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Post-structuralist lefty philosopher is gangstalked by violent German feminist women plotting to sexually assault and humiliate British men [TW: :marseylongpost:]




My new fave lolcow but this guy is so :marseywords: he makes @sneedman @Impassionata and yes, even @TracingWoodgrains look like some twitter lightweights. If you hate reading, just tap out now and save yourself the headache.

His about page is 4000 words long.

Gaze upon his works, ye mighty, and despair:

(PS If anyone knows has an invite to the the violent Berliner feminist Groomercord, hook me up)

I am a philosopher who is just finishing a thesis that began in Berlin. I am one of those lefty post-structuralist types, but I was initially trained in analytic philosophy. I wrote my Master thesis on Deleuze's Logic of Sense. Foucault was also a major influence on my work. My thesis is on Nietzsche's Project of the Incorporation of Truth. So that is my Phd, but what is this Substack about?

There is a feminist network targeting men in a violent campaign. Thousands of people participate in the group chat and follow the instructions of the anonymous group chat administrators. British men are robbed, assaulted, sexually assaulted, humiliated in s*x footage and housed in a flat were they are drugged over years. If those participating knew the small group who initiate and control the campaign in Berlin, they would not follow their instructions. I rejected two of them for 1.5 years while working in the bar. They were trying to entrap me to prove I cheated. Their feeling of rejection fuelled a campaign of hatred, sexual harassment, and coercion. They created ever new reasons to disguise their hatred. They claimed British men hate German women. You might have been told this was part of the ruse, but most women in Berlin view this as a xenophobic campaign. They know German men are not any better than the rest. So, why only attack foreigners, why only British men?

I did not just reject their advances; I told them that I would not spike anyone's drink for them while working in a bar. I also unwittingly criticized their feminism. They were boasting that 'toxicity' was a medical sickness. I reminded them of Foucault's critique of 'diagnosing' people with a 'moral sickness' like laziness and putting them in confinement. "He gets it", they said. I did not know how literally they have taken over these Victorian strategies. But that's another story. In Berlin my local workmates defended me because they thought the women had mental health problems. Not least because they would sometimes scream at them in the bar. They also knew that British men were targeted in Berlin and that this is xenophobic. They would often resign themselves to the craziness of Berlin saying, 'das ist Berlin'. Even after one of my harassers was sacked, she came every shift for 4-8 hours to harass me in the quiet café/bar. My workmates reported this to the German proprietor, also a woman, who said I could bar her. But another woman only took her place. These two women boasted about what is done to British men. Even the locals working in the British embassy do so because they hate the British. It is a small number who feel this way, and half are not local to Berlin. I lived and worked in Berlin for over 5 years, before I encountered the abusive campaign. These women are not the average Berliner, women. Nor feminist- You do not know who kicked this off and is administrating the Telegram group chat. Do not presume that they are your better feminist, or better person.

Gone Girl Feminism



8 October 2023


I was told in Berlin that the feminist movement I am exposing is inspired by Gone Girl. However, my friends in Glasgow had already given me a hint. We came to the conversation by way of Ben Afflick. They collectively fostered a strong dislike for Afflick. It seemed a way for them to know that they were all on the same page about something morally or pol…

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Days after I arrived back in Berlin from the funeral of the Grandmother who raised me, one of the women who had been harassing me for 1.5 years, sexually assaulted me in the bar. I left my job, but I cannot properly account for the two years after. While working in the bar I was encouraged to apply for social housing. I did not wait years like everyone else, I was offered a private viewing. I was drugged in this flat for years. Most people have been led to believe that the drugging only makes the man anxious, or it exhausts him so that he has heavy legs and even falls asleep. It says a lot about the power of gender stereotypes that even when women house a man to systematically drug him over years, the drugging is thought cute. It just makes him sleepy. The truth is much more sinister: Spiked by Gone Girl Feminists? - interpocula (substack.com)

On the victims return to the UK he is offered a room in a flat share that is too good to refuse. The flat lies in the catchment area of a mental health practice where a student doctor is waiting to write him off as delusional for reporting the harassment he suffered in Berlin. Henceforth anyone can harass and spike him in bars, or in the workplace, without fear of reprisals. Footage of the therapy sessions is shared to humiliate and stoke hatred. They even used my words to wound my mother and drive a wedge between us. They attacked my mother and hurt her, to get at me, and to isolate me. I took my complaint to the clinical director of that centre, I told him I had heard about every detail in Berlin form feminists, and he sounded concerned, but no investigation was undertaken.

When I persisted with complaints I was taken into a mental hospital on an emergency detainment order. To put this in context, I had had a decent full-time job for about a year and a half, and I had just been accepted into a PhD program. I had done nothing but insist that my complaint was taken seriously. This involved writing two polite emails. I was kept over night and the next day the clinical director at the hospital told me, in front of my father,

"I hope you do not need to see a psychiatrist again. You just need to remember that you think a bit differently than other people, a little bit more to the extreme and just remember, if you attack the system, the system will attack you."

My father acknowledged the threat and said I should shut my mouth and get on with my life. My mother had been bullying him and threatening to leave him. He does what he is told to do because he is dependent on her, and he is going into retirement. I hesitated whether post the threat on my Substack. I did a week later, and a few days after that, I was taken back to the hospital against my will with another emergency detainment certificate. Nothing had happened in the interim period to warrant a second traumatic interruption in my life. The doctor in Scotland told me I had not been sexually assaulted in Berlin. How could he know? How your therapist might gas-light you, if asked to (substack.com) I was confined for a week and told I would not get out unless I took medication. I have since been threatened with permanent confinement if I do not keep my mouth shut: The modern confinement of 'difficult' men - interpocula (substack.com) To this day I am harassed by people think I am a cheat, or a racist, or a misogynist, or a transphobe, or a wondering hand. I am treated like an animal because of smear campaign online.

Bartenders and baristas spike my drink, bottles of water are tampered with in local shops, and colleagues spike me at every opportunity. 9 Ways Bartenders Can Spike You, If They're Asked to (substack.com) This is organised on a Telegram group chat. Young bartenders and baristas announce on the group chat that the victim is in their bar. The group can then send people to the bar and give them instructions on what to say or do in some scripted harassment. The bar offers people free drinks, just in case the cause of social justice is not sufficient motivation. I have been told that the group chat is so popular that bars fear that there could be reprisals if they do not participate, and the target is seen to frequent their bar because it is a safe place.

Everyone on the group chat believes they are doing the right thing because of an effective smear campaign. The group hacks the victims mobile and email to harvest material to smear the victim: I emailed someone about a noir detective series that she said was spoiled by a token black man. I called out the 'random black guy' as well. Watch it yourself- The Invisible Guardian. Also, a few days after 9/11 I intervened in a racist attack, and I alone put my body on the line to protect two Sikh Indian men. I was a witness in court to see the racist convicted. I do what I can, when I can, to combat prejudice and violence. However, I can't defend myself against everything that I am smeared with online. At school I was always the class clown, and I was ironic about my masculinity. At a party in my small village, I mocked some men who were making a woman feel ashamed for dancing with me. I whistled ironically while I put my hand slowly further down her back. The woman understood and played along. It was a stupid thing to do, but I was in my teens. Only now has this been talked of as a Donald Trump style grope, despite the woman not seeing it that way herself.

In the end, all these lies are circulated to enrol as many people as possible to protect a small group of women in Berlin that drug, abuse, rob and sexually assault British men. There seems to be a popular belief in the UK that he was a cheat, or, in Berlin, he hates Germans. How likely is it that any of these women will call the whole thing off because, 'he does not hate German people at all, he defended them'. These women coordinate their harassment so that they coincide with each other, or succeed each other, to compound the effects of abuse. How many of these women will just accept rejection and say he is not a cheat? They would thereby spoil the fun for all the women in the group. Many of these women only have friends on the basis of their commitment to executing the same abuses on different men. This is what they do. There is no chance of escaping these women mid-campaign simply by rejecting them. In fact, many of these women share the experience of father absence and have a real problem with accepting rejection. The victims are being attacked for rejecting these women. The victims are attacked for refusing to drug men for them.

Some housekeeping

This Substack aims to raise awareness of the psychological, physical and sexual abuse practised by feminist networks. This is not a criticism of feminism, but a very small group that uses the broad trust and support for the movement for their own hidden ends. Just as important is an awareness of the online smear campaign against the victims. These smear campaigns do not document incriminating deeds and words of the condemned. Rather they dehumanize him as a dirty scheming racist sexual predator who is associated with human and animal excrement, spittle, and sperm. In this way he becomes a receptacle for all that we find disgusting in ourselves and our humanity. The violences done me is edifying for many and even expedient in a war against patriarchy, misogyny, and racism. It is hard to imagine how I might temper or transform their disgust, hate, and anger. I can only hope that if people participate because it seems right, then telling my story will compel you to reassess your commitment to networks of violence and public shaming.

The abusive campaign has already lasted 10 years and is ongoing. It is hard to know how to present this on a Substack. Telling such a degrading tale of anonymous and frivolous dehumanization obliges me to answer some fundamental questions about human dignity- Who does this? Why? How is this possible? This necessarily involves some interpretation. I repor the interpretation that the activists in Berlin give of themselves, and of the interpretation of women in Berlin of these activists. Admittedly, reports on the actual abuses the carry out, could be part of the abuse. For example, telling the victim in advance what happens when he is drugged, could be a ploy to have him think that such acts are committed while he was asleep or unconscious.

For my part, I share the lefty post-structuralist Marxist background with these activists and try to provide the theoretical sources of this development in feminism and activism: Derrida contra Gone Girl Feminism - interpocula (substack.com) The concepts I provide from philosophy and psychology are applicable to broader cultural movements, but I use my case to describe how they operate in practice.

The genealogy of retributive dehumanization

All this started when everyone had smart phones with cameras, around 2013. The murder of George Floyd sparked a campaign for racial justice because the police brutality was filmed by bystanders. It could not be ignored once it went viral and millions of people were witness to it. Neither would the protest of thousands that quickly followed go ignored. Protests peaked on June the 6th 2020 and by that point they were thought to be the largest movements in the country's history. Over half a million people protested in nearly 550 places. This was a huge step forward for social justice.

Soon, other racist incidents were caught on camera as people were being called out for racism. Now it was not just male violence. Women were caught appealing to authorities and making false accusations to punish innocent black men. Most famously, a woman called the police when a black man asked her to put her dog on a leash in Central Park. The man filmed her on his mobile as she told the police that she was being attacked in the park by a black man. More videos went viral of women appealing to an authority (police, manager, building control) to harass innocent black men. This phenomenon gave birth to the 'the Karen meme'.

Soon, small groups of activists decide not to wait for wrongs to be caught on camera. Rather than wait for that unlikely event, they harass and abuse the target to provoke a reaction. Online harassment had now crossed over to meat space: G*mergate: the Dark Precursor to a Violent Feminism (substack.com) A mobile phone or voice recorder is always on the ready. The reactions can be posted online as the reason why the group started the abuse in the first place, when it is the effect of years of abuse. Thus reversing cause and effect: The metonymy in modern activism - interpocula (substack.com) This tactic may have begun haphazard at first, with people provoking any sort of violent outbursts, but it soon became guided by research and perfected in practice. Research in social psychology revealing how certain groups suffer from stereotypes and cognitive bias are being weaponized. The feminist analysis of psychological, physical, sexual abuses serves as a repertoire of abuses to turn against men: The Feminist Turn from Alienated Object to Retributive Subject (substack.com)Everything took a more sinister turn when social media platforms started to offer people complete anonymity online.

A Genealogy of Structureless Activism - interpocula (substack.com)

The effects of social media and the myth of structureless networks

The idea that information, wealth, and power would be distributed equally across networks is false. Network science could have told as much. New nodes do not attach themselves randomly to the network, they want to attach themselves to well-connected nodes. So the well-connected make more connections, and the returns of connectedness get concentrated in ever few hands. Unsurprisingly then, the ownership of social media platforms is incredibly concentrated, creating billions for a small number of people in Silicon Valley. Networks have become an incredibly source of inequality and influence.

The idea of a pure communication society has been superseded with polarization and conflict. Algorithms are working to figure out what news the viewer will like and share because that is how Facebook gets advertisers, by showing that people are stuck to the content they go to on Facebook. This creates echo chambers of personalised news feeds, rather than forming an autonomous society of communication. People contend for likes and shares with ever more extreme content. As psychologists have pointed out, the moral emotions that garner most likes and shares- hatred, shame and disgust- act like a call to action. What emerges are small groups who know how to construct a disgusting Other with online content to provoke anger, hate, shame and disgust towards a scape goat. This call to action coincides with instructions on how to practice scripted abuses on the scape goat. This calls members to the hunt, to drug and otherwise harass the totemic creature and chase it out of sacred public spaces around a city. Somehow combining the enthusiasm of totemic cults with the frivolity of Pokomon. Pokémon Go and Social Justice Games: Online Hate Groups and Offline Violence (substack.com)

One of the central role of activists is to keep people angry and engaged in their campaign. In the case of Gone Girl Feminism, their exploits are only validated to the extent that they are seen as political activists, and not as pathological abusers. Projective identification- is a pathology taking over the political? (part1/2) (substack.com) They know to present the reaction they provoke after months or years of abuse as the prior justification of the abuse. Meanwhile, the multitude that follows their instructions are happy to outsource their moral and political judgement to the network. The Tyranny of Leaderless Activism - interpocula (substack.com) The group chat offers members security in numbers, and allows them to hide their own lack of interest in feminism, post-colonialism and ethics. Are All Swarms Good? - interpocula (substack.com)

The Shame Machine

I recommend reading the shame The Shame Machine by Cathy O'Niell: The Shame Machine - interpocula (substack.com) The first section O'Neil deals with fat-shaming, addiction-shaming, and poverty-shaming and shows how shame is used to create a target market for cruel industries. In the central section, 'Network Shaming' she turns to men. Men, it is explained, think they are good and when the world informs them that they are not, they suffer from painful cognitive dissonance. Men say they are innocent because they are ashamed. So, the argument goes, when a man claims he is innocent, he does so because he is guilty of something that causes him shame. Society should cause men who claim to be innocent more pain and humiliation because they have done something that is not just wrong, but shameful. Equally the inverse is true for these activists. If the man admits he was in the wrong only to avoid more pain and suffering, "that is not unusual or, for that matter, problematic… most people choose to avoid the pain" (p133). Shame, in their words, "refers to another dimension of pain". The activists are happy to torture innocent people with shame for things they have not done. The spectacle of suffering online intimidates and deters everyone from doing what the victim is accused of, whether the victim is guilty of doing what he is accused of or not. The ends justify the means, and after all, "there's no greater power than shame to bring people in line" (p155). The rest of the book celebrates the campaigns of abuse by Gone Girl Feminists with thinly veiled parallels with the hikikomori in Japan. She thereby trolls the victims of online shaming and offline drugging and sexual assault: The Shame Machine trolls abused of victims - interpocula (substack.com)

The online shaming of the Karen's in the world was an opportunity for women to reassess their moral superiority in the face of racism and sexism. Women were caught appealing to authorities and making false accusations to have innocent black men punished. It is impossible to acknowledge the subtle forms of institutional racism without also acknowledging that women wield these powers and privileges as well, if not better, than men. Now this stereotype of vulgar animality has been transferred to male toxicity more generally. Meanwhile, the stereotype of women as the sweet innocent victim remains as powerful as ever. I do not believe most women on the group chat are cynically exploiting these stereotypes, I think they are being misled by a core radical group that controls the group chat. They know the vanilla feminists and normies will naively believe what they say if it conforms to these stereotypes. They appeal to authorities and the morally outraged multitudes online by making false accusations.


The name of the Substack comes from a letter written by Nietzsche while in Basil in which he boasts of the friendship with Jacob Burckhardt. Nietzsche came to gain a whole new perspective on the Hellenic from their conversations. At the weekends they would walk 3 miles from Basil to small village in Badan and enjoy some glasses of wine in a local inn frequented by Burckhardt. As well as the glasses (pocula) of wine that passed between them were some of the most significant ideas that Nietzsche would never cease to work over. They learned to trust each other in intimate discussion in relation to the culture wars of their day. To the point that they could share their heretical allegiance of Schopenhauer over the culturally predominant Hegel. To challenge the Hegelian orthodoxy of the German Universities which were the most prestigious in the western world, would be to invite invectives and slander from all sides. Basil was an outpost for a different way of thinking that was, until Nietzsche published the Birth of Tragedy, kept private. Burckhardt chose to keep 'their philosopher' and their 'brotherhood' a secret interpocula, to avoid suffering the ignominy and abuse in his later years in Basil. Nietzsche would share their Dionysian wisdom with the world, but always remain indebted to those confidences interpocula.

Burckhardt emphasizes our vulnerability and neediness as animals. He warns us of egotism invested in grand narratives. He warns us that a historical force gaining too steep an ascendancy may transcend all bounds. If it dominates all other forces- religion, state, or culture- great destruction will likely attend its ascendence and its consequent downfall. Burckhardt did not believe in moral progress, loathed eschatologies and warned of ideologies that claim to know who will inherit the earth. He reminds us that these ideologies are claims to absolute power, power over others and othering desires. He perhaps knew that the rise of Prussian nationalism and the Hegelian interpretation of world history was ushering an age that would need a heuristic against barbarism, but he did not announce it publicly. For some, like Nietzsche and Benjamine, this was unforgivable.

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OMW to get a philosophy :marseynietzscheretard: degree :marseygrad: :#horny:

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