NEIL GAIMAN FLIRTED WITH MEE :!soycry: :marseycryinglaptop:

I was lurking in threads this morning, it's supposed to be Instagram's twitter equivalent.

Sometimes, you can see some really good drama in here because everyone in threads is r-slurred.

Enter QueenKore1224:

Here's my recreation of what happened:

:malefeminist: :!tiredfemjak:

Ew lol




Here is what I think is more likely:




!biofoids should we kill all scrotes?



Bonus screenshots in comments!!!

Edit: I still have no idea who the frick this guy is lol

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I know people ITT are piling on this foid (rightfully) for having a foidmoment but we shouldn't forget that apparently this foid didn't notice this author flirting with her until her angry moid orbiters gaslit her.

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She told one epic tale.

But this dude def r*pes:

Check Neil's 2006 "HOW TO TALK TO GIRLS AT PARTIES"… just blew me away. I grabbed the ePub. Right at the beginning, more...:

"The times I had kissed my sister's friends I had not spoken to them. They had been around while my sister was off doing something elsewhere, and they had drifted into my orbit, and so I had kissed them. I do not remember any talking. I did not know what to say to girls, and I told him so."

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I'll be real. Neil Gaiman is a string bean cute twink. But Neil Gaiman is also rich and was able to get with the chick that Shelob resembles/was modeled on for that one LOTR game. Neil Gaiman probably had a line of art hoes at the beck and call. I think the man can do better than some random chick with three orbiters who wanted to get her copy of Coraline signed at 3 AM.

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I think the man can do better than some random chick with three orbiters who wanted to get her copy of Coraline signed at 3 AM.

Something about guys who have had access to shittons of actually attractive kitty is that they seem to stop caring about only fricking the hottest and baddest b-words. It seems that after a certain point of dating arthoes, models, and groupies the primary concern becomes ease of access. Just see the likes of Bill Clinton, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Tiger Woods, Jeff Bezos and other famous men that have been caught with mistresses. In many cases it's not the most attractive woman that someone of their fame and wealth could have ended up with.

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After all that steak, a hamburger sounds good, but then you move on to the beef jerky.

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Bait Idea: rent a bear costume, and start raping random women

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I saw Neil Gaiman at a grocery store in Los Angeles yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn't want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything.

He said, "Oh, like you're doing now?"

I was taken aback, and all I could say was "Huh?" but he kept cutting me off and going "huh? huh? huh?" and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in his hands without paying.

The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like "Sir, you need to pay for those first." At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter.

When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually "to prevent any electrical infetterence," and then turned around and winked at me. I don't even think that's a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.

It's like he basically r*ped me and the cashier.

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woman :marseybirdlielol: moment :marseycringe2:

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the best part was how she didnt notice obvious things going on around her

most common female trait

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i'm so proud of you queen :marseyking:

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Thank you :marseyembrace:

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Edit: I still have no idea who the frick this guy is lol

Wrote a famous comic about gods where the main character (the god of dreams) looked like this

Also responsible for writing the books that became this



And lots of other stuff. Doesn't have the massive cultural cache of a Stephen King or GR Martin but exists in the tier right below that (especially if you're a brit)

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I tried reading American Gods but found it boring as frick :marseysleep:

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American Gods is terrible but the spinoff book Anansi Boys is a lot more fun and has a more lighthearted fantasy tone

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Every woman on Earth has a terrifying first person account of the time a moid did nothing directly untoward to her.

I'll never recover from when Paul Giamatti came into the liquor store where I was working and awkwardly complimented my hair while buying pretentious microbrews.


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OMG tell me more

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:marseythinkorino: it's fascinating how women are traumatized by attention from both attractive and ugly men

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She's not traumatized, shes attention seeking and humble bragging he looked at her tits and maybe wanted to frick a 25yr old

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SMH neighbors on here still don't understand how it's like a competition for foids to humblebrag or even recount straight up embarrassing Ls.

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I'm still traumatized by his bondage fetish scenes in Billions


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I keep hearing bits and pieces of this guy and I'm starting to wonder.... Were women right all along?

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but, yeah, he r*ped those girls

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Lol yeah, I remember my first dose of male attention


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First dose is always the most memorable, but after the 10th load they all blend into each other.

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I still have PTSD from the time I thought a scrote was waving at me but he was actually waving to the person behind me

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It's okay. You're stronger than this. You'll get through it somehow. Just take it one day at a time.

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Alternatively if you just give up now @Smegma_Male the pain will stop immediately :marseydoit:

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After my 3rd failed suicide attempt via aspirin OD I've accepted that I can't be killed

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>trying to OD with pills

WTF imagine not suckstarting a shotgun and still claiming you tried to commit suicide

Just go and transition right now

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I hate that these b-words are making me support Neil Gaiman :marseyraging:

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If it makes you feel better just remember that if it was anyone else, Gaiman would be agreeing that they needed to be cancelled for flirting

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I really :marseythinkorino2: really :marseythinkorino2: dont like being on his side.

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Male feminists deserve having to deal with this foid nonsense. Foids deserve having to deal with male feminists.

Just sit back and enjoy :marseymonk:

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Well said. Too many people insist on blaming only the male feminists or the women. It took both of them to get us to this point, they deserve each other.

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I wish encyclopedia dramatica were still around so i could link the entry for "almost r*ped"


edit: got the archive

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Here you go. Doesn't seem to be a search function and I am not wading through those portals to find your page. :cdmshrug:

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I don't think Gayman is interested in women, let alone molesting them. :marseysalutepride:

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We can only be so lucky.

Mr. Sandman is an allegory for gay r*pe.

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Good morning I hate women.

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Lol same

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average rdrama pickmeisha but go off

literally, The year 2024, and A herd of 1.2 billion frickin ugly b-words are rushing from

ok so Metadrama rate skyrocketed!!! rDrama is ruined!!! Therefore, the rDrama administration called Eggy Eggman Rodriguezs student @Rhea for the massacre of the foids

@Rhea is a killer machine, and Wipe out literally all 1.2 billion of the pickmeisha foids!!!

:punch: :!marseyfrozenchosen: :punch: :marseyquakeroats!: :punch: :marseytedsimp2: :punch: :!plsnope: :punch: :marseypenny!: :punch: :darcyknitting: :punch: :marseychicken!: :punch: >(you) :punch: :marseyvampire!: :punch: :marseyarsey!: :punch: :marseywinemom!: :punch: :marseyaxolotl!: :punch: :marseyjam!: :punch: :!marseyninja: :punch: :marseysurejan: :punch: :ambythegoblin: :punch: :marseyhouellebecq!:

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um you didnt upmarsey me :marseyviewerstare:

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>I didn't think anything happened until I heard another foid yapping that I realized retroactively I was almost mega r*ped


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Female noosphere goes crazy

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:#marseywomanmoment2: :!#marseywomanmoment:

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>have casual s*x

>find it dehumanizing

>culture says casual s*x is okay, so my partner must have done something wrong

95% of MeToo cases are already this, but somehow they keep pushing the limits until we hit "a man looked at me"

We live in a society

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As always, the UK leads the way in women's empowerment

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Try going on a bus in Pakistan with you're tits half out

Trans lives matter

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The issue is that she's demisexual, a category only made up of foids for some reason

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:!marseyindignant: I'm demisexual.

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>Young and naive and didn't realize that guys like tits

>Male friends protected her

:chudmuslim: Don't want them to complain about Islamic guardianship ever again

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The Muzzies and incels and women themselves are right about women

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>young and naive and didn't realize that a man looking at my cleavage is r*pe


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She didn't even enter menopause, you sick frick! She was basically a toddler!

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Him smiling at me and maybe staring at my chest when I thought about it in hindsight years and years later is the exact same thing as getting r*ped behind a dumpster by a pack of strangers.


Please give me my pacifier and attention because I am just a cute wittle baby who has no agency

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mfw the celebrity(?) I stood in line until 3am to get a book signed by likes the tits I am displaying

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>in line for hours for a tumblr celebrity

>guy turns out to be a degenerate


When the sexual revolution happened, NOBODY predicted that it would simply enable the worst actors amongst us at the expense of stable family formation. :marseythinkorino2: :marseyandjesus:

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Yikerinos, why are you being s*x negative?

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This is the face of male s*x positivity, biofoids. You want it to be a young DiCaprio or Tom Hardy, but this is what you'll get when you're pushing 35 still single.

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:marseytabletired2: looks like my mother-in-law

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Cool Jeff Tiedrich.

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He's poly and as someone who has been hit on by a poly :marseyairquotes: person :marseyairquotes: before, I agree, we should ruin their lives/careers + bring back the death penalty for this :guillotine: it's genuinely offensive (and not just because of the smell!)

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if there were a presidential candidate whose entire platform was "genocide polysexuals," i'd vote for him and hope for the best when it comes to everything else

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He's poly and as someone who has been hit on by a poly :marseyairquotes: person :marseyairquotes: before

Now that you say that, I am on this r-slurred woman's side. Watching this video of Destiny makes me want to press charges against him for violating me :marseyyikes:

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I don't know who any of these people are, and I intend to keep it that way, but that one twitch guy spends A LOT of time fantasizing about the particulars of how that other dude fricks.

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:marseyagreesuperspeed: there's just something so disconcerting about them, it's like the uncanny valley but for the human soul

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like the uncanny valley but for the human soul

That's a good way to put it. It must be the complete disregard for boundaries and social norms while the target is like, "lol is this for real or...?????"

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Do it, queen, you're so BRAVE


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I'll fix his butt :marseychuddance:

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One man one woman bonded for life. This is the way. :marseyyoda: :marseydisney:

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If people touched grass more, it'd be that way


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These trends predate smartphones and terminal online behavior. You can't have your cake :marseyuterus: :marseytedsimp: :marseyslutshaming: and eat it too :marseywall:

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I met my hubs by playing ttrp's weekly



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Saying you're mtf without saying you're mtf

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He shouldn't have written such terrible books if he didn't want to be called a male feminist. Also he's British so that's strike 2.

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He's Jewish so strike 3, and probably strike 4 for good measure.

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What's with British Jewish authors in the fantasy/horror mashup genres? Between him and Charles stross (you know he's jewish because he uses the jew name for Jesus while constantly talking about being an atheist in his books) they're all jewish.

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American comic writers were all jews back in the golden/silver age.

Look at their hero names: Superman, Spiderman, Ironman, etc.

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Also he's British so that's strike 3.


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I will always choose bear over a British moid

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:#marseynorf::#marseybong: :#mars!eypie:

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