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Help! My husband is nooticing!





This woman sounds so insufferable that if it weren't a seasoned account I'd swear it's bait.

She wants superhero movies portraying women with realistic bodies like hers instead of people who look like her husband or Jack Black.

People are dunking on her saying that her husband is not, in fact, one of the good ones and that he's falling into the "alt-right incel pipeline"

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That poor eunuch


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His own fault for marrying not only a r*dditor but a 2x poster

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>Political Scientist here, let him know it's not his fault. There are a lot of special interests spending alot of money hiring the finest minds the human race can produce to make propaganda against minorities and women because they think it will get them something.


It costs $0 to point and laugh at stupid forced LBGTQ games. Wtf is this person talking about lol

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>Political Scientist here


https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/002/418/760/c1d.jpg !chuds !r-slurs !commenters

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Oh shit you've got a selfie of me. The one I use to flirt with.

Gavel to gavel coverage, powered by cable.

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I've been doing it for free, wtf


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Political Scientist here

Just reads as

Complete fricking joke of a person here

To me

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Another billion to the BIPOCs are bad propaganda division, screams the shriveled up head of Walt Disney kept alive by the sacrificed blood of Jewish babies and bacon strips made out of Jewish foreskins. He pushes his body on relentlessly, fighting God himself to keep his soul back upon the planet, just so that he can stop the BIPOCs from ruining society with their BIPOCification of everything great that the white man has ever built. Just one more BIPOC beating, exhales Walt Disney's head, from his failing mechanical arachnid body, the esoteric knowledge to fix it long forgotten. Just one more BIPOC put in his place. Thinks Walt Disney, each breath he takes a miracle against the very laws of nature and humanity.

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>it must be brainwashing that's the only answer

it's the most :marseyhorseshoe: thing

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Why the focus on the comparatively little amount of money spent on political e-celebs instead of the much greater amounts spent on mainstream news and platforms? :marseyhmm:

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You think the right-wing memeplex can survive if not for top-down messaging from shadowy billionaires? Incredibly naive.

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:redlight: :redlight: SHE'S FORCING HER HUSBAND TO BE IN AN OPEN RELATIONSHIP!! :redlight: :redlight:

I'll be straight, we're non-monogamous (at my insistence and impetus) and he can technically have as much s*x as he likes with as many partners as he wants. He just doesn't, because he has other priorities and preferences. I deal with dangerous people all the time - I work a job that literally has me confronting them. It has made me extremely protective of my peace and calm in my home, because I see on a daily basis what nasty abusive people are out there, and I'm probably a better litmus for spotting them than most, because it's literally one of my jobs. My other job is literally teaching power dynamics and self defense.

I'm sorry you've had shitty men in your life, and it fricking sucks that so many of them are shitty. But the ones that aren't also aren't always the best at spotting what's going on. I want to gently point out that you're also parroting very hostile talking points without critical thinking either. None of us are immune and that's kinda my point.


Jesus christ :marseyxd: I cannot believe this is a real person. It has everything. A fat feminist woman with a mentally beat down and sad cuck of a husband. I actually feel bad for /u/Peregrinebullet 's husband.

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Holy shit, he does literally everything and still gets cucked. Bleak.

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Reading her profile is a trip. Apparently, she's a security guard at some mall and she legit thinks she intimidates people and she's a expert criminal profiler :xd:

She also brags about changing her husband and forcing him to do stuff for her. The funniest thing happening right now though is that the very people she's virtue signaling to are currently telling her that the husband is actually a bad person and she should dump him. It's always funny to watch purity spirals happening in real time. She's trying to convince them that no, her husband isn't one of The Bad Guys.

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Apparently, she's a security guard at some mall


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>getting cucked by a fat mall cop that posts on 2x

Brutal. It at least explains her delusions about martial arts.

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She legit thinks women can fight against a man. She teaches self defense and uses her husband as the guy the women take down. He's 6 foot and weighs 250 lbs.

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Honestly, it just makes the fact that his favorite bibeo gaymes are getting shat up all the more depressing.

Vidyaslop is all he has. (I didn't see any mention of kids that he would be obligated to improve himself for.) It's over.

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:#marseyitsaover: :#marseypills:

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She says he does 60% of the childcare.

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This fella can't even complain about shitty forced representation characters while playing video games in his cuck shed. Truly bleak.

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He just doesn't, because he has other priorities and preferences.


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Dudes doing most of the work and paying the bills too. Ouch

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I've known more coherent downies.

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He's one of the good ones

Yet she posted a 20 paragraph screed whining about some minor insignificant shit. Good fricking morning.

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>Yet she posted a 20 paragraph screed whining about some minor insignificant shit.

because he's a doormat. she does not respect him

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You are correct. She just posted that she's forced them to open the relationship, she sleeps around but he doesn't.

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https://i.rdrama.net/images/17328964120431366.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17328964121857731.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17328964132867773.webp

It's not a fake account, she's real! That poor husband.

Edit: No picture of the poor husband, but wife says he's 6 foot and weighs 250. So they're both fat.

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@T3D_SIMP did it better!


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Ted is so cute :marseytedsimp2pat:

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still waiting for the duck post :marseywait:

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That arm hair :monke:

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She's competitive with me and I'm from West Asia :marseyxd:

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>West Asia

bb wut?

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:marseyflagiran: :marseyflagarmenia: :marseyflaggeorgia: :marseyflagturkmenistan:

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Oh ok so Asia Minor , Persia and Anatolia

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Wait she's white? And she's complaining about action movies featuring white women?

There are like 1000s of them Kill Bill, Underworld...freaking thousands of Cat Woman movies

What is she complaining about? This is a fake argument cooked up by a single woman and I'm calling bullshit

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She's talking about body type


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White woman are usually the ones front and center of bitching and whining about how minorities are oppressed by evil white people.

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Women don't watch movies she has no idea what kill bill is

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Oh no, do they have children?

https://i.rdrama.net/images/17187151446911044.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/1735584487Pd3ql1pai5_mfA.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17177781034384797.webp

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From OP: "He's one of the good ones - He does 90% of the cooking, 60% of the childcare "

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Gooning to jinxthinker vids has rotted @Dramamine's brain

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:marseysmughips: That's not in the OP

https://i.rdrama.net/images/17187151446911044.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/1735584487Pd3ql1pai5_mfA.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17177781034384797.webp

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Brain so rotted you forgot to upmarsey :marseyteehee:

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sidemarseyed because you were wrong :marseydisagree:

https://i.rdrama.net/images/17187151446911044.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/1735584487Pd3ql1pai5_mfA.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17177781034384797.webp

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Well she has at least one manchild. Could be his.

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Good Lord! Clean your room! :marseydisgust:

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No way. I was calling fake after the "massage therapist" part where his job is rubbing down sexy nurses all day. Maybe they're both using each other.

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Did she mean sexy nurses, or the actual average nurse body type?

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Honestly most nurses I've met have been pretty hot.

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You've had a sampling error.

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I want to build a nest in that arm hair, and hibernate for the winter....

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Nice tits. But looks like :marseytrain:

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She looks like a 20-year old Nordic heavy metal fan with a shitty ponytail and acne.

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My Verdict: Titfrick and ghost her.

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Goes show what moids will put up with for big tits


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That's a man.

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>those arms


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Political Scientist here


That has to be one of the stupidest attempts to give your comment authority

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I had that moment in real life not too long ago. A young foid did an "as a teacher" to me and a few guys I work with. She chimped out when we laughed at her. :marseylaughpoundfist:

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her husband only looks like one of these men


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the implication that chris hemsworth and chris pratt look like jack black is fricking hilarious to me

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well theyre all white males and white males are a monolith/collectively responsible for the oppression of minorities like womxn and BIPOCs :marseyindignantwoman:

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Jack Black isn't white, he's Jewish.

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jews are cumskins too


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I could write and design a better female game character then whatever the concord team came up with.

>90% of cooking 60% of household chores

>Shes busy because she's in school


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I love martial arts. Do you realize how fricking hard it is to even find a character that looks like me in an action movie? DO YOU REALIZE HOW NICE IT WOULD BE TO ACTUALLY SEE A GIRL WITH REALISTIC PROPORTIONS ACTUALLY KICKING BUTT.

there's literally nothing realistic or nice about fatties kicking butt

:#marseychonkerfoid: :#marseyshooting:

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This argument has always annoyed me because if we're aiming to be "realistic", then women who are real martial artists or active combat soldiers etc. would never be portrayed as fat in movies or games. These people are delusional to believe that you can be both super fat and super active. The only athlete I can think of that was kind of fluffy was Ronda Rousey during her bulking phase, but even then, she also had a obvious muscle, she wasn't a huge shapeless blob.

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You could maaaaybe have a strongfat in there somewhere if you had like, a female version of the juggernaut or something. Only case I could imagine it working.

Also lol at "realistic" as if being the size of a single woman isn't realistic kek.

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a female version of the juggernaut or something

She exists and her name is Gabi Garcia. There's pretty much no other woman in the world that can fight her.


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Nah, there's plenty of fat combat athletes. Just look at DC when he competed in HW. Its just that no one wants to watch fat women so the UFC tops out at 135lbs for the female divisions.

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Has this b-word seen what female martial artists look like? They're not heckin chonkers, they're very learn and muscular for the most part. The fattest you'll see is something like Mackenzie Dern post-pregnancy, and even then she was still very much way more in shape than the average.

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This is the quintessential reddit foid. Queer fat bisexual, "dad bod" g*mer husband, calls him cis white even though she is cis white, oof, y'all, posts lengthy conversations where she epically destroyed toxic masculinity

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You forgot open relationship

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Political Scientist here, let him know it's not his fault.

Shut the frick up, could you imagine a more insufferable three words to start a sentence with?

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Literally the most condescending possible way to talk to someone :marseykekw:

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for real

Political Scientist here

"I suffer from profound mental r-sluration and here's my take..." :marseyfacepalm:

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>He's one of the good ones - He does 90% of the cooking, 60% of the childcare and at the moment he's the breadwinner

What does this b-word bring to the table?

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Lol I could tell just from the writing, she's fat.

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i could tell from the sub

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Maybe she should talk to her husband instead of spending all this time to type out an essay on why she hates him.

Edit: I have now read some of it and she did in fact talk to him.

Me: You are a white cis dude, DUDE.

Run dude, run, it's over

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she literally hit him with the YOU'RE A FRICKING WHITE MALE

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I would have just called the wife "a :n:IGGER loving :c:UNT brainwashed by :k:IKES into loving :f:AGGOTS" and get it over with.

No liberal in the world can say anything remotely close that would be a retort to that.


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!jannies !!!!!! SLUR FILTER EVASION 🚨🚨🚨

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this guy is fricking evading the fricking slur filter @Borpa please send help

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Done, king https://i.rdrama.net/images/1732954147723117.webp

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Get in with the times boy

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>He's one of the good ones - He does 90% of the cooking, 60% of the childcare and at the moment he's the breadwinner (I'm in full time school and have two part time jobs that don't have the flexibility of his job). He works as a massage therapist and basically almost all of his clients are nurses and first responders because he used to work in that sphere and he Gets It and actually has debriefing training. So they get two therapists in one. He's a very straight cis white dude, but has struggled immensely with mental health issues but went through therapy, takes the meds he needs and has been stable for a long time. He's always been vocally pro LGBT, as his sister as well as his childhood bestie are both LGBT, so this caught me off guard.

If that neighbor is starting to get sick of wokism you're cooked. Either Vance wins '28 in a Mondale-tier blowout or the Democratic Party fully pivots towards anti-woke pro-labor populist American personism and nominates somebody like Dan Osborn

>Political Scientist here, let him know it's not his fault. There are a lot of special interests spending alot of money hiring the finest minds the human race can produce to make propaganda against minorities and women because they think it will get them something.

If it weren't for those heckin' evil capitalists everone would tell me I'm a real woman :transchud:

>The DEI consultant stuff is absolutely a lie, btw. I assume your husband was talking about the new Dragon Age game, which had a queer writer (or director, I forget which). They were writing from their own experience.


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Don't think I've ever seen a man so buck broken, and I've been to wordington.

Fellas, if you can't say something casually racist in front of your wife and she giggles and says something in that disapproving tone that makes it clear she's actually amused, find a better woman.

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>Me: Can you think of a single female action movie star that looks like me?

>Husband:.... um. Well. no.

Fat detected :marseychonkerfoid:

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Can't even remember the name of the game and can't even be bothered to see if the character is in fact annoying. Most likely because she's afraid he'd be right.

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Probably Veilguard.

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I explained that a lot of newly out LBGT folks DO make being gay their whole personality for at least a little while because it's often them finally being able to express themselves and they usually settle down after a couple years as they have new experiences. I went through this as a bi person.

>admitting she couldn't shut up being default white woman sexuality for years


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>he's one of the good ones

:marseyoctopus4: :marseybaitretard:

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/u/Peregrinebullet total :marseytrain: death you b-word

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Lol you picked violence

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darn it

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how the developers have just "shoehorned in" random gay characters whose entire identity is being gay and he's sick of corporate shilling for LGBT folks.

This is what I hate about "allies." They assume they know what we want about this stuff and then puppet us as political ammunition to do it.

No, :soysnoo: , we don't actually love the tokenism in games. We would, in fact, like representation where the gay orientation is incidental to an already well-rounded character. !gay

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Complete fiction and I hope the author gets r*ped by a pack of rabid baboons.

She posted like 300 lines of quotes. Nobody remembers all that stuff unless they recorded it.

Do you realize how fricking hard it is to even find a character that looks like me in an action movie?

Do you realize how unbelievable it would be for aomeone as fat and soft as you to be shown doing anything active enough for an action movie?

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Scrotes gonna scrote.... Serves her right.

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Funny how she somehow remembers every single word of that exchange.

Redditors should think about how real people tell stories. It's a lot of paraphrasing and summarising, maybe just a couple of verbatim quotations. You only get this exact line by line thing in fiction. I wonder how the real argument went.

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You know its re when they write out how their dialogue went.

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He's one of the good ones...

Interesting choice of phrasing there, Betty.

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alt-right incel pipeline is when look up to an ideal instead of forcing world to celebrate you no matter how much of a slob you are.

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You know the incel pipeline is going strong when it's full of married men.

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You know for as often as women talk about how we could crush their skulls with our bare hands, they sure seem to forget sometimes that we could crush their skulls with our bare hands.



realistic bodies like hers:

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Her husband sounds hot

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