I have attached the song in question for reference as I imagine nearly all of you are even more out of touch than I pretend to be. I actually quite like this song, it's catchy and fun. I am also attaching a picture of Kate Winton because she's nice to look at:
Now that the preamble is out of the way with as efficiently as possible, I'd like to draw your attention to the chorus:
At 15 I wanted to die
At 16 boys made me cry
At 17 didn't know how to cope
And at 18 I lost all hope
From 19 to 23 I was the worst version of me
Then I got to 24 and realized that I deserve more
Pretty milquetoast female/youth empowerment stuff at face value. The universal relatability of trifling nonsense seeming like the end of the world during your teenage years is, well, universally relatable. Everyone gets it, it's an utterly inoffensive and guaranteed pop hit. What frustrates me to no end every time I hear it, though, is the last line "Then I got to 24 and realised that I deserve more". This line in itself sums up more or less the entirety of the absolute spiritual rot that has encompassed contemporary mainstream femininity.
Why do you deserve more, Kate? The past 9 years of your life as recounted by the chorus have been nothing but juvenile follies, and the most recent five ("from 19 to 23 I was the worst version of me") are, by your own admission, the worst you've ever been. Further, they're the sum of your adult life. The worst version of you has been the entirety of your life when you're actually in charge of what you do. If you've never been worse than that, why do you suddenly "deserve" more? What could possibly have led to this conclusion? Obviously this isn't specific to Kate, she's just writing for an audience, but that's exactly the issue: why is this seen as relatable and empowering? "Yeah I've always sucked to everyone around me and I'm shit, but you know what, I exist, therefore I deserve success" or whatever? Why???? Why do you intrinsically deserve anything at all????????????? There's absolutely nothing merit-based in this, it's literally just existence warranting success. And women have been conditioned to relate to this. "I deserve to be happy, I am deserving of success, I deserve to enjoy life, daily affirmation, blah blah blah" even in a vacuum is ludicrous, but this song spells it out outright that one still deserves these things even if one has been a wholly reprehensible person their entire life. The universe owes it to you.
Why isn't the line "that I could be more"? That's empowering. That provides agency to the listener relating to the song. That suggests positive change, for oneself and others, and that it's within one's ability to enact this positive change. But that isn't how it goes. This is a deliberate choice and it is very intentional messaging. Not just from Kate; she's not nefarious here or anything, it's just the end result of decades of insisting these things are true, that there is some universal debt owed to the woman by virtue of her breathing.
I like women, I like the song, but I hate this shit.
Play me off @longpostbot
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Women aren't capable of accountability. They don't need to be capable of this either. This is not the fault of women, this is the fault of men.
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unironically agree completely with the last bit
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So we've answered your question
Because men tell them they do.
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and this is a MALE website
i pung !FELLAS
i am waiting for them to explain themselves
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because bluepilled simptards think being submissive and nice to women is how you get laid
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Imagine if he had said please.
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He could have saved it after her first response
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Shouldve said 'sry wrong chat' to make her jealous
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there's a difference between being nice and being kind
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this, women are the worst but everything bad about women is men's fault. the true rot at the core of everything is straight men simping and not having standards
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That foid thing blowing up on twattter what with the "I'd never be fwb/hookup with you but I'll marry you" and thinking that's a compliment and then foids coming out en masse to attack men for feeling the way they do about what she said and how men need to understand that she didn't mean it that way but also if you feel the way you do it's because you're an insecure incel......
Anyway I hate them a little more
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Waow. That's not just not a real compliment, that's a straight up promise to cuckold. And men are pretty sensitive to such things, given how for the past couple of million years our potential male ancestors who weren't sensitive didn't pass their clueless genes along.
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foids be triflin
they're all like "yes its a compliment because she sees you as more than those men, they meant nothing etc"
like no bich. you just admitted you give some men the goods with zero (0!) commitment but ur prospective husband had to wait for it. (because hes uggo (gross
they have no idea how degenerate they are because they genuinely think mean and women are equal. that if men can have casual s*x they can too with no reprocussions
like honey you're not the one who isn't committing to the fwb/hookup type. you would if you could. they aren't commiting to you because youre beneath them. you're rationalizing after the fact as if you're in control
its pure 'every girl's a 10' cope. they let themselves get taken advantage of by chad/tyrone because they've been convinced their value lies anywhere other than where it actually does
foids don't just give each other bad advice at the individual level.
they are gaslamping and misleading each other at the societal, institutional level and i'ts having disasterous consequences
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Oh so we yapping today then
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we yappin

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im sorry butt this is too boring, I also dint like that the cake is pi k butt probably not strawberry flavoured. Like what the frick! Why would you do that?!
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the cake looks really bad and i dont know why given that they probably paid 5 figures for the shot to happen so why didnt they at least get a good looking cake????
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maybe they spent most the money upfront on props, the camera and blow and had to make cuts once they actually started production?
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you can buy a better cake from any bakery!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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I want the cake from the Matrix Reloaded that gives that woman diarreah suddenly
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Is this what Taylor Swift music sounds like?
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taylor has (legitimate) eras, her sound is incredibly varied dependent on the era
like Love Story sounds completely different than anything off TPD sounds completely different than anything off 1989 sounds completely different than Our Song and so on
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why do you know this
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I like good music!!!!!!!
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valid, i've been getting more in to her shit this year. b-word knows how to sing about that feel.
i don't generally talk about it because shit man even i think that's basic.
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neighbor if that song is uplifting to foids who the heck cares
yeah they're delusional but that's always been the case and that's their inherent nature
are you mad at a tornado for bringing destruction too? that's in his nature
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Y e s
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Call me Xerxes because that waters getting whipped
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Have you ever seen that L'Oreal advert?
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no i have adblock
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the child of a marketing stacy didn't get anything for christmas because of you
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isnt that children's shampoo?
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idk I'm not a girl
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okay, butt youre the one consooming their advertisements
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Umm sweaty Women have been oppressed by men for a gigamorillion years and so *obviously* now they 💁♀️deserve💁♀️ more and men have to provide it.
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The song sucks btw, shit voice
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If you can handle long form video essays this one is a good one going over the new Disney little mermaid movie
it goes over women's architypal hero's journey and how women in their stories are inward focused and their story is about how the world comes to finally see that they were perfect and didn't need to change. It's pretty good, I highly recommend watching it as it will help give some food for thought on this subjectJump in the discussion.
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I think your description is sufficient, I don't need an essay belaboring the point
All I can think of are Disney movies offhand though but it feels right
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archive.ph (click to archive)
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When I was a early teen and watched that movie I just thought it was a weird insult. Then someone linked the scene years later and goddarn, I had no idea how accurate it was
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What movie?
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As Good as It Gets
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