Totally ignoring me and our 2 dogs and 2 cats, who I've been caring for all fricking day.
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Holy cow this is a USDA PRIME reddit braphog
Redditor of 13 years!
Had a well used gym membership go into collections perennial peakpoors/fatpeoplehate crossover
Has a bunch of ill tempered, poorly trained, lab
/shitbull mixes 
A Chad cat that pisses everywhere
Even her virtual pets hate her.
May I also add she has Moo in her username
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I think finding out a foid posts in TwoX is grounds for a breakup.
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God darn I hate shitbulls and shitbull mixes so fricking much.
I hate the trash that keeps breeding them and adopting them while claiming that their generic predisposition to snap and maul people doesn't exist. The type of woman that adopts multiple of these dogs always grossly overestimates her ability to take care of pets despite being loud advocates for the breed online.
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Shitbull simping has incredible overlap with open border r-slurs
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What if @Fresh_Start want too exterminate shitbulls but want too take in all immigrants from right next door?
Jewish lives matter too Aevann
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They both sound like losers tbh
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Color me shocked
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All the stuff she listed just to get herself horny tells me she's not actually attracted to him. He's probably out of shape and sucks in bed. She's probably fat and lame in bed (because she's not attracted to him) so he has no incentive to put more effort into their s*x life.
So both are only half-heartedly into each other with no motivation to improve things.
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Has a job with a "crazy" boss but sits at home all days with cats and dogs? The frick is this? A fake foid job where she "works" from home? Or she works like one day a week and is mad her boss expects anything of her?
Edit: But then she says later "I'm also the bread winner BY FAR." Hmmm...
But goes on to describe how she's never in the mood and her husband doesn't earn it with the right kind of compliments or whatever. Women are so fricking annoying, lol. Her husband is clearly interested in her on a daily basis and doesn't need constant compliments to force himself into wanting to frick her and she, who isn't reciprocating or even putting out at all, is the one making a post about him not liking her.
This sounds like a one off. I don't imagine the dog is puking every single morning, right? So, a central theme of her whining is a single event where the dog puked and
she cleaned it up instead of himwait, no, she says he was mad because he cleaned it up. And remember that she claimed to be at home all day taking care of the dogs.What the frick is going on with the their inability to handle dogs at their house? Maybe just get rid of them, lady.
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Maybe her husband should stop being such a b-word and actually take the lead in his marriage
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dear /u/MandaMoo9588
please read, and ask hubs to read, Men are From Mars, Women are From Venus
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You know for as often as women talk about how we could crush their skulls with our bare hands, they sure seem to forget sometimes that we could crush their skulls with our bare hands.
Snapshots: (click to archive)
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