Accountability :marseystonetoss:

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foid moment lol

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A woman paid me to haul building materials about 15 meters. Usually it was something pretty pretty light, just wood. But sometimes it was tiles or bricks or something and if you've never dealt with that, it is way heavier than you would imagine.

At the end, after she used my body, she would give me a $20 bill. It was her way of demeaning me even more, telling me that I'm nothing but a manwhore. She did this repeatedly.

I was r*ped. :marseysad:

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If you aren't getting sexually degraded then you're not doing the job right.

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You should have used:


Insinuating that you told everyone in town.

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Ok :marseysmug3:


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You should have also upmarseyd me. That's customary in our culture.

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What culture? :marseyconfused:

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rDrama culture you little goddarn... :marseyraging:

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When I'm gonna post a smug marsey I think really hard about if it should be a :marseysmug2: or a :marseysmug3:. There's two kinds of being a catty b-word and I want to make sure I'm doing it right.

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Too bad your knees are shot now. :marseysulk:

white extinction is long overdue

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This but unironically. With my hip fricked up I could at least do some manual labor for a short time. Now I'm completely useless. :marseysad:

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Why what happened? :marseyconfused:

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My knee got broken. It's been a huge big thing for the last year. For people who actually care about me. This is when you learn who your real friends are.


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How did they get broken? :marseyshook:

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Oh for frick's sake I actually wrote down exactly what happened but you know what? I'm not going answer a Sphereserf question by getting into a whole goddarn thing where I have to remember the worst day of my life. Is that okay with you for now? Am I asking too much of you?


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Is that okay with you for now?

No :marseyannoyed:

Am I asking too much of you?

No? :marseysad:

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Seriouspost tho: There's nothing interesting about it.

I'll show you a pic from the cancer thing.

You know what? Actually I won't. They're kind of gross. That scar keeps itching and if I scratch, nothing happens because all the tissue just below the skin in this spot was removed. Somehow the part that itches was left behind but not the part that says it's okay when it gets scratched. This is the least possible thing that can happen to you if you get cancer but it's still pretty fricking annoying.


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Rude :marseyannoyed:

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Well frick you. It was presumptuous of you to ask and expect me to explain everything to you. Peepeehead.

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Misogyny will not be tolerated in the !misandrists ping group.

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I worry not the earths end at the hands of despots or disaster but of the high probability that a woman could eventually get so dumb, her brain would form a black hole of tremendous gravity while trying to figure out what she wants from starbucks.

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She understands that there's a huge segment of the population that will give her sympathy just because she used this sort of language

Who will cry "bigot" at anyone who points out the hole in her logic

Is she really the dumb one here?

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Who will cry "bigot" at anyone who points out the hole in her logic

Other women mostly. Sure, some simps, but mostly other women.

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>Why won't scrotes just spend money on me for nothing in return! REEEEEE!

Every day, I hate females a little more.

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Women are collectively delusional, none know the true reality of the world and the toil of men.

The foid has no idea what physical labour is actually like, the foid thinks the same energy is expended in her email job watching tik toks (not anymore lmao) as a moid that works in construction.

The foid thinks they're entitled to things, and that men have it easy, when it's the opposite.

The foid thinks they don't need no man, but is the first to call for one when a crack head snatches their bag.

The foid thinks men are just animals who think about s*x, absent of feelings, unaware of the existential Nietzschian dread that persists in the mind of the moid.

The foid will get offended if the moid says they're getting fat, but the foid will eat burger, chips and cheetos, and blame the moid for letting her get fat.

The foid must receive headpats with feigned agreeableness, because they are like emotional children, thinking with emotion and not logic.

I love my foid tho.

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please go and crank your hog before resuming posting

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>please go and crank your hog before resuming posting

My foid will do it

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The foid has no idea what physical labour is actually like, the foid thinks the same energy is expended in her email job watching tik toks (not anymore lmao) as a moid that works in construction.

Wah wah wah, if it was easier you'd have signed up for that instead.

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:marseysmughips: "uhhh just sign up for a position in the institutionalized oppression machine against you!?"

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It's challenging for you to do that, and it's challenging for her to dig a ditch. This is the same.

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One is difficult due to factors outside of human control, one is difficult due to factors set up by humans.

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You're fat

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Your mom

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skill issue. Get a better :marseysaulgoodman: job. If your most valuable skill is digging :marseyminer: a ditch, that's on you fam.

white extinction is long overdue.

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Email jobs are not valuable at all. See: Musk firing 80% of Twitter's employees and nothing about the site changing.

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And they'll all go make $300k elsewhere before their severance period is over. I can't stand blue collar cope

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Women are the greatest argument against women

:chad!black2: :marseybear::marseyrefrigerator:

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>I had to let them r*pe




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>When I was selling s*x

As if you ever stopped.

Most whores are whores because they have nothing else of value to offer but s*x.

And because that usually gets them a lot of what they want for a couple of decades, they never develop any skills or traits other than whoring.

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Most whores are whores because they have nothing else of value to offer but s*x.

Most economically literate dramatard

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This is poetic license :marseybongcop: , like when you say "my boss has been raping my butthole all morning" on a Teams call and nobody laughs because they're all too stupid to get the reference.

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one of the women in accounting just starts crying for some freaking reason

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Oh she's always crying it's just like her thing

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errr, yeah but that's why we ban prostitution???

just cause u rationally need to get paid, and submit to that need... does not mean ur deeper emotions are in line with it, and hence the inner conflict and trauma


i'm not sure why i need to state this, it should be obvious. but like idk, our collective awareness is several std deviations below normal so i guess i do.

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The emotions you mention sound like you are suffering from "toxic masculinity".

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i don't get what u mean, plz explain

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Oh my sweet summer child. You have a lot of learning to do. I need to explain to you what a woman is. They are not a vessel for men to get their rocks off. You NEED to give them time and energy and attention and resources -

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yesh i'd agree with that bussy. likewise, i was arguing against prostitution, not for it. so...

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You are a misogynist. You are not qualified to have an opinion against prostitution.

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it's not obvious at all. Other possible explanations is that men want their daughters to be whores, that legal prostitutions incentivizes human trafficing and that is hurts women as a whole by allowing them to underbid each other more effectively and increasing competition among them.

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it's not obvious at all

cause liberals are r-slurred and don't realize utilizing a vast system of property rights to produce and distribute all the life-sustaining resources has a significant amount of choose ur master slavery involved

yes it is a significant improvement over literal slavery,

but the fact of the matter is most people are stuck in cycles of doing things they'd rather not be,

and that's just not how the human existence is meant to be experienced


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What in the absolute frick are you talking about

:chad!black2: :marseybear::marseyrefrigerator:

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Yes, all men really are incapable of reasoning if it contrandicts their desired beliefs. In this case, the one where its okay to pay for prostitutes.

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shut up and move along u sheeplefried frick, it's not ur time yet

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I'm sure a prostitute would prefer to be an accountant, but their shitty choices don't matter.

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white extinction is long overdue

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Vile accounts

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this is the lady who ran a brothel

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God forbid someone expect to be compensated for maintaining a clean and safe space to work, and creating a culture that enables more complex stories than "this is a whore"

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:marseysmughips: when a man is a pimp we call him out for it, when a woman is a pimp we (they cuz I don't) call her a "madame" and celebrate her for it.

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Pimps pretty famously don't create stories that go beyond whore, and their material interests are necessarily different than madames

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You know for as often as women talk about how we could crush their skulls with our bare hands, they sure seem to forget sometimes that we could crush their skulls with our bare hands.


January 19, 2025:

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It's impossible to let someone r*pe you.

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