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where are all the GOOD men that want to talk about raising my children

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I fisted a girl like this once. Didn't really call her again after. I think about how funny the whole situation was a lot

Putting the :e: in spookie turkey merry new year donkey

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Your fist is like a reverse baby

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Dude it was crazy how far I stuck it in. Like past my wrist.

Putting the :e: in spookie turkey merry new year donkey

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Do you have tiny hands? I cant see how my fist could fit in a cooter

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I wear a large size glove. She wasn't even fat. It took a lot of lube to cover my hand and work everything in but then I could make a fist inside her once I got it in. Wasn't planned or anything, she just asked me to after I fricked her and I wasn't going to turn down the offer.

Putting the :e: in spookie turkey merry new year donkey

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>I wasn't going to turn down the offer.

I dont blame you, i'd try it too, but I dont know if I'd enjoy it or just enjoy the fact that it happened and then never talk to her again.

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Yeah I just enjoyed that it happened and moved on lol

Putting the :e: in spookie turkey merry new year donkey

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where are all the GOOD men

I've always wanted to answer this with "years behind you, along with your youth, beauty and charm"

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the correct answer is "in church" but apparently that is somehow unacceptable

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This but without the subtext that this would be an uninteresting line of discussion

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Ah heck nah get that little shit away from me


There is some schadenfreude to be had in inadvertently solipsistic women discovering that the only welcome attention they're going to get from here on will be from men — those not fat, bald, and boring — absolutely uninterested in using them as anything besides warm holes to throw around


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Would you raise her children if she gave you s*x?

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based kidmaxxer

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Raising a child in a way that doesn't permanently frick them up is so difficult. I put so much time and effort into mine. I'd do literally anything for them.

But I have absolutely zero interest in other children. My friends kids, my nieces and nephews. I can't stand to even be around them. Frick other peoples kids. And I always wanted a family and children, imagine a moid who has no interest in children.

The good men are taking care of their own :platysalute:

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There has to he a least one person to kindly tell her that as long as she has a child single dads are maybe the only hope she has

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Why haven't foids used The Brady Bunch as an example cope? Because they themselves don't like single parents. Rules for thee, not for me.

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/u/ZookeepergameNew5601 here is actual good advice from a website where people will tell you the truth, to your face. You should listen to this BIPOC here.

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Same. I've tried talking to so many guys and every single one of them found some way to turn the conversation sexual so fast it made me give up trying. This coming from a woman who is very sexual in nature, it's just a sign of their true motivations I believe. If I want to just hook up, I will. I'm not trying to have someone pretend to care about what I have to say, just to up their chances of getting laid. Instant turn off. I'm 39btw

>man expresses true motivations, this is bad :marseychubbbase:


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I'm not a woman anymore, I'm a mom.


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Do all these 30+ ex-long term relationship foids all suffer from memory loss or something? The guys when you were 18 were doing exactly the same thing.

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It's how they became single mothers.

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"This guy I was flirting with started flirting with me!"

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White people saying baby mama/daddy should be treated the same as them saying BIPOC.

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You know for as often as women talk about how we could crush their skulls with our bare hands, they sure seem to forget sometimes that we could crush their skulls with our bare hands.



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