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community will never recover from this trvth nvke
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I have a friend who was telling me about her experiences with a psychologist and how she was trying to talk the psychologist into believing that she has autism by mentioning sensitivity to brightness and shyness and etc. I've known this person for a long time, she has no major social issues, can read people just fine, and is absolutely not neurodivergent, but for some reason wants to convince her psychologist that she is.
And tbh all the women I've ever known have been oversensitive to various sensory stuff. That the light is too bright, the fridge is too noisy, there's a smell coming from somewhere, the table is too dirty and so on. That's just generic foidery, not autism.
Maybe it's just responsibility shifting? That they're aware of having some tendency to be uptight but don't want to say 'this is me' but rather 'this is the autism' (and I guess especially don't want to say 'this is women')
It's strange anyway that people so willingly want to get diagnosed with autism these days. Not long ago it wasn't even funny awkward to tell people that you were neurodivergent. It was a real socially unattractive label to have.
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You really think a woman would do that?
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If the medical system in the US wasnt so focused on handing out pills for everything (
) these things probably wouldnt have caught on as much, either. Because "you get to be special as long as you pop these pills" sounds a lot more attractivr to a boring middle class mayo than "you gotta do years of exercises and programs".
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Isn't this a good thing for gays and incels and men in general because women will eventually all be on thorazine?
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Absolute horseshit.
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Proceeds to cheat on wife habitually, loses all money in Vegas/on the stock market with wild nonsensical gambles, loses job after job due to erratic behavior, proceeds to kill self during yet another period of absolutely crushing low mood because 'medication takes away the highs'.
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Ok. Whatever that
@MARFAN_EATS_DOODOO r-slur is quoting is bullshit.
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Regardless of whether it's true or not, the meme of "bipolar disorder = creativity" seems to be a thing.
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All that shit, and there's still no evidence. Go be cute twink on reddit.
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Bipolar disorder isn't real, or rather, the vast majority who claim to have it don't in fact. Most of it is just a social contagion and the eternal need for women to be the center of attention. The only creativity that can be associated with these women, and I must emphasize women because this is entirely a woman phenomenon, is the many ways they find to victimize themselves and others who are perfectly healthy individuals but are ultimately easily impressionable and gullible. In any case, the pharmaceutical industry is more than happy to provide these imbeciles with loads of SSRIs and lithium capsules and other shitty medicines which they don't need and only harm their body and brain.
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Okay ChatGPT none of that refutes the original passages point that certain mental illnesses are aspirational.
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There's nothing really more to add here.
Yes, our culture celebrates victimhood and vulnerability. Yes, there's a perverse economic incentive to create more and more people who become dependent on daily medication for non-existent disorders. There's also an element of clout and respect that plays a role here since a lot of these women simply want attention and to be heard. To me that's the only real "aspirational" value in it. In the end it's all just social contagion and foidbrain nonsense derived from a neurotic society and culture.
So yeah, I agree, certain mental illnesses are "aspirational", though I don't think that's quite the right term for this phenomenon. Affirmational would probably describe it better.
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Who are you quoting?
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Sadly, Porn
Great read. Almost everyone will have a ton of things they disagree with the author on, myself included, but it's essentially one of the best essayposts in book form I've read.
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Oh, it's by the Last Psychiatrist guy? I think I remember someone posting about him on the Org in the first years. I liked the articles that I read, but in retrospect he seems like such a cute twink. Some burnout who hates the people he treats and thinks he's the only person alive who knows what's REALLY wrong with society. He was also incapable of structuring and editing his posts so they read like schizoid nonsense. Some strag on Reddit defended his style as necessary "for the full impact", but I think he was just a shit writer, as are all the Rationalist sphere r-slurs.
His take on the last episode of the first season of True Detective was just embarrassing. I think it was the first thing of his I stumbled across. Dunno why I kept reading.
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He sounds like an idiot.
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I google specific lines and I just get this rdrama thread, so frustrating -_-
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It's the same thing where everyone claimed to have OCD in the 90s and 2000s
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It still is, but toaster frickers are gonna frick toasters.
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