I don't get it, but everyone is talking about being white and apologizing in this thread.
Whoever said this was ZCC 2.0 was spot on.
I'm an old, white, fat lady who can take a punch. I will happily go to the mat for any POC.
This is absolutely true. The ick I feel when people say that others will be the first victims so there is no need to worry. Those people simply aren't trustworthy.
This happened over and over again during Covid to those of us with chronic illness and disabilities (and still is happening, because Covid hasn't gone anywhere). Every time I hear "but they had an underlying condition", I feel sick about the state of our society.
"Who cares if the fat and sick die, I just want normal back."
Hear ya. That murdered any remaining faith I had in the goodness of humans en masse. The eugenics of it all was such fun... when you're one of the people the healthy are perfectly fine with dying for their "back to normal." At least now I don't get cursed out for wearing a mask. That stage was so fricking lovely, worrying about a "normal/healthy" butthole screaming at me or trying to tear my mask off me. Now I'm just a freak, not apparently a threat.
Still dealing with the cognitive damage of my single covid infection, gonna mask forever. {sighs}
White lady with nothing to add. Just providing engagement to help with visibility.
As a white person who passes for Latinx because of my background, I totally agree with you. Resistance should be done first by the people who are least likely to suffer for it.
Being a person of color or speaker of another language than English when arrested has far more potential for harm than it does for white, English speaking people in similar circumstances.
Carry your ID and do what it takes to be safe, OP.
Let those of us who've had an easier time in the past step up now and show we're just as tough, just as principled, just as dedicated to real justice as those who've had to fight for every tiny bit of it in the past.
The other thing I've been doing for a long while, as a WW/white w*man is make sure I am squeaky clean. I have enormous privilege, I want to make sure I don't compromise this privilege by doing something fricking stupid and putting an easy target on my back. I prep because I don't want to take resources at something like the food bank from someone who does not have the space or privilege to prep. I prep so if I need to quickly house someone, it all goes a smoothly as possible. I have everything in my life in order, down to getting a stupid license for my dog from the city so there's no excuse to come knocking on my door. Being combative for the sake of being combative is not sticking it to the man.
All of this!
I'm middle aged, overweight and white. I have so much privilege pushing back and speaking up that many others do not.
Similar here - all but two of my marginalized identities (women, plus-sided) are invisible, so I can pass in spaces and leverage my privilege to do so in many ways others can't.
Yes, absolutely, some of my marginalized identities are being explicitly targeted and survival for me means I have to be really careful about how I engage. But in no way is it anything like the experience of a woman of color being confronted by law enforcement or even just trying to exist in the vicinity of a vindictive Karen.
I too am middle aged, white and plus sized. 😂 Just mentioning for support. Solidarity for the fatties.
I only included it cause we are basically invisible. Lol
Sometime I browse /r/random and it brings me to subs and posts I'd never see.
FWIW I'm a white guy, born and raised in Minnesota, transplanted to Texas 10 years ago.
Anyone is more exposed while driving than at work or at home. Your best defense is to not be stalled or pulled over for any reason.
Make sure simple things like your tires, serpentine belt, radiator, battery are in good condition.
Make sure all your headlights, turn signals, brake lights are working.
Make sure your inspection, registration, insurance, license are all up to date.
The goal is to not break down due to simple maintenance or to be pulled over for simple legal reasons.
Should that happen, the goal is to not give anyone additional reason to detain you, meaning current insurance, registration, license, etc.
The goal is to be invisible, at a stoplight while they run your plate (and yes that's totally legal) or try to find a reason to stop you. The secondary goal once stopped is to have everything current, accurate and within easy reach.
Source: former Deputy Sheriff. We made far more arrests from traffic stops than warrants.
Be safe out there, be smart, be invisible, be current and be prepared.
White lady here. First of all, I've always hated it when folks say, "I don't see color." That's bullshit. The beautiful variety of skin hues is what makes people beautiful.
2nd, agree a thousand percent. Don't comply in advance…. But only IF you have the privilege to do so safely. Talking about my fellow pale people, and the maximum privileged, white dude, and even more, those burly dudes who you'd expect to be on the side of the Schmazis.
I'm white and I agree with you 100%. If I were any other race, you best believe I'd be carrying my papers around, too.
I have pulled all of our papers together and we are white. You just don't know what's coming.
I understand what you are saying completely. To be honest, as an older white woman, there is almost zero chance that I'll ever even be asked to prove my citizenship. It's easy for me to say I won't comply when I'm never going to be asked to.
I'm a white transgender man, I've been on hrt long enough to masculinize my face and deepen my voice and so far I've used it multiple times to get a certain type of man to back the heck off my fem friends... I am not the gay avenger but I heartily approve of his methods because nothing makes a cis man back up like being aggressively dry humped with a bulge
This was so well said, thank you.
I'm white so I know I have privilege, but I didn't fully understand it until someone kindly sat down with me and just let me ask as many questions as I needed with zero judgment on my lack of perspective. Needless to say I learned a lot that day, and I made a wonderful friend.
I am 46, white AF and more attached to women's freedom than simply being alive so I'm going to full Boudicca when shit really hits the fan. If I got pulled over for speeding tomorrow, yes of course I'm going to comply but when they start telling us we cannot work and should be home pregnant and obeying the husband they've assigned us, I'm going out swinging and taking as many of the bigoted male feminist fricks with me as I can. So I wholeheartedly agree, if compliance keeps you safe right now, absolutely comply but keep your eyes on them always and know when it's time to take the gloves off. I don't see this as staying as good (it's fricking terrible right now but I digress) as it is now and only getting progressively worse daily. At some point, compliance will be giving up and letting them win.
I had a white woman social justice warrior moment after I saw Elon do the bad thing. I needed to read this. Thank you.
Thank you for this. As a member of the trans community (though I'm white), I hate when I'm told to take a stand as if it might not literally kill me
White cis-het male here. I lurk here so that I can be aware of the concerns of a very important demographic. Frankly I think women are not only going to be vital for survival and rebuilding, they've got the social skills and awareness that are going to be more essential than a lot of what are traditional male tough guy traits. The more I've been prepping over that last couple of decades, I've realized that all the material hoarding means nothing if you can't build community also. And, at least in the society I live in, there is clearly one gender that excels more at the subtle aspects of community building. Most male preppers focus on individualism, and I think that's going to bite them in the end. I'm learning from y'all and considering the best way to prep with my significant other, I hope men are welcome to do that here.
This is important. As a white woman im so nice to women of color. I respect you guys so much. You are truly beautiful, and I'm so sorry you have to deal with things.
I willingly (though, I wouldn't have been able to live otherwise) gave up my cis male privilege. I still have that white privilege. I'm so fricking terrified.
I don't have anything to add.
I completely get what you are saying. Maybe I, a white woman who looks and sounds American, can get away with refusing to show "papers." But I work with two young women from Puerto Rico and I have advised them to save themselves grief and trauma by carrying their passports at all times. They are here legally, but that won't stop racists from harming them. I am terrified for myself and my daughter, but I also see that there are levels of privilege here. Principles don't matter if someone is dead or being deported to a place that isn't their home.
Who's June?
Handmaid's tale reference. Kinda like how most people see themselves as John Wick, Superman or any other main character who is seemingly indestructible.
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da fuk r they doing that for?
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