would always shirk on this "responsibility". That many do anyway is very heroic and proof that this isn't a malicious game our gender plays to eeke out an advantage.
I'm with feminists on this one. If I could exterminate the top 10% violent men (without putting my nation at risk of invasion, so I'm only talking about the maladaptive ones), I'd get rid of them without hesitation.
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Those are the men protecting the nation
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Because there is a lot of emotion and risk involved in loving/trusting/caring about another person and when that goes south people (men and women) tend to take it very personally and are led to hold onto resentments towards not just the person who has done the hurting, but their entire group.
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But I have been cucked by many women and I still don't hate women?
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You'll get there some day champ!
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Calm down, take some deep breaths.
You'll have an easier time figuring this out with my peepee in your throat.
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they hate us cause they ain't us
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Really? But even I don't want to be me?
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