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Talk about burying the lede LMAO

The guy I have been letting hit just roped me into cosigning a lease and he's doing coke partying with his friends while I am running on zero sleep to support him

/u/nextgenneuro you should be more concerned about finding someone who values you as a person and who is not addicted to cocaine. Come ask for advice here, where people won't lie to you the same way they will on reddit.com

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:marseyaware: I hope he has a decent job and didn't just scam her into giving him half of a free house.

If he did though why can't I find nice girls to freeload from. :marseygiveup: I wouldn't throw coke parties, and I'd be sure to thank her :marseythanks: for making dino nugs while I play whatever the current online coop game is with the boys. :marseyneet:

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Because you need to be more fulfilling than a 6 figure man, and you can only achieve that through excessive emotional instability but if you're hot

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Why don't you just go to bed? :#marseyclueless:

:#marseytradraging: Because NO ONE has thanked me yet!!!!!!!

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Oh no, cocaine?!!!!

Can you imagine discovering that, against your will, your bf had tricked, even coerced you, into throwing a cool party?

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Imagine writing this pathetic longpost on reddit rather than joining the party and having fun. Stop being such a wet blanket lady.

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Edit: Guys this post made it to some weird site where men are talking about crushing our skulls because of this post.

Sigh "not all men"



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