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Wife won't stop slapping the shit out of the kids. Actually, the husband is most to blame :marseysoylentgrin:




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OP in /r/NoStupidQuestions

Wife slapped 3yo son on belly. What do I do

Obvious throwaway account.

Wife (37f) slapped my son (3) on the belly HARD last night. Left a welt and him in tears. She was trying to change his diaper and he was kicking her while she was doing it. Instead of walking away and trying again, she smacked him. This isn't the first time she's hit our kids. She's also slapped our 5 yo daughter in the face months ago because of some meltdown and back talk. We agreed when we became parents that spanking wasn't for us. She's also the one who is all about "gentle parenting" but then doesn't do it. We have a total of 4 kids (7, 5, 3, 1). I work away from home and so I'm not always there to help regulate things. We've been married for almost 10 years. I love my wife to death but I do NOT want her slapping or hitting our kids. I don't know what to do. She's willing to do therapy but I'm still feeling weird about everything. Help, please.

Literally no stay at home mom has ever managed to raise 4 children without resorting to violence in a fit of rage

Having one kid is overwhelming, having four? My God. I do not know your family or financial situation but I would reach out to the grandparents and/or hire a nanny. Even 8 hour twice a week can help a person feel like a human again and reduce anxiety by a significant amount. There is no shame is admitting you're overwhelmed. This is not going to go away and it will only escalate with time. Do not neglect it.

Why are you too busy working for money?

So instead I'd talk to your wife about general anxiety, see if she's up for seeing a neurologist for evaluation of depression, general anxiety disorder, or other very real disorders that are easily treated with medications. It sounds like her biggest challenges align with her inability to cope when she feels out of control.

So focus on "coping skills", along with real evaluations by a good neurologist for the disorders that making coping very difficult. She needs to be able to create order when kids are misbehaving and causing chaos.

I'll also echo the other comments that your wife is showing very clear signs of being overwealmed. You need to find some ways to lighten her load. Either be more present yourself, engage with grandparents, hire a nanny. One person cannot carry the burden of raising a family entirely themselves.

Redditor acts like working away from home is a novel concept and not the norm for parents

4 kids all under the age of 10, with 3 of them not yet being in school and you "work away from home"?

Why did you guys do this? Obviously she's overburdened. Physical violence is never okay, but you need to get your wife some help asap.

For people constantly on the brink of bankruptcy, redditors sure are eager for other people to employ a nanny

4 kids and you're away all the time? maybe get her a housekeeper or nanny to help out?

3 year old isn't potty trained. Someone else to blame. Also what if the shoe was on the other foot?

I'm sorry you have four kids under eight and your 3 year-old isn't even potty trained? I'm sure she's extremely overwhelmed. You need to get her some help in there. it's dads job to call CPS and he obviously isn't, so it's certainly not my job

Question - would this be your response if a father slapped his 5 year old across the face and left a welt on his 3 year old's stomach and claimed he did it because he was feeling overwhelmed? Because somehow I don't think you or anyone else here would be as sympathetic or forgiving if it was a man who did this.

Seriously. I'm a woman and I'm getting fricking pissed off with these comments. Don't worry about getting her help right now. Worry about your goddarn kids who are being abused. It doesn't matter why they're being abused. It doesn't matter why she's abusing them. She is terrorizing and abusing babies. Get the babies out. Save your babies. Why the heck is everybody talking about getting her help? Yes, get her help. But first, help the innocent babies.

:redlight: Chud alert. Someone suggests this is happening more often than OP realizes

I would suggest that she is hitting them more often than just the instances you are aware of

My first thought too. There's no way shes only hitting them when he happens to be there.

common redditor origin story

My mom used to hit me. I have had a lifetime grudge against her, starting as early as I can remember (around 4).

I genuinely hate her.

I haven't talked to her in 12 years. I have never missed her. She will never know her grand child.

That is one of your wife's possible future.

Redditor realizes that redditors are deranged and will ignore a beaten baby to say wife good husband bad

Jesus fricking christ, the amount of people defending child abuse in here is actually fricking nuts. How on earth is 'parents shouldnt beat their BABIES so hard they leave welts' a controversial opinion in here.

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This thread is filled with absolute fricking cute twinks acting like spanking a kid is so unforgivable purely because the person spanking is a woman, and because the Redditors hold an opposing opinion. If the circumstances were slightly different (wife complaining re husband) there'd be a bunch of contrarians saying there's nothing wrong with spanking your kids in here and they were spanked and turned out fine (minus the rdrama account).

The levels of poor self awareness and retarted contrarianism is out of control. Don't srspost if you can't not be an r-slur

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Hello Horsefuneral, you are trying to justify child abuse with enough force involved as to leave welts on the child aged 5-6 years old. Due to your inexcusable behavior and attempts to turn something as simple as child abuse into a culture war, I am going to push a formal complaint to have you exiled to the chud dimension. Have a nice day.

@Aevann user horsefuneral trying to turn child abuse into a culture war. Please do the sneedful and exile them to the chudzone. Thank you.

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Best gimmick

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b-b-y f-f-far

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Wish your parents had beaten you more

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hello thousand, encouraging violence against others is not okay. I hope you refrain from this behavior in the future. Have a nice day.

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If you weren't so poor and insignificant I'd hunt you down and crucify you

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Hello Thousand, It is rude to call others poor and insignificant. You should refrain from doing so in the future. Have a nice day.

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Maybe get kids to respect you instead of hurting them?

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BIPOC you smack butts. You dont fricking turn their stomachs into smoothies

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Explain why it's fundamentally different

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  • DickButtKiss : that's idiotic. spanking is why people are so perverted now a days.

Butt smacks can't lead to mass organ damage like applying force to a soft stomach you r-slur lmfao

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  • DickButtKiss : goddarn right only dude with any sense in this

if youre hitting a kid hard enough to cause organ damage youre a ladygarden regardless of what part of the body youre spanking them on

i'm not justifying corpereal punishment at all, just pointing out the complete mental r-sluration of a website filled with self admitted chuds and edgelords acting like spanking crosses some line moments after unironically talking about raping a 19 yr old woman (in the comment hx of one of the commenters here acting like they are a CPS worker)

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She is producing welts on a baby's stomach, she is hitting with more force than a belt lmfao

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Right, but why is it ok to cause welts on the butt? You shouldnt hit a kid with that much force anywhere (or at all I suppose)

Edit: if you're not grasping why the r-slurs acting like this particular instance of child endangerment is specifically bad only in order to be contrary to Redditors and also shit on a probably fictional woman is spastic, you should self harm. If you're going to srspost and be a moralstrag do it consistently

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  • DickButtKiss : this is gigacope and you are a spanking obssessed pervert. consider suicide

If you do it on their butt you won't risk massive organ damage. You shouldn't hit a kid anywhere except the butt because it is the nost physiologically safe spot to do so. But even then you're likely to cause nerve damage

I don't care why people do anything, I'm just arguing about smacking on the butt vs stomach. Idk what weird made up argument you're having

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if youre worried about damaging a kid just don't spank them at all? why make up this arbitrary butt vs stomach distinction. if youre unhinged enough that ure hitting a kid so hard that it causes organ damage you're not safe to spank them anywhere

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Yea but also imagine being a redditor and defending spankings because its a woman when they think taking the switch away is abuse

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If your child's first words aren't "owie please stop" you're not even half a man

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this misgenders bardfinn please stop

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