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And yet they still believe in horoscopes and magic crystals. :marseywomanmoment2:

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gotta fill that hole somehow

:marseyboink: :marseyabyss:

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They don't go to church but they go to gender studies class twice a week to find out about the one truth that explains everything in the universe: the patriarchy.

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Just wait until I start a new educational revolt teaching SJW's about Witchers versus the Matriarchy

@StuffingNballots what term do you have flagged to have seen this faster than me lol

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I'm literally stalking @Redactor0

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why him and not me


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Hes older :#marseycumplosion:

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Awwww I have fans! I'm that important! :marseybow:

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Women now worship ideologies rather than dieties. Little has changed.

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And they talk to therapist rather then priest

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Father, as someone who has never even touched a foid, please tell me how to fix my marriage.

:chad!black2: :marseybear::marseyrefrigerator:

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Divorce rates suggest someone who has never touched foid is doing better job then foid that has touched 1000 men

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Yeah, sure, incels don't get divorced either :marseyphilosoraptor:

:chad!black2: :marseybear::marseyrefrigerator:

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Are their marriages better or do they not divorce because Christians aren't allowed to?

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Nerds said conservative foids were bad at s*x. That must mean something at least

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Step 1: Strag Conversion Therapy! :#trollclosedmouth: !gaystapo FAVORITE strag torture CONVERSION METHOD: pricky peepeey tickly :#troll2:

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Father, as someone who has never even touched a foid WITHOUT PAYING, please tell me how to fix my marriage.


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read Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus and ask again if you are still confused

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One can be marketed and sold much easier, and puts less restrictions on selfishness and consumerism :marseycapitalistmanlet:

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That's not because they are becoming less religious. It's because churches are becoming les religious. Going to church and see a :marseytrain: priest marry two guys in name of Jesus. That's the church in 2024. Heck, the pope is a literal commie who is calling for mass migration and genocide of white people and making anime dolls. while other religious leaders like Dalai Llama are like WTF is happening to Europe.

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What next? call me a chud? report me? are you gonna cry? :marseycrying:

Sorry, sodomy and libertarianism is not love, and people who practice those acts are incapable of love. Love is the basis of marriage and Christianity.

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Lmao this r-slur doesn't like Luce!!


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Rare foid W

:chad!black2: :marseybear::marseyrefrigerator:

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Is it really a W when they're replacing it with shit that's somehow more r-slurred than sky daddy?

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At least you don't have to give 10% of your income.

:chad!black2: :marseybear::marseyrefrigerator:

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Nibba, I'm a Catholic (publicly) and I've never given those libertarians a dime.

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Being religious just to go to heck is an interesting choice

:chad!black2: :marseybear::marseyrefrigerator:

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:marseyshrug: Church is useful for networking. I'm not religious.

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>psychologists are free


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Not to mention donating to all the ngos and random queer bipoc influencers patreons.

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And if you're in a place like Portland, letting homeless junkies steal from you all the time.

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As knowledge and education rises, belief in "a wizard did it" lowers. !atheists

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There are women out there today who think that they could beat a man in a fist fight. They'd be better off believing in wizards.

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if you want to be a Catholic trad wife PLEASE DM me

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What about Eastern Orthodox trad wives?

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>Slav foids



You must believe that Thailand is also a trad conservative foid paradise too :marseyclueless:

This reminds me of a youtube video I cannot find right now, it was some Russian escort e-thot model cosplaying a Soviet soldier saying how much she loves Arab men :marseyxd:, this propaganda piece is directed towards the third-world shitholes, while there was also another vid posted on /r/Brasilivre (Brapzilian chud sub) of a Russian rural tradwife posted washing her clothes in a farm near a church, this latter one is directed towards the Amerimutt crowd, Russia simultaneously tries to pivot towards leftoids and rightoids depending on who they are sending a message to, while in reality, their foids act as hookers and pornstars to rich thirdies !moidmoment :marseyhorseshoe: !foidmoment

@Buddhist @Slavsquatting

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I remember this polish woman (sneeded about westoids so we presumed trad) would try to relate to us about how women are too stupid to manage households so isn't it nice men do it and we were all :marseyconfused2:

I guess maybe in Poland to know how to grocery shop you have to be like top 1% of academics and they just send women to the mines to break up rocks with hammers all day or something but still lol I thought women handling the home was kinda universal

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where can get link to slav tradwife whore page desu

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where can get link to slav tradwife whore page desu

I swear that I saw a relative of mine watching his YouTube page, so I do not remember it, :chuditsover:, but I will 100% pingmaxx and alert everyone if I ever stumble upon it again, that said though, there are endless "Russian women and insertshitholecountryhere" videos on SlopTube, given that Rustsia is the world's biggest brothel :marseyitsallsotiresome: :marseyrussianmutt:

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Romanians are Eastern Orthodox too and trad. My gf cooks for me for example.

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With the war, you just have to be a bachelor and dm over instagram, tiktok or twitter to connect with an unmarried 18+ ruskova. All you need to do is promise her a green card via marriage and sponsor her flight cost.

!chuds why hasn't the incelosphere taken advantage of this?

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why hasn't the incelosphere taken advantage of this?

>be a manbaby unwilling or unable to handle foidery

>choose a bride from one of the most foidery prone mayo races

>shes trad and therefore even foidier

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Because MOST incels :marseyladybugitsover: work near minimum wage jobs

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government trying to keep us down with this low minum wage fr

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MOST incels work

That's hopelessly optimistic.

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From undelete :marseyxd:

Seen this first hand. I grew up in church. Women cleaned up after, cooker for, watched and touched the children


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women are more religious to begin with. who cares

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that will make them happy

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These things go in cycles.

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You know for as often as women talk about how we could crush their skulls with our bare hands, they sure seem to forget sometimes that we could crush their skulls with our bare hands.




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