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Am I :marseywall: overreacting that my :coomerface: Coomer husband :marseycoomer2: finds a 19 year old bikini model's bangin' :marseybutt: bod "inspirational" :nooticer:?




Op's account account is 6 years old, has 13K karma and is active in /r/datingoverfourty. If it's :marseybaitretard: or :marseycuckfiction:, they're committed to the bit.

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I see women are still in denial about dudes of all ages finding young women attractive.

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Truly one of nature's greatest mysteries.

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its not really a fricking mystery tho



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"I can't believe he wants to f*ck literally me and not some 20 something hot teen thot"


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Would you frick a 19 year old bikini model or a 40 year old expired milk used goods cat lady?


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Probably not either. Not into fat people or children.

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What should be the age of consent for women?


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18 years old, as for anyone who is mentally competent to enter a consentual adult contract.


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But woman's brain isn't fully developed until she's 35, that can't be consensual

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Do you find 19 year olds in bikinis inspirational?

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Depends. I only find them inspirational if they're going to pay for my gym membership

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Part of me does


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she's only two years from being 17.

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What's so special about this teen in a competition that focuses entirely on how physically attractive you are????


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"Oh god, he chose me that means so much, I must be a good person"


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Stfu omg

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"I'm too ugly to ever get laid.... unless...."


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Shut. Up.

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It's always a game of hide the rabbit as to why. Power Dynamics, no he can't find someone his own age, no it's because he wants someone stupid no it's all of the above.

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Power Dynamics, no he can't find someone his own age, no it's because he wants someone stupid no it's all of the above

:#marseymentalgymnastics: :#cartwheel: :#marseymentalgymnastics2:

young, hot, tight body




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i am man and just think its gross with old men going after young women, but i will probably think differently when i am older and have fully completed my metamorphsis into a butterfly

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When you get older you don't care how boys think.

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the only thing that matters is what God thinks

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He really doesn't give a frick what cissy zoomies think either

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It might be a bit gross, but you won't stop finding them attractive.

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I think you actually have to be r-slurred to have an issue with someone saying "this person is objectively attractive". It's human fricking nature.

Truly a mystery most foids get bent out of shape about it. They've clearly never looked at a conventionally attractive male celebrity and thought the same thing, as they're perfect and pure.

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that guy with good personality just so happens to be 190cm

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Honestly I think it is just evolutionary. Women have menopause and become infertile eventually. Men don't. So it makes sense for men to have a much stronger attraction to youthful women for the purpose of procreation.

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of course, still gross thinking about old guy with young woman

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This is islamaphobia

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You can't make a post like this and not share the kini pics :marseycoomer3:

:chad!black2: :marseybear::marseyrefrigerator:

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Need some inspiration I see

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:marseycoomer#: Me looking up inspirational women on the internet

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No honey, I'm not beatin' it. I'm being inspired!


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u ever see a women so hot you get super productive because it pisses you off that she exists

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No. I'm productive just to stunt on people I don't like and to make them look bad in comparison.

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Mogging is the one true calling in life

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being productive in bad faith :marseyimpossibru:

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if a moid uses Instagram RUN

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also, they guy is a total r-slur

Remind him that she's the same age as his daughter, and ask him how he would feel, as a father, if some random 43+ yo man started following HER and liking pictures of HER in bikinis.

I did say that too actually. He said he would kill anyone who did that.

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Holy shit . Post wall ho let the man meet younger hoes and he does the palestinian lives matter thing. Bikinis are one of @911roofer's many fetishes.

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So brave of you to admit that you find sexy women in skimpy clothes attractive.

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On this gay earth, a brave straight man speaks out :marseykneel:

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bikini fetish

you're fricking disgusting

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at leadt, unlike most palestinian lives matter believers, I'm not a vorite. So much deviantart vore searching for porn as a young :marseychingchongchild: man.

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@911roofer had a palestinian lives matter web filter installed.

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yeah seriously, one-pieces are better

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>bikini fetish

Degenerates like you belong on a cross

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@911roofer is crucified by palestinian lives matter. Like

Jesus I die for the sins of the palestiniNs. The palestinians chant and yell and I ask god why he forsook them and let them sink into this degenerate :marseypolyamory: standard. Father :marseyjohnson: forgive ne for writing :marseynotesglow: this nonsense out. Father :marseyjohnson: forgive our sins. We all must suffer for we have all sinned.

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>He likes women in bikinis

What a freak :#marseysmug2:

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This is why the "look, but dont touch" rule can be marriage saving, lady. Perfectionist foids btfo

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For real dudes just a bit enamored and is embarrassed he has a crush on her. He'll get over it with nothing happening.

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Jesus (SWT) says looking at a woman with lust is equal to adultery

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Bible also says not to spill your seed on the ground and that wont stop me from crankin my hog either :marseyindignant:

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i crank my hog then feel bad :(

i not judging but we all must strive for perfection

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i crank my hog then feel bad

why dont you just whip yourself after as penance. Some times that part makes me coom again



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skeleton guy is pointing to the sky to remind about the importance of God!!!! very powerful image ty for sharing.

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I crank my hog and bask in the glow of nature's glory

It is only once i remember the porno that I was watching that I then feel shame, as it should be :marseyagree:

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i don't feel shame for the shit i watch, i don't even need porn i usually go off imagination its better.

i feel shame for hurting God and committing sin

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i don't even need porn i usually go off imagination its better

Well this makes you okay in my book :marseyagree: sorry about God, im hoping to make it til my peepee stops working then ill start my reconciliation :marseypope:

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it doesnt but okay

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Am I fricking r-slurred, the hoe wife is showing her almost naked body to the whole world but the husband can't look at someone else doing it. Lol

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I'm kinda curious what she looks like if she won the milf division but had to resort to posting in datingoverforty n shit out of desperation.

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Bikini model bodies tend to be hot af, but many of them take some form of roids that cam make your face age faster. Mny of them also do tanning sessions, and that ruins your skin really fast. The OP probably has a :marseytrain: or granny face.

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Its ironic that normally they find these women empowering and inspirational, but if a man says so, they question how anyone can find such a thing inspirational

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because his peepee is getting hard, and they just think she is beautiful.

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like how suddenly everuone cares about Miss South Carolina's feelings


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Edit: Guys this post made it to some weird site where men are talking about crushing our skulls because of this post.

Sigh "not all men"




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