Ever since we've first formed words, men have hated us. Was it envy due to our innate power to give life? Was it our perceived weakness of not choosing violence but instead foster different approaches of conflict resolution? Maybe they hated the thought of us being able to choose the best mate and withhold s*x. In the end, the why doesn't matter so much as the fact that their hate is deep and eternal and all encompassing.
They constructed systems to hold us down, exploit and violate us. They invented gods and morals and inescapable prisons to keep us in check and make us believe this hatred and fear of women was justified and their male, supposed superiority a natural given. Through constant repetition and brainwashing they made US believe in their evil worldview. Made us hate ourselves, aligne with the male devils in striving for a supposed advantage if we'd just conform and submit. But even those of us who fell for their separating lies and propaganda, in the end, felt the innate hatred. Even the "good, submissive ones" would be r*ped. Would have their bodily autonomy taken away, would be treated like objects, would be confined to a mere accessory, discarded the first instance she became inconvenient, old or sick.
They rely heavily on the countless hours of work we do. Without payment or recognition, so as to keep us chained to our male masters, unable to leave or build our own lives. Even if we comply with their unnatural and unjust systems, their hate lingers. Sometimes they use excuses when they hurt, exploit, enslave us. In many instances, they don't even bother with that. Of course, it's the women's fault! Why did she had to dress so provocatively? Why did she question the status quo? Why would she insist that she has just as much right to live as a men?
We're living in times where the systems to justify that hatred have become more invisible - not the wrathful and very present god that hates women for seeking knowledge but a faceless system like capitalism or patriarchy, so deeply routed in our thinking and everyday life, we're only slightly aware they're even there.
But the hatred is still felt. It is there when it's so completely absurd and unthinkable to elect a woman president. It is there when a convicted male feminist and known misogynist can take office of a country famed as the proverbial bearer of democracy and freedom. Again. It is palpable when they take away our bodily autonomy and rather let us die than choose for ourselves. It's the fact that they rather our gay or trans kids kill themselves than show them acceptance.
Don't let them fool you into thinking they apply some kind of natural order or god given morality in their hatred. Don't think for a second that there's anything resembling kindness or empathy involved. They hate us for who we are and will always act on this hate, in subtle and not so subtle ways.
Today, hatred once again showed it's ugly butt face. And I'm sick and tired of living in a world built upon hate, fear and domination where every system is built to embolden the fragile male ego. Where there's no place on their side for women or any other person who is not exactly like them. Just beneath them.
What a shitty and flawed creation we humans are.
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kamala will winela!
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didn't read lol
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Y-y-you're just going to let him say what he believes?! Where are the IRL lifejannies?! Someone come tell this chud that Kamala will win!
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whats that stupid book or show they kept talking about...where the women are forced to wear those stupid jedi robes and give birth to babies of rich white men...god i hope that happens
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90% of women secretly want to be a handmaid, the other 10% want to be the woman in charge of the handmaids.
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not sure which type i like more...
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You pick the one that is both sanest and responds well to your peepee. Seriously, half of the arguments in any relationship can be solved with an orgasm and the other half will magically disappear if you give them 2 a week. and then stay the frick away from the rest.
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Edit: Guys this post made it to some weird site where men are talking about crushing our skulls because of this post.
Sigh "not all men"
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