So...s*x slaves
aka legalized r*pe
Step 1: Maga erases black history
Step 2: Maga erases women's rights
Step 3: the Female Chattel amendment
'Open season for unpunished r*pe and abuse would really settle down the incels.' Frick all the way off of this planet.
Jesus Christ why are we letting the incels out of the basement?
Don't be fooled, these are functioning members of society. They are your grocers, neighbors, uncles, cousins, your bestie's new guy.
They are not some basement dwellers who are now just brave enough to surface. They are people you know who have had these thoughts which are now validated by this administration, so they don't feel like they have to hide anymore
Exactly this. My entire family and I aren't hardly speaking now because they berate me on my views and now my husband and I are looking into divorce because I will not conform to his will. >>> He is giving me ultimatums constantly and gaslamping me the same way our administration is working. It's quite terrifying.
Their ultimate goal is the subject of this conversation: they want it to be legal for men to own women. We are livestock, blow up s*x dolls, property to them. Not humans. It's incredibly disturbing.
Slavery. The ultimate entitlement of white men. They don't want girlfriends, or companions, or even trad wives. They want slaves. That's all Elon wants and he's the boss level bro for them.
Yep, because a "state mandated girlfriend" won't stab you with a kitchen knife or knitting needles or anything like that.
Certainly won't brain you with a frying pan.
Or poison your food.
At minimum malicious incompetence. Accidentally dyeing all their clothing pink. Pretending mixing soda with your coffee in the morning is completely normal. Getting them a new hot pink work lunchbox for their birthday. Oops, the bleach made its way into the washer with your pink clothes. Right before bed is the perfect time to vacuum.
Most likely being openly verbally abusive. I would not be surprised if someone who's forced to be someone's girlfriend would use every opportunity to tell them how much of a loser they are to need the government for this.
Occasionally physically abusive. Because do you think all women are pushovers who will let you hit them without hitting you back?
I have a body count in the 100's so that's my out 😎 I am far from their ideal unicorn virgin
Hidden bonus: anything they do, one of your previous did it better.
As a 44 year old white guy I am EXTREMELY pro rampant kitchen knife/ knitting needle home accidents.
And frying pans?!?! So incredibly dangerous. Especially if some guy were to trip in the kitchen and land face first into a frying pan currently being used to make some fried chicken.
State issued girlfriend? You better be ready to meet your maker, cause if I'm stuck with some dumb butt male feminist we're both going out in a blaze of glory.
Insane - seriously insane. We are not property to parcel out. If we ever are - there will be violence.
They're already treating us that way. They're removing rights and protections so we have less and less. Male feminists can already pick their child's mother as it is. We are chattel and nothing more to most of these pieces of shit.
How about state mandated education and job training for men who are way fricking behind? Women don't want to date some video game playing nitwit who lives in his mom's basement rage tweeting about
I'm married with two kids, and i still find time for video games... what's your problem with people having a hobby? It's interactive storytelling and problem solving.
As far as living in your mom's basement and the other bits... yeah, i mean, i get that.
You cannot be that dense. You know exactly the type of guy that she's talking about. Congrats for obviously just fishing for a way to say "b-but not me!!!!"
Was my comment not nuanced enough for you? Yes i was being defensive, yeah i over do it sometimes.
Get a hobby.
I'd love to enjoy my hobbies but unfortunately I have worry about my BASIC HUMAN RIGHTS being taken away!
Add this guy to the list of People who have not read or watch handmaiden's tale…
Worse: he did, and he LIKES it
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i will vote for anyone who promises state provided gfs
the only way a woman will talk to me is if she is required to by law
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I liked the part where the christofascist totalitarian state that had no problem mutilating and killing people for minor infractions inexplicably started cowering and crumbling when faced with minimal resistance from a handful of girlbosses.
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You know for as often as women talk about how we could crush their skulls with our bare hands, they sure seem to forget sometimes that we could crush their skulls with our bare hands.
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