Let's take a look inside:
The game rewards aggression too, consistently providing TDS with new weapons, power-ups, and upgrades to enhance the speed and variety of bloody, pasty murder.
That's literally how video games work.
Yet despite his menacing body count
Woman write something without s*x challenge. Impossible.
Sure, he slaughters them without remorse, but he does not delight in their suffering.
woman don't make excuses for powerful violent men challenge. Impossible.
In this way, Doom (2016) shines a nuanced light on aggression as a factor of masculinity.
It doesn't. The curtains are just blue.
This game tries to communicate how, when absolutely necessary (e.g. the Heck portal is open), focused aggression is an important tool for success.
Okay, maybe she ain't all bad with her feminist ideas.
While that rage is mostly directed at the hellspawn, TDS shows a special contempt for Samuel Hayden, the robotic CEO of Argent Energy and a symbol for the masculine tendency to exert control.
I know you are trying to stop the apocalypse and before that the extinction of the species, but could you be like, less controlling about it.
No matter how much his ambitions threaten the safety of the humanity, he stubbornly clings to the idea that his failed energy source will preserve their civilization.
If she actually read the notes she would realize humanity was already running out of energy. It was heck energy or collapse.
When Hayden talks about preserving his company, he does so with an extreme stoicism; the kind of callousness and disregard for human life that masquerades itself as "logic" and "reason" (think of how often contentious women are mocked as "too emotional" for politics, science, higher education etc.)
Emotional reactions are terrible for ruling a nation of millions and having the power to start wars.
His robotic body is an outward manifestation the idea that his constant desire to exert control (i.e. constant adherence to a toxic masculine trait) has robbed him of his humanity.
As per the first doom 2016 lore he got the body because he was too old and dying so no it wasn't just to feel in control.
Consequently, he does not share the same hatred of Doom (2016)'s only female human character, Olivia Pierce, who despite being the official main antagonist is more tragic than despicable.
He as in Doom guy. He absolutely hates anybody working with heck. Foid derangement syndrome where the hero cannot possibly hate a foid.
Before becoming the leader of a cult of Heck worshippers, she was a leading scientist at Argent Energy and most of the brainpower behind Hayden's ambitions.
That by definition makes her evil if Hayden is evil. As head scientist she too would have been willing to sacrifice employees for the cause.
Olivia's relationship with Hayden kick-started a chain of physical and metaphorical corruption tied to the masculine characteristic her boss represented.
le man made her this way. She was just in her late 40s you bastard.
It is especially telling how Olivia Pierce only became the antagonist once Hayden was not able to control her.
Not able to control her because she was serving literal demons. Which makes her evil.
If Hayden was able to keep Olivia chained up in the dark corners of the facility, then his uneasy alliance with TDS would never have formed.
Yes, because then a demonic invasion, caused by the foid, wouldn't have occurred in the first place.
Also keep in mind that the Heck portal has opened before in each of the prior Doom games, so continuing to draw energy from it would have caused the demon invasion regardless of Olivia's involvement.
Just because somebody else would have shot and killed the guy anyways, does not absolve me of the actual murder committed. This is such a foid way to escape responsibility. Well, it would have happened anyways so who cares if I did it now.
I think TDS recognizes this. He also recognizes that Olivia would not have done this had Hayden not put her in the conditions that caused this to happen.
No he doesn't. You are putting thoughts in the hot murder machines head as to how he totes believes in whatever you believe in.
This sorrowful respect (as sad as TDS can be) is probably why the player never gets to Glory Kill Olivia in her human form.
It's more likely because doom guy doesn't want to glory kill humans, and in her human form she is still human, even if deserving of death.
She was manipulated by the controlling masculine figure above her.
She was only 45 years and 364 days old you monster! She had barely learned to think for herself!
TDS saves his contempt for Hayden, the robot who caused him to kill someone for whom he bore no ill will.
The easiest way to get a foid to love you is to be hot, and not tell her anything, so that she will fill in the blanks with whatever she actually wants to believe about you.
There is the chance that I am gleaning too much from TDS's minimal animations,
Doom (2016) did well to contrast it with the kind of toxic masculinity that leads to widespread, pervasive suffering.
It being the Doomguy's positive masculinity. The toxic masculinity referring to Samuel Hayden.
I feel bad for these foids. They have never seen enough women in positions of power to realize that humans are corruptible, not just men. It's not toxic masculinity. It's toxic leadership.
In conclusion:
Feminist foid declares that doomguy
is a good man who respects women
and Samuel Hayden
is an evil toxic male figure
who likes to abuse women
and Olivia Pierce
is not the Villain, but actually a victim of Toxic masculinity, her pure and innocent mind of 45 years old being taken advantage of by an evil old man.
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I mean she's not wrong aside from the WORDS WORDS WORDS. Hayden is a villain and Doomguy makes a point of destroying all his plans despite having to work with him.
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