Good morning :marseycoffee:

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These are allegedly humans who want to be taken seriously in life :marseysurejan:

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The horror that would surely unfold if even one of these broads didn't have a dad…

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Reminder: they are allowed to vote. :marseydepressed:

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Yes but how does it solves the problem of crashing your car?

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>Car crash?



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Positive goes on first :marseyraging:

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literally it doesn't matter

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ok but it doesn't tho

especially if you have two lesbian cars with no accessible engine block to clip onto

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I do it the wrong way on purpose cause i like seeing the sparks

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It will spark no matter what

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I don't think I've ever seen sparks.

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because youre a failure


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How often do you jump batteries in pitch black dark environs?

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If you know what you're doing, it literally doesn't matter.

But for the casual person following instructions step-by-step, it does matter.

If they were to start with the Negatives, then there's a chance that when they connect the first Positive it shorts out because the other Positive (which hasn't been acknowledged yet) is still resting against the engine block or shock tower. Look at how this lesbifoid couldn't read more than half an instruction ahead and completely forgot about the other end of the cables even reading the instructions.

Telling filthy casuals to connect Positive first gets that risk out of the way.

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They're scared of the sparks, and it's less likely to spark if done the correct way :marseysmughips:

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there is ALWAYS gonna be sparks

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Changed hundreds of car batteries, this is simply not true :marseyprotestno:

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The click when you touch the battery terminal is caused by the spark. You may not hear it over the noise of touching the connector to the stud, but it's always there.

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Alright, I can concede that because the click does happen consistently. But, it's rather pedantic when putting the positive on first tends to prevent the drastic spark that freaked the two cute butches out in the above video. Thus, "positive goes on first."

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big sparks come from having a REALLY discharged battery is all :marseyshrug:

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you must only change batteries on old cars then.

Modern cars will draw several amps when it connects. That will make a few sparks.

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Then you havent done this in the dark.

The noise made by sparks can be hidden by the noise of clamping on, but there's pretty much always gon b at least a bitty baby zap.

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^this cute twink has never done the short circuit arc "Yeah, I got power" test^

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How do I invest in Subaru service departments

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:marseyrofl: Why tf would they post this to tiktok?

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>Why would :marseyfoidretard: post :marseyl:???

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Not very impressed with these dads letting their daughters drive, SMDH #WhiteShariaNow

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This is cute though. !foidmoment


:#marseydisintegrate: :!#marseyflamewar::space::!marseyagree:

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This is why they are like this. Stop enabling

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If you raise children, and at any age their first instinct in a distressed state, and where they fricked up, is to call you, you did a fricking great job.

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Unironically this. Your children should know that they can rely on you in emergencies.

And, of course, you should know when to let them clean up their own messes - once they know how.

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exactly! reminded me of all the daughterswap porn clips

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>daughterswap porn clips

Is this some moidmoment shit?

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You guys are all a bunch of sad people.

If you raise children, and at any age their first instinct in a distressed state, and where they fricked up, is to call you, you did a fricking great job.

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If he wants to call his dad, hes gonna need a priest not a phone, though

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Any adult man that needed to call their dad for this would be considered a failure.

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an adult man should wish for a father to give him advice. when the frick did society degrade so much we value advise of those who care for us so little? independence is not human nature.

yes, a man should be able to handle this ideally.

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They should do the same at the voting booth

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Literally children. Foids should not be allowed outside. The Ferengi were right.

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Double parenting fail

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top 2 most serious gender 🔥🔥🔥

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