It's so fricking over for scrotes that enjoy doing anything, but especially for anyone using this webzone

Source is a fricking tweet that screnshotted a ticktok so it's probably fake anyway, but it made me laugh

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Magic Tricks


online tolling




I never had a chance

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Magic tricks are cool.


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:marseycard: :marseycard: :marseycard: :marseycard: :marseycard:

Pick a card, any card


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Is this :marseycard: your card?


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I like building model cars.

Women can screw themselves

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I used to love building models... Then I went down the RC car rabbit hole.

I should get back into it!

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Yakuza 0 tells me that you'll sink your millions of yen into it.

But it's worth it to crush snobby children and adult gansters.

So I say go for it.

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It never even began !slots100

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Good thing I couldn't care less what women find attractive :marseycool:

We need trans hedgehogs! Trans hedgehogs belong here! We love trans hedgehogs!

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!gaystapo assemble

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Men should like masculine things.

Like other men :marseyhomofascist:

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This, would there even be a hobby where a woman says 'ohh thats attractive'? (No there wouldnt)

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In terms of hobbies accessible to most people pretty much just sports and lifting, but even with those a subset of foids will virtue signal about athleticism being a hallmark of cisheteropatriarchal mayosupremacism.

There are other hobbies they'd find "attractive" but those mostly boil down to being proxies for spending tons of money and traveling. Shit like skiing or skydiving in exotic foreign countries and boating.

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even with those a subset of foids will virtue signal about athleticism being a hallmark of cisheteropatriarchal mayosupremacism

The type of foid who would whine about that is unfrickable anyway. A :marseypaperbag: at absolute best.

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Stop dating leftoids.


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How? Where?

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>being a hallmark of cisheteropatriarchal mayosupremacism.

That's leftoid nonsense.

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I was making a joke that there are no non-leftoid foids in my age range, which isn't actually the case even if it feels that way sometimes.

Even among the leftoid ones I am aware that most of them are not mindkilled to that extent.

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:#marseyoh: oh....

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Nobody likes a gymcel you should just be hot


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Do women even have hobbies??? :marseybeanquestion:

We need trans hedgehogs! Trans hedgehogs belong here! We love trans hedgehogs!

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Yeah answering useless online surveys

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Food, travel, long walks on the beach

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Consooming whatever foid-gaze catering contents the USA and Korea play on their TV channels, TikTok / social media in general, hanging out.

If you call the above as hobbies.

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Is taking selfies a hobby? :marseyhmm:

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It's whatever her current boyfriend is into

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>Charge they phone


>Be bisexual

>Eat hot chip


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Playing an instrument with your hands (like a guitar) so they can imagine being fingered.

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Playing an instrument.

Like a flute.

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Muh science says that modern women are more repulsed by tabletop minis than stuffed dead animals


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Oh you know what, if by "figurines" they mean "disgusting weeb shit" then fair enough ladies :marseyfeminist: :marseyneckbeard:

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Its the weeb shit.

Everytime I see a foid in a tabletop mini store she's showing off whatever weird horrifying monstrosity Chaos/Ork/Tyranid she painted up.

I have yet to see a single biofoid play Sisters of Battle.

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Gonna start playing Sisters of Battle just to spite you :marseynails:

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I've only seen legacy women play Sisters or some flavor of Eldar because they actually look like women.

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Lol of course its weebshit, what else would weebshit even mean? :marseyconfused2:

Still funny that video games rank higher than that :marseylaugh:

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I think video games won out of being the most common. All women are sick of us playing games while screaming slurs and not answering texts. They'd actually be way less willing to frick you if you had funkopops or little action figures.

This is really a chart of how gross a thing is x how likely they are to have experienced it.

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Yeah I have yet to meet a foid whose turned off by me playing Halo or sports games. I think it's a turn off when that's all you do, which I can't blame them for.

I'm also not showing up to dates in an N7 shirt and talking about Mass Effect, which I couldn't really blame them for being turned off by. I'd be weired out by that too.

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Or Funko Pops.

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than stuffed dead animals

Idk fam girls be literally screaming at my collection of roadkill

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Are video games really that unattractive or are they just mad that the vast majority of dudes like playing games now?

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According to over two-thirds of foids having a game console in your living room is a "major ick" :marseycoffee:

We need trans hedgehogs! Trans hedgehogs belong here! We love trans hedgehogs!

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Windows g*mers win again :marseyangrygamer: :marseywindows:

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No cap

If my bf was playing shooters on aim assist and bing bing yahoos I'd frick off to marry an alcoholic or deadbeat gambler


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This is funny because PC gaming is so much more spergy than casual consolestragging most of the time.

Maybe they made it impossible to buy PC parts without LEDs all over them to make it harder to pass off a stealth gaming PC as a normal computer. It's a foid psyop to prevent r*pe-by-deception ("ewwww I slept with a G*MER??!") :marseytinfoil2:

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Holy shit I hate LED shit so much.

:marseysoyhype: "waow I'm such a g*mer look at how gaudy and straggy my rig looks!"

I'm not opposed to trying to make your computer and its accessories have more personality than an office cubicle but LED just looks bad.

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I think the fan stuff can look decent if done well, any more than that though and it gets disgusting. It's really weird to me how obssessed people are with the "g*mer" identity. It's such a massive scam. If its not a computer/part, monitor, keyboard, headset, controller or mouse, you should not be buying anything g*mer branded. Especially a chair, unless its made by herman miller :marseyheart:

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Romance novel on a book table is a major ick for me

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Video games are probably the main thing that distracts moids from paying attention to foids. Sports too, but that's expected for men to be interested.

:chad!black2: :marseybear::marseyrefrigerator:

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Fair, I'd 100% chose video games over foids in the past. When I was like 15 I told a girl I didn't want to talk to her anymore so I could spend more time playing WoW.

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I assume that somethinf isn't directly to her benefit or she doesn't care about it, women get the ick (multiplied by how attractive the guy is).

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Fair tbh I get less interested by the minute whenever a girl talks about music and going to concerts or whatever.

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That's just because it's the first chance for a red flag. 99% of foids music are the same mainstream shit as all your friends.


The only good thing a foid has to say about music is what they like to do on the down low with it.

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>it's probably fake anyway

BIPOC all the numbers are multiples of 5, of course it's fake you cute twink

Delete this shit

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numbers not divisible by 5 are an ick :marseybeansick:

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Why do you hate neurodivergents who like prime numbers?

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I posted it because it was funny not because it's real. Use ya brain, boy.

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Taxidermy is how you get foids to never leave

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Yep. It's obviously fake and meant to ragebait vidya nerds

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Man : Whoa look at the blue crested tit

Woman : Neighbor you gay

Man : Lemme turn this mouse skin into a pencil case.

30% of women : look on the bright side. At least he doesn't play vidya.

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@WorldAroundEwe stays winning

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>online trolling


Me, riling up strangers/bots on the internet


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I refuse to believe that video games cause more ick than collecting "figurines".

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No this is certified real™

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You should have foid approved "hobbies" like "traveling" or "watching Netflix".

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>place (foreign)


>place (foreign, known for ease of bedding attractive women)


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Don't forget laughing and eating food.

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Specifically salads.

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And abortions

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Live Laugh Love

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>women's most hated male hobby just happens to be the one that takes up the most male attention


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were you gonna post some drama that got generated by this obviously fake post?

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Nope, extreme laziness on this one. :marseyantiwork#:

Didn't even want to credit the tweeter who stole it from the ticktoker who stole it from ???

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birb watcher bros...

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Fellas find yourself a bird watching girlfriend. Any broad that will happily spend time in the woods with you is wife material.

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have you messaged @ARNOLD_FRIEND?

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Giving ick to women who watch tiktok should be a hobby in itself but really it's a virtue.

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I get the ick from women who watch tiktok.

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How did birdwatching make the top ten?

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>online trolling

dramanauts confirmed undateable

palestinian lives matter

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I need to learn magic. No way I'll collect figurines though

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Unironic girls have been into the fact I collect arrowheads. Because it's a unique (old person 🤫) hobby and it makes me look cultured.

I like it cause it's badass that natives older than the pyramids made cool shit.

Win win

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>couldn't invent the wheel

Jewish lives matter

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cool doesn't mean innovative. They were ahead of the middle east in development for like a century when metalworking was being invented then stagnated until about 500 years before Columbus showed up. I think they're a neat bunch.

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That's fine @BoBandy is just being racist

Jewish lives matter

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B-words don't know about one of the few independent discoveries of metallurgy that happened in the great lakes region

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I watch that dude all the time. Went to a show Saturday that had a copper piece of a burial plate you put behind a skull there (I'm fairly certain most piece are from raiding old mounds)

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He's one of the good neurodivergents

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Unironically, any women I've ever met who don't like video games or at least some shitty mobile slop tend to be the most dull people going... Just move on fellas lol.

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Clearly fake as frick or magic tricks would be on top by a wide margin.

Who the frick likes magicians?

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Foids love a couple of small tricks, just not obsessive nerds

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Number 4 we're ngmi :marseyitsover: :marseycry:

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40% of women:

>There's nothing icky about being a taxi driver

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I drive :marseym#e:

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not a dating survey those are clearly ranked hobbies for neurodivergent men

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Love how they're all multiples of 5

>it's probably fake


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Is trolling a hobby lmao also lol @ bird watchiggers

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Eh wtf is wrong with birb watching

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You know for as often as women talk about how we could crush their skulls with our bare hands, they sure seem to forget sometimes that we could crush their skulls with our bare hands.

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Where are Dad Jokes on the scale

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>probably fake


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