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Welcome to the typical life of a man, honey. You work and pay the bills and your SO does nothing around the house. Except he's not spending all your money.

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:marseydarkxd: :marseyrofl: something something modern women better educated something something dark side!

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the darkside is that there's no men for womxn to date anymore(men who arenof lower ststus/education literally dont exist)


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I got the last good one! :marseytwirl: :marseypartyzoom:

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:marseyveryworriedfed: :marseyveryworried:

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57% of american women (69% for men) work so these poor tortured moids are akctually a minority sweaty

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B-words hate when their man is happy.

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I would murder a hoe to keep mister man at home with me more frequently, I'd do worse for 3 months of just cohabitation and chill :marseytrad:

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Remember lads, if you want to be truly loved in the 21st century, shes gotta be a little crazy. Example above

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Need schizo neurodivergent femcel gf

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You and me both, gaybowser

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Yes, if she'll stab you, she'll be more than happy to nab you! :marseytrollgun:

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Id rather be stabbed than cheated on if im being completely honest

Its an r-slured stance but i guess im r-slurred

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so true

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Aww that's sweet

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Some kinds of murder just be that way :marseyxd:

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do u need a side neighbor?

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Not atm but flattered to be asked :marseyflirt:

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When "the worst she can say is no" actually works out :marseyclapping:

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I am a pragmatic and open minded person :marseythumbsup: :marseyflirt:

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Note that a lot of the complaining here isn't actually saying that he isn't helping out, but just that he isn't helping out with particular things in a quick enough manner or because he's shifted his sleep schedule after getting fired. Seems like this foid is looking for any excuse she can to be angry at him.

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Seems like this foid is looking for any excuse she can to be angry at him

Because hes supposed to be her wallet not her roommate

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I'd seethe if I was working and heard my bf constantly laughing in groomercord in the other room while acting unbothered. But I'd never blame him for taking a few weeks or months to bask in unemployment; work does kinda suck a lot on some days.

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>I'd seethe if I was working and heard my bf constantly laughing in groomercord in the other room while acting unbothered.

Yet men are supposed to consider it a life accomplishment if they can provide the same level of comfort for a foid.

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Did you not read the rest of my fricking comment slut?

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I did.

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He's on his facking chit chat rooms


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Just watched this a few weeks ago lmao

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Don't ask me. My husband has been a 'stay at home dad' for 4 years now with no end in sight and the rage and resentment I have is next level.

!fellas find a sugar mommy like this and you will be set forever :marseygamer:

Not to alarm you, but that is not really a reason people get fired for teaching/coaching jobs. I feel like there was more he didn't tell you, which makes me mega uncomfy. It was like... borderline impossible to fire a teacher when I was one. And I was one for 9 years in two states and led conference sessions with people from all 50, and it seemed pretty across the board. :/

this b-word is calling him a p*do I guess we need to ban her, !metashit

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>borderline impossible to fire a teacher

Unless the district cuts staff, which can be frequent since it depends how much funding they expect

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>school districts losing money


We spend like $30K a student a year and they still beg for more. With the union it's practically impossible to get fired unless you molest/slap a kid or show up drunk multiple times

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My local district cut like nearly 40 teachers the last two years and I don't they ALL r*ped kids. At least since most were women

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Yeah it's defs weird for a HS coach to get suddenly fired like that

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Now you know what it's like when we pay the bills and all you do is nag about us not doing enough around the house

Doesn't feel great now, does it?

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Wish I could relate but I make my own money, cvnt.

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Oh my god I'm GAGGED at how much i relate to the "man has one full time shitty gig he hates," while I work two part timers and have lots of goss but wouldn't quit if I could help it... and I've had bfs in similar situations come shambling home with "the announcement." I honestly think men of all ages are less appreciated (even discriminated against or manipulated) in the workplace than their peers.

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Neeting it up is the best :marseyneet:

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Huh, sounds like he's getting in touch with his feminine side.

I hope she comes home and finds him curled up in a crude dovenest of hoodies and throw blankets, scrolling Instagram while HGTV plays in the background


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I thought foids wanted stay at home dads cause equality?

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They want whatever they can use to milk you for sympathy

No wonder they restricted their rights in every other time period

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the eternal vaginal jew :#marseymerchantfoid:

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They want stay at home dads for other women.

They want men who are in touch with their feelings in men who aren't their love interests.

They believe in everything they say because they live themselves as separate from the masses.

So something can be good for the flock just not for them.

It's like the "it's okay to be gay peepeees are just not for me" logic but applied to every single social idea in the world.

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Shit like this makes me eternally thankful I'm not into foids. It sounds exhausting

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Is he at least teaching the children to complain about ugly vidya characters? Or when they put a Black character in a ninja gayden?

If he's doing his part as a father to make sure their kids have the essential skills for modern life, then I think she can overlook the rest of it.

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Yeah, it actually makes sense for men to be stay at home dads since they're expected to be the pursuers.

Being a provider and a pursuer is like "Please, come here, let me give you money." xDDD? Hello? Illogical and severely unethical. Yep.


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You know for as often as women talk about how we could crush their skulls with our bare hands, they sure seem to forget sometimes that we could crush their skulls with our bare hands.



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g*mer husbands rise up :marseygamer: :marseyrevolution:

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The guy's a fricking loser. Lmao how tf you get fired from a coaching job? All you do is say "Throw the ball" or "Run fast." It's not even a real job. He should rope.

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they dont even have to win lmao how do u frick that up

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Fr they just say "There's always next year"

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Well when my kids don't do their chores, I shut off the wifi.

Can't plat games and doom scroll with no wifi....just saying

Danm her kids are r-slurred because they can't use the reset button :marseyemojirofl:

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My SIL cucked :marseytoad: her boyfriend of 9 years, when she relocated to a new state, had him stay behind :marseynotes2: and take care of their kid. As soon as he moved down there :marseycheerup: to be with her (a year later) she quits the job she took, which was the reason she left to begin with, and now they are broken :marseymissing2: up. She has a new boyfriend, but he still lives :marseyblm: in the house :marseyvampiremerchant: they are renting and pays the bills.

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