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if only Trump was as based as they think he is

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Several factors are thought to contribute to the phenomenon(mass hysteria), including groupthink, stress, and social pressure. Some psychologists believe that mass hysteria is a form of groupthink. In cases of mass hysteria, group members all develop a common fear that can spiral into a panic.

Absolutely facianating behavior :#turtoisebinoculars:

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its like The Mist all over again



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>Thank you for this. My logical brain knew this, but anxiety-monkey-brain was like BUT THESE PEOPLE ARE CRAZY so it's nice to see a logical response outside of anxiety-brain lol

:#marseywomanmoment2: moment

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Ladies, I can act as your secret banker. Message me and we'll set something up. I'll keep your money safe

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omg, thank you stranger :marseyblowkiss:

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>understand the women who are saying, "no, they're not going to do that. The government doesn't work that way." I get it, but I need everyone to understand that we just voted goodbye to American democracy, and literally anything can happen.

>The government won't tolerate losing half its tax income? Heck, yes, it will. Elon Musk has promised that when Trump appoints him, he's going to cut the federal budget by $2 trillion, and I can promise you that they won't be cutting subsidies to oil corporations or weapons manufacturing. They'll cut Medicaid, WIC, SNAP, and all the funding for the ACA and public health. There'll be yelling, but no one's going to stand up and fight, because the people who need these things are broke, overworked, and exhausted. Then they'll cut Medicare. Oh, you'll hear some yelling then, but again, the ones who'll be hurt the most are the ones who can least risk getting into trouble, and we don't have a history of public demonstrations of the size and kind that would dissuade a dictator. We've never even had a national strike.

>And, yes, they'll roll back rights for women. We already showed them that we don't care enough to elect someone who will protect women's rights. First, they'll punish women for getting pregnant, then for not taking care of themselves during the pregnancy, and then they'll take their babies for not being good mothers. They'll eliminate equal job rights, ban women from the military and jobs they deem to dangerous - like fire fighting and law enforcement. They'll block us from going to college by saying there aren't enough openings for men. They'll say we need to stay at home with the children, even if that means our children will go hungry.

>We'll still be taxed, because that will be the pretext for taking away our property. Can't pay your property tax because you're no longer able to work? No more home for you! Once you're evicted, the local government can sell it at auction or give it to one of their Buddy boys as payoff for helping out.

>Go read Margaret Atwood's The Handmaid's Tale or watch the series. It shows a very clear progression of how every single woman is turned into an object, a piece of property, and God help you if you aren't useful to some man, because you'll be a drudge at best, a nameless corpse in a mass grave at worst.

>Think it can't happen here? Don't kid yourself. Google Image Search "Afghan women in 1970," and take a gander at how much has changed for them. Go read Project 2025 and see what they want to do to us. The billionaires aren't going to protect us. They like having more power, and the female billionaires know they can just buy the privilege to live as they want. The rest of us can't.

:#marseywomanmoment2: :#marseywomanmoment2: :#marseywomanmoment2:

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That degree finally paying off

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hey /u/drumgrape, here's a generous offer for you: transfer your financial assets to me, I'll take good care of them for you, in exchange I only ask for a reasonable convenience fee.

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oh come on, this is ridiculous :marseyschizowall:

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Edit: Guys this post made it to some weird site where men are talking about crushing our skulls because of this post.

Sigh "not all men"




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Can u post a link to the weird site where people are talking about it? And please delete your screenshots; I don't want my username on a site where people are talking about hurting me/other women bc of my post

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