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:marseyfoidretard: of cute twinkit, what's moid a harsh reality moid that you moid moid have to accept in moid life? moid moid :marseymoid: :marseyshreddedmanletrentfree: :marseyfeminist:




Something something bechdel test. The insightful struggles of le epic foid turns out to be... completely man's fault. :marseyshook:

Being nice may make the boys think you are interested :platynooo:

unfortunately safety concerns are constant and must always be considered everywhere :marseyschizotwitch:

That reality of anyone can be the predator. Family, friends, colleagues or a random stranger. And that no matter how you dress, how you look or how old are you, you can be a victim. :marseyschizoshaking:

90% of men can overpower you if they want. you can do all the weight lifting and self defence and jiu jitsu, they're still going to be stronger and there's nothing you can do about it :marseyschizowave:

Men are far less emotionally intelligent and emotionally stable than women. It's very difficult for straight women to find a soulful love. :marseysmughips:

There certain things men will never understand about the patriarchy, whether you use 1000 examples, talk in circles for hours and hours. Give a million studies. Whichever society, They just don't get it because they aren't on the receiving end. :marseyscientist:

That you'll often be judged more for your looks than your skills. It sucks, but it's real. :marseyhmm:

Men don't see us as people. :marseyracist:

Buried under the whole patting yourself on the back the lone fighter :gigachadqueen: calling the terminally online menace

In this thread I've read mild fantasies, and harsh realities, but the harshest of all is that most of us women won't get a 6ft6in6figure mansplaining guy to love us for our emotionally intelligent body.

This is really the stupidest, whiniest thread I've ever read. Online people are so miserable.

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This works on a general level (EDIT: I mean both women and men), but looks mean a lot, both in personal relationships and work. The halo effect is strong. People (both men and women) will shun a less attractive person until you prove you don't suck as a person and you will be overlooked at work or other professional settings. As a plain looking woman, I had to accept early on that putting quite a bit of effort into how I look leads to people liking me more and thinking more highly of me in work settings even though my performance is the same. Paradoxically, women were more likely to actually be mean to me and let me know that I cannot "sit with them" so to speak, and men just kinda never noticed me or acted as if I was another guy, which actually led to friendships. And no, I don't think women are catty or dramatic. Maybe it's a natural thing to overlook those with less to offer in the looks department. Makeup, good haircut and nice clothes made a world of difference. I don't mind doing it, but I am also comfortable as a plain Jane but it would be nice if my looks didn't subconciously tell people "she must be terrible".

>Women are vicious to me when I don't put effort into my appearance but men are chill and I've made lots of good friends that way. And no, I don't think women are catty or dramatic.

1700 upmarseys



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But no pockets!

Reminder that many women - I think actually a literal majority - think this is part of some kind of organized plan to make women suffer by not adding pockets to their clothing.

Also a reminder that there are women's clothes with pockets. They're not as popular because they don't look as good because women tend to prefer form-fitting clothes which makes pockets really stand out or uncomfortable. They vote with their wallets and the vote is overwhelmingly "please don't add pockets to our clothes".

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These women have all solved the pocket problem in their own way.

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frickin faygo let's frickin goooo


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Women hold women back way more than men. If we ran this country off of women's voting preferences we would have violent criminals assaulting them on the streets and DEI workers causing the bridges, planes, and homes they live in to fall apart

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90% of men can overpower you if they want. you can do all the weight lifting and self defence and jiu jitsu, they're still going to be stronger and there's nothing you can do about it

!transphobes believe children!

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That's right to a part. If a man gets attacked by someone in a different weight class, by several men or with someone with a weapon, he also have no chance in a direct confrontation. That said, there a BIG difference between men and women. For man it's MUCH easier to avoid dangerous situations than for women. Just not beeing in the wrong neighborhood, having some common sense and not escalating certain situations is enough to be very safe for men in nearly all situations. For women it's a different world in this aspect

how tf is "don't wander around dangerous neighborhoods at night" only good advice for men and not for both sexes?

They're saying that being a man can allow you to be hired with less than the required skills but a woman even one hired for diversity will always have at least the minimum requirements for employment.

It's still surprising to me that some people live so far away from reality lmao. This makes legitimately no sense.

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90% of men can overpower you if they want. you can do all the weight lifting and self defence and jiu jitsu, they're still going to be stronger and there's nothing you can do about it

The trick is to become 500lbs so no man is strong enough to kidnap you, or even want to :marseyradfem: :marseyagreefast:


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Edit: Guys this post made it to some weird site where men are talking about crushing our skulls because of this post.

Sigh "not all men"



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>"harsh" reality of modern foids

What? Life not easy mode enough for you? :marseyeyeroll2:

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