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Being a woman in America right now is absolutely terrifying… : TwoXChromosomes




Where and when can woman find time where they are better of then this?

They are hysteric just becouse they cant abort 38 week year old babies anymore

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Hormonal birth control has adverse effects on women, this is an outrage



Hormonal birth control has adverse effects on women, this is an outrage


:carpdisagreefast: :carpkys: :carpchonker: :carppearlclutch: :carpmad:

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I have legit heard more anti hormonal BC stuff from other women (including on rdrama :marseypearlclutch:) than from men. Just the other day on Ovarit, some b-word (considered a slur on ovarit :marseyeyeroll:) was whining about how unfair all the roadblocks biofoids have to go through for some hormones as opposed to men who can get T shots whenever (???? Plus as if that'd be a good thing). Meanwhile, a different b-word the day before was going on about how the misogynistic medical establishment was poisoning women with hormones and dudes should just wrap it. As if trusting condoms and a dude's word was safer.

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men SHOULD be able to get T shots on demand. it'd fix several societal problems and cause some new, fun ones

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It should be illegal to vote if your T levels are too low

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as opposed to men who can get T shots whenever

gawd, i wish

the only people who can get t shots whenever are women who say they're not women :marseyxd:

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The medical establishment hates women so much it not only poisons them with hormonal BC, it also wanted to deny it to women because of the side effects and had to be forced to give it out by feminists. Take that, patriarchy!

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Who are you quoting??

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You uneducated swine.

It's widely known that the pill causes women to go crazy and women who raise this are praised for doing so:



The joke is that now rightoid men are raising the issue women don't want to hear.

It's funny because rightoid men don't care about helping women, they just want to oppress them.

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Dragging women kicking and screaming into healthy functional families

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Never heard of him

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pretty much every feminist lol

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The woman who made the poast

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So true king

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Existing as a woman right now is so exhausting and anxiety inducing. And it's really interesting to think about the fact that these same people are the ones who tend to be against things like vaccines because it's “their body their choice”… so they DO understand the concept of autonomy, just not when it applies to something they don't agree with… what the actual frick..

It's not that much of a mystery. You create a nation of powerless, sexually frustrated men and they try to do something about it. It doesn't need to fit into any existing political framework etc beyond that

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Except to woman. Being under the attack is when you cant have abortion when ever you want to. Or maybe its becouse its not as easy as before. When you could entter in any field or endeavor just becouse you were female. Novelty of woman doing X is wearing off. Imagine hillary clintos chanses if there had been female president before her.

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they DO understand the concept of autonomy

Crazy thoight, but maybe when they say they consider the fetus already a living human being, they actually mean it? And that it is not a conflict of "bodily autonomy of the mother, yes or no" but "bodily autonomy of the mother or bodily autonomy of the child"! What a crazy world we could live in when you actually consider the argument the other side is making instead of just discarding them as being morally evil with evil intentions. Suddenly their behavior makes sense!

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I love these foids so much because they're so good at getting themselves oppressed.

I supported no-questions-asked abortions for the first 16 weeks and abortions to save the life of the mother at any point in the pregnancy. That's the same as the Europoor countries all the progressives call utopias. I was called a misogynist and a nazi for it. Then they ALL said the most vile shit about how the fetus doesn't become a human until the minute it's born, which...Come on. That's not scientific at all. It's just murdering defenseless babies.

Soooo now I'm not really interested in looking out for their abortion rights anymore.

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Nooooooo we gotta kill babies like the Jews before Moses

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only before moses? i thought that's what they were doing in Rafah right now

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Its funny how many times Jews rejected the Word of God, started aborting children and then God had to turn them into slaves again for some time or make them suffer military defeats

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god must be satisfied with what they are doing because they keep winning battles

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Hamas obviously hasn't tried bringing chariots of iron smh amateur mistake

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Doesnt look like theyre winning

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hamas hasn't won any battles, no matter how many times they put a red triangle on an israeli tank then cut the video before the dust clears and you can see the tank is undamaged entirely

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Hamas invaded and killed 200 israeli soldiers and took a dozen hostages. It was a minor action. It provoked Israel into mass murdering civilians

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Watching a bunch of hysterics be given huge amounts of social and political power and the consequences of it has something to do with it, too.

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The 14th amendment was a mistake


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As always the real mistake was removing the property requirements

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>just don't be as much of a whore



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They are asked to deal with consequences of their actions. Not to stop being whores.

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There are so few states that even made abortion illegal, wtf are they on about

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And you have many many ways to prevent pregnancy.

Are they so addicted on getting creampied 24/7.

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You know theyre gonna deflect that of course its not about THEM, its about poor stupid minorities who dont "have access" to brith control and yadda yadda yadda.

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It's a mixture of wanting to poop on other women for not having the self control to not act self-destructively that of course she has, but it would be too egotistical to mention it you know? plus having it available as an emergency out when she acts self-destructively.

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Are they so addicted on getting creampied 24/7

Because it's :#hot:

Try it, you cuck cage wearing negro

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Nice try ye. Rember what happened to past person who told guys to creampie girls?


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                              have s*x lol


:#shotty: :#shinzoabe:

:#marseyseppuku: :#itsoverjapanese:

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And the states that did ban had already shut down most of the abortion clinics there anyway. Some minuscule part of the abortions before the court decision were in these states, like <5%.

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Yeah a lot of these red states literally only had like one or two abortion clinics in the entire state and women in those states knew it was required to travel several hours, most of the time out of state, to get one even before the Roe vs Wade ruling.

Realistically not much has changed for those women after Roe vs Wade, ironically enough, and the TwoX posters complaining the loudest about it almost certainly live in blue states.

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>i had to drive like two hours it was terrifying

Most honest foid

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Oh no it's just like Europe now!

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They are the global 1%, but they are this :marseythissmall: close to being on top of the world. The smaller the gap, the bigger the dissatisfaction.

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>implying foids would be happy at top

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>implying this is about foids and not human nature


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>gay marriage stats vs lesbian stats

Seems like one gender is more prone to dissatisfaction

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The greater male appetite is matched by the greater pride and competence.

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Yea they'd 100% complain about the emotional labor of running a country

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Even if they didnt need to run or do anything. Just cruise on life. They would invent drama out of nowhere. Even best all female workplace just boggs down to nonsense drama.

Woman is like tree. They need outside aggitation to survive

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Introduce a woman into an efficient male-dominated workplace with high employee job satisfaction and watch how quickly she can destroy it.

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I've told the story before but I was bangin' a broad back in 2016 who thought the MOMENT Blormphf was sworn into office that men would descend into roving r*pe gangs like something out of Star Trek TNG. Little did she know she'd have to wait for Biden to bring in the ‘Jeets and Arabs for that to happen…

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Girls who think that get wet from that possibility

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Oh absolutely


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Just literally take testosterone, have top surgery and get a hysterectomy.

I've never felt better.

Solve your own problems. There's no excuse for being a woman in 2024.

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>I do nothing but consume media that amplifies statistically improbable r*pe and murder and spend all my free time discussing one topic that I have been convinced is a mortal imperative by people who need me to vote for them why am I so neurotic and anxious all the time help me RBGWoman!!!!!

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help me RBGWoman

Fun fact. Those old and ill judges could have retired during obama years and dems would still hold super court.

But nah brah. It was soooo important for hillary to get to say who is foid in court.

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RBG deserved that massive and completely avoidable L she made her side take, she chose her own ego over ideals and paid the price for it.

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Kitty-juice stained hands typed that thread

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>kitty juice from a reddit foid

:#marseyliquidator: :#marseyradioactive:

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:marseyjelly: :marseybeanrelieved:

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Yeah I wouldn't mind some if it's jewdank's but I wouldn't exactly call her a reddit foid lol

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>Being a woman in America right now is absolutely terrifying…

C*nts have it better than 90% of people, still terrified.

kill all americans

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Hormonal birth :marseychestburster: control :marseyshadow: does make foids :marseybirdlielol: brain :marseyneuronactivation: rotted but the supreme :marseyelliotrodger2: court :marseytakit: just struck down the case because its argument :marseystrawman: was legally r-slurred.

Supreme court :marseykrayongrouns: upholds foids :marseyblops2chadcel2: rights, women :marseyextinction: most harmed.

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I can't murder my unborn child, this is literally like Nazi Germany

Women :marseyfacepalm:


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>Existing as a woman right now is so exhausting

lmao so predictable


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Calm down, sweetie.

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America should sell people like this into sexual slavery in the Arab world or whereever. 100% unironically, this would make America a better and safer place for everyone else.

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