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I had five miscarriages in a row, then did three rounds of IVF and now pregnancy has had some tough symptoms

Jesus Christ lady, take a hint

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Are you saying this foid is genetic dead end thats possible in post penicilin world?

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What do you mean? :marseysuspicious:

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Her poison womb is crowding heaven

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You should put that on a cake and send it to her.

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/u/Itsnottreasonyet Your poison :marseycyanide: womb is crowding heaven.

This wouldn't have happened if you supported the motherland.

Glory to Russia! :marseysaluteussr:

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!metashit !commenters :marseysweating: the price of success. Will ukraine :marseyitsoverwerebackputin: win?

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Winning homosexually is the best price any country can get. So YES :marseyvibing:

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Jesus Christ lmao


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darn almost exactly 20 years ago https://www.somethingawful.com/news/were-all-gonna/

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Thank u so much for catching that reference

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it's a reference if anybody notices and original comedy if they don't 8)

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There are so many quarter century old SA shitposts that live rent free in my head

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Holy frick that one hits.



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:marseychonkerfoid: or :marseywall: place your bets!

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Holy frick, she is r-slurred. She married an insensitive guy, and somehow, this is undeniable proof that she is living in a patriarchy? What the frick?

Also how do I avoid getting stuck in a sexless marriage? Is the bussypill the only way?

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Is the bussypill the only way?

Yes. Dudes rock

Imagine playing xbox and slamming beers with your husband. Its teenage/high school/college bro years all over.

Homo mariages are least violent and least likely to divorce.

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I was once homophobic, I have since learned that I was simply jealous :marseyrain:

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Homos are no fun roleplayers in their early years(just look at this site) and then it turns into a sexless marriage once their testosterone dries up crom gay s*x at 30

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Have you seen grindr, it's like 90% 60 year old dudes who want to suck peepee. Homo s*x drive never dries up

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There's literally an entire stereotype about married gays in sexless relatuonships that multiple of the faaaggs on here have reaffirmed to me. It definitely dries up, 60 year old unmarried gays probably weren't having gay s*x in their 20s

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It's cause their butthole stretches and they need to wear diapers

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Review my other comment :truestorybro:

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Those guys are married to woman tho :marseywink:

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those dudes are fricking weird. had one message me with pictures of his personal glory hole, in his home i guess? looked like a scene out of a horror movie

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what the frick, what would be the point of that, isn't the entire appeal of a glory hole the anonymous public aspect?

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i don't know lol it was creepy. looked like it was in a house, there was a tarp involved. dude probably murders people. im in the middle of nowhere, i barely bother with apps, everyone is 65 and super weird and ugly. this dude messaged me the other day and he had open sores of some sort on his chin

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TRT is easy to get these days.

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TRT doesn't fix prolapse :marseyhesfluffyyouknow:

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it fixes your body and s*x drive, you gotta work your butthole to prevent prolapse

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Homo mariages are least violent and least likely to divorce.

And also the least like an actual marriage since they both sleep outside the marriage all the time

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U saying lesbian marriage is better. Where they just beat up each other.and dont have s*x woth anyone? Then divorce

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The dramneurodivergent is immunized against all dangers: one may call him a r-slur, incel, troll, f-slur, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But call him a Redditor and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: "I've been found out."

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sexless marriage? u know u can just have s*x with your wife whenever?

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Marital r*pe is no no

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Legal in over 30 countries including the two most populated ones

!chuds !coomers !male feminists

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Cheating on my wife is preferable to living in India or China lol

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Why? :marseywtf:

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cuz at lease da bish ima cheat on hurr with wont look essactly like hurr

jemarkavious dont think trans lives matter

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China are communist and in India people shit openly on the side of the road


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Wake me up when japan makes it legal

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Japanese women are submissive enough it's sort of naturally the unwritten law of the land

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Actually true, it's illegal, but the law has never been used lol

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Marriage is a contract for s*x@anytime hence there is no such thing as marital r*pe

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Don't be a fat lazy slob, your wife will frick you if she thinks other women will. If you don't look like you someone anyone wants to frick, why would she?

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>how do i avoid a sexless marriage

You still need to keep putting in effort, and she also needs to feel like you can leave her for a younger chick at any time.

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The comments in that thread, good lord. Women's subs have a godawful problem with catastrophizing at every turn and are probably inducing anxiety disorders through promoting shitty thought patterns.

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How do you think the abortion conversation shifted from aborting a fetus no bigger than a kidney bean to being able to have a doctor end a baby while it's in the birth canal in states like NY? It's not just Reddit where they're like that.

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I would love if trump and friends pushed through european style abortion laws.

Wholesale meltdown that would follow. Becouse they are so strict compared what was before.

Funny thing how big issue late term abortion is. When its something like 1% of all abortions.

Yet its handmaids tale for foids when they arent allowed

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Honestly I am totally for the European way, 3 months to abort then you're having that baby

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Wasn't that America too? But either way, no one wants a tard baby, and I guess if my wife was gonna die, I'd want her of course. Either way, OOP is a certified foid, whining about patriarchy and shit.

Man has feelings-emotional fragility

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There's still medical exemptions Incase delivery would likely kill the mother and or baby

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Cuck mindset

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Late term abortions are rare but they mostly happen in cases with serious complications like, "the baby is 100% going too die and giving birth might also kill you."

So yeah, it freaks women out when the official law is Ivan Drago


@HITLERSPERM1488 stand with Israel, a country that's not squeamish about killing babies.

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Isn't there usually exceptions for those cases?

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Generally yes but it's tricky. The issue is if the law allows abortions for the health of the mother, then you get mothers who "need" an abortion for their "mental health" even if there's nothing biologically wrong, so it's basically a huge loophole.

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>mental health

Have they tried not being a whore tho?

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A lot of the time they require you to be on death's door before they'll abort.

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I am pro-choice but this is partly a lie. I believed it too until I read an interview with the only doctor in the whole United States who does late term abortions. Yeah they are rare but he will do them for any reason at all. He just adamantly maintains it's the woman's choice no matter how old the fetus is and he absolutely does not care if it's healthy or not. However they're still rare because 1. He's the only doctor who will do them and 2. Most women don't carry for so many months only to abort a healthy fetus

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Complete bullshit

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Spending too much time on the internet is bad for both sexes. Moids turn into incel rightoids or male feminist commies, foids turn into narcissistic obsessed grrl-power wrecks with an overinflated ego.

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foids turn into

>turn into


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Women have a godawful problem with catastrophizing at every turn and are probably inducing anxiety disorders through promoting shitty thought patterns.


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Imagine marrying a redditor. Jesus Christ.

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redditors can't consent to s*x

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blah blah blah blah male fragility

Talk about projection

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